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Paleo Diet

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:27 pm
by Jayhawk28
So I was well on my way to establishing Vanilla No S as a permanent feature in my life. The problem, however, is that I'm training or would like to train to race my mountain bike.

So I started the Paleo/Primal lifestyle on January 1st. I completely agree with everything I have read in both the Primal Blueprint and Paleo Solution. Both are great books. I know that I certainly feel better when I'm grain free and eating lots of protein.

Then problem with these approaches, however, is just what Rheinhard talks about in the book.......they ignore human psychology. These are deprivation diets. And guess what......I felt deprived. This resulted at first to binging on diet soda. It then led to binging on alcohol. Finally, it led to binging on Taco Bell.

I'm done with crazy. I'm going to ride my bike and follow No S. It's that simple.

Re: Paleo Diet

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:29 pm
by adrian
Jayhawk28 wrote:Then problem with these approaches, however, is just what Rheinhard talks about in the book.......they ignore human psychology. These are deprivation diets. And guess what......I felt deprived. This resulted at first to binging on diet soda. It then led to binging on alcohol. Finally, it led to binging on Taco Bell.

I'm done with crazy. I'm going to ride my bike and follow No S. It's that simple.
I'm right there with you. I've done deprivation diets before and you are right - you usually lose focus in a big way with a huge binge.

I'm also exercising regularly and looking forward to my first race in March (just a 5k run) and I love how No S is so effortless. I expect to moderate my eating with No S and let the exercise and training really help to improve my fitness and help with weight loss.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:32 pm
by oolala53
I'm amazed the lengths some people will go. I imagine if I had a serious health problem that was ameliorated by eliminating food groups, I hope I would have the strength character to do it. But I'm on another site where I see people losing weight by going low carb, ultra low carb, vegan, raw, vegetarian, etc. Some people are thriving on all carbs all the time, some on flesh, fat, and veggies. I guess it's whatever makes them feel satisfied physically and psychically.

Eat moderately, ride hard, and see what happens.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:56 am
by guille
yeah, at some point i tryed paleo

not again, hell no!

i dont agree with ther view of fats, thing fats are great, if natural and animal even better, and i like grains, and stuff with carbs too, so not for me

lately have tried to eat a little, just a little little healthier


well, try to use full grain flour instead of the white more procesed one, more often(not always) or chose full grains, im surprsed how well grinded oats can work as flour, very tasty

and i try to use more natural fats, like butter , or olive oil, or somethng like that, and use less very processed ones

the nos diet already takes care of sugar

but apart from that, dont thing i would be capable of going farther

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:53 pm
by Blithe Morning
A full scale overhaul is hard and for most of us unsustainable. I've been trying to integrate the Michael Pollan rule of "eat food/mostly plants/not too much" for about two years now one little tweak at a time.

I'm just now up to adding chickpeas to our diet.

You can still do paleo/primal but I recommend doing it gradually. Give yourself permission to not do it perfectly and take two steps forward, one and three quarter steps back.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:55 pm
by TexArk
"I know that I certainly feel better when I'm grain free and eating lots of protein."

I find your statement above quite interesting.

We are all different and as far as I can tell there is really not one "paleo" diet. I do eat rice and sweet potatoes, and some full fat dairy (yogurt), but it has certainly made a world of difference in my life to be sugar and wheat free. Almost immediately the cravings I have fought for 50 years vanished and maintenance is very pleasant instead of SCARY.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:46 pm
by 3-0-7 girl
I've always felt better right at first on all these koo-koo for ccoco puffs plans and diets. :roll:

I've always wound up not making it on any of them. :roll: