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Great quote!

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:46 am
by Imogen Morley
Excerpt from "Younger By The Day" by Victoria Moran... her cheesy, peppy self-help books are my guilty pleasures ;)

" ... you need to eat in a way that is sustainable, so you can do it on a trip to New Guinea or while spending a week at a hospital when a sick friend or family member needs you there. You have to be able to go to work, go to restaurants and live in the world while still nourishing yourself in the best possible fashion. This isn't sexy... you won't be able to brag to your friends that you've gone two weeks without a carb or a fat or whatever is the anathema at the moment. There is no drama or suffering. You just eat and enjoy it, look healthier and brighter and lose weight if you have some to lose."

She's a bit on the No S side, advocating no snacking, three squares a day, and, depending on your reaction to sugar, moderation or abstaining from sweet stuff.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:13 pm
by Eileen7316
I have her book "Fit from Within" and I love it!

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:44 pm
by wosnes
I used to love her and her books, but not so much recently. She's gotten too new-agey for me. In light of the fact that she's vegan, I think that quote is humorous. Unless I cooked at home, a vegan diet was not sustainable.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:56 pm
by Imogen Morley
wosnes wrote:I used to love her and her books, but not so much recently. She's gotten too new-agey for me. In light of the fact that she's vegan, I think that quote is humorous. Unless I cooked at home, a vegan diet was not sustainable.
My sentiments exactly.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 2:07 pm
by BrightAngel
I'm not interested in a vegan food plan,
but I'm not familiar with her and
your comment interested me.

So I went to Amazon
got one of her books on Kindle...
and started reading it.

I love getting acquainted with new authors,
so Thank You. <3

Great Quote!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:13 pm
by losingforgood
I do love that quote, which is why I started searching on-line, resulting in finding No S! But I must agree, I have no idea how you eat vegan when eating out or eating at someone's home. I could never go vegan. I think it would take too much work to go to restaurants with friends and family and be able to eat completely vegan. Less stritch vegetarian, maybe. But not vegan. Besides, I'm a firm believer in including ALL food groups, which would include meat as part of the protein group. Thankfully, this proram emphasizes moderation in all groups, including meat ;-)