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Not panicking

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:02 pm
by DaveMc
Hi everyone, I'm not dead, I've just been away from the boards for a long while, during a particularly busy stretch at work. But I thought I'd drop by to mention something (then I really need to get back to work!): I put on about ten pounds on a family vacation in December, when I dropped NoS for the duration (and had a little too much baklava as a result!)

I weighed myself in January and noticed the roughly ten-pound gain, and got right back to NoS (as I'd always planned, of course). The other day, I weighed myself again (I don't do that regularly), and I saw exactly the same weight (ten pounds up from my steady post-NoS weight) as I'd seen back in January.

Here's my chance to practice all those things I preach to newcomers (I've been doing NoS for 2.5 years, now): don't panic, be patient, stick to the habits, focus on behaviour rather than the number on a scale.

I am, as we speak, not panicking. :) I know NoS works, it's done it before and it'll do it again (I lost 20 pounds my first year, and it's stayed off until this blip). Also, I'm not convinced the scale really knows what it's talking about: over the same two months, my belt has gotten a full notch tighter (and the notches are about an inch apart, so that's about an inch off the waist). So something good is happening, and maybe I was just unusually heavy that day, for whatever reason. I'll check again in a month and see what the scale has to say for itself. Meanwhile, I'm eating moderately, so in the long term I'm all set.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:21 pm
by milliem
Ah, sane moderate thinking - lovely :D

So many things affect weight on a day to day basis that occasional weighing should definitely not be the cause of panic! As you say, it could well be a bad day, and belt tightening is a good sign :)

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:43 pm
by Too solid flesh
Good to see you back again. You can do it!

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:15 pm
by Blithe Morning

We need a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe emoticon. Or maybe towels, embroidered with the No S logo.

I think the numbers in weight are subject to some of the same influences as numbers in the Bistromathic Drive

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:36 pm
by DaveMc
Well, I weighed myself the other day, and the number was 7 pounds lighter than what I saw a month ago. So there. :) Take that, scale!

[Strictly speaking, if the one a month ago could be anomalously high, the one a week ago could also be anomalously low, but I'm choosing to assume that the high one is fiction and the low one is real. :) The more important issue is still habit, anyway.]