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Dr. Oz's weight loss supplements

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:45 am
by carpediem
Has anyone had any experience with weight loss supplements? I am not speaking of weight loss pills, but the natural supplements, such as the ones Dr. Oz often mentions on his show. In the last month, he has talked about 7 Keto, Raspberry Ketones and Saffron Extract...all supposedly great for helping to get rid of excess pounds, especially the dreaded 'belly fat'. I asked my endocrinologist about it and she basically said (rather flippantly), "Well, if Dr. Oz recommends it, it should be okay". I would like to learn a little more before trying it. I am hypertensive and pre-diabetic, so obviously I dont want to do anything that will upset the apple cart. Any input??

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:02 pm
by NoSnacker
To be honest, will you take this supplement(s) the rest of your life? I listened to Dr. Oz, bought some things etc. but did not see any change..

It all boils down to moderation and exercise.

If you do decide to take any you may want to check around to ensure they don't interact with your current meds if you are on any.

I don't believe there is such a thing as a pill in any form to cure weight loss yet. If there was we wouldn't still be looking..

Dr Oz is great..but he recommends way too many things..can you afford or take them in a life time without changing behaviors?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:17 pm
by carpediem
Thanks for the quick replay, NoSnacker. I agree with you in that Dr Oz recommends alot of supplements. I just recently mentioned to my neighbor that if a person took everything he recommended they would have a mountain of pills to try and swallow several times a day! I don't expect that any pill is going to cure my weight issues, but every little bit helps, and if one (or several) of these supplements helps push me in the right direction, I would be more than happy to take them. I was kind of surprised that my endocrinologist didn't have any stronger opinion concerning them; Im thinking if they were really worthwhile she would have known more about them.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:27 pm
by mimi
I do try to incorporate more cinnamon into my diet, and if not possible, take a cinnamon supplement before each meal. It has been shown to even out blood sugars thereby reducing cravings. I think it does do this for me...or at least I think it does, and that's what counts, right?!
As for all the other! I can't imagine swallowing safflower oil by the spoonfuls to get rid of belly fat...I'll just have to keep mine, I guess!

Mimi :D

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:34 pm
by NoSnacker
Yes, I heard about cinnamon lowering blood sugar..good thing...and good tasting.

Not sure our ancestors took all those supplements? Back in that time they were thinner than we are today because they didn't have all the snacking going on and ate their 3 meals, etc.

I think most supplements are a crock to be honest.. :)

Just like prescribed meds, the doctors are making people drug addicts by getting kick backs from drug companies..I see it happen in my own family. :)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:16 pm
by carpediem
I myself and doing my best to 'fatten the bellies' of the pharmaceutical companies, and I agree that doctors go way overboard in perscribing medications. One of my main goals in losing weight is to be able to cut back (dare I say eliminate altogether?) the medicatons I take each day. I also have heard that cinnamon is supposedly good for helping to regulate blood sugar levels. I had forgotten that one..thanks for reminding me!

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:05 pm
by NoSRocks
Coincidence! I was in my local Health Food Store and happened to see they were touting those raspberry ketone tablets! That was the first time I'd heard of them and I didn't know that Dr Oz had recommended them. I'm with the others though: if any of these supplements worked, wouldn't we all be at our ideal weight by now?

I also use cinammon and have been for several years. I usually sprinkle cinammon on my yogurt in the morning. Can't say it has helped me to lose weight because well, you know, I've been more or less maintaining for the past 3 yrs! But I do like the taste of it and I've got into the habit of adding it to my yogurt.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 10:53 am
by JayEll
I know Dr. Oz is very popular, but I don't like him. I don't like any doctor who goes on TV wearing scrubs, labcoats, etc. (the "sacred robes") and especially when they start pushing expensive supplements. I don't think Oprah would have still been fighting her weight if it were just a matter of taking what Dr. Oz recommends.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 11:07 am
by wosnes
NoSnacker wrote:Yes, I heard about cinnamon lowering blood sugar..good thing...and good tasting.

Not sure our ancestors took all those supplements? Back in that time they were thinner than we are today because they didn't have all the snacking going on and ate their 3 meals, etc.

I think most supplements are a crock to be honest.. :)
There was a time when I really liked Dr. Oz, but now I feel he's the Prevention Magazine of TV. This was before he became Oprah's darling.

Every show some supplement or food that will help with weight loss (and other conditions) is featured. If we took all the supplements he recommends, we wouldn't need to worry about controlling our weight because we wouldn't have enough money leftover to afford food!

I think most people think it can't be as simple as eating less and moving more -- or they want to lose 50 pounds in a month.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 11:23 am
by carpediem
All very good points, thanks everyone! I agree with you, Wosnes, Dr Oz has lost some ground with me as well. He has some good advice at times but goes way overboard with the recommendations and 'miracle cures'. I have never taken any kind of supplements but was just wondering if anyone else had, and if there were any success stories out there.
Was watching a promotional program the other day for Sensa. Now, honestly, if sprinkling this stuff on your food was all it took to lose weight ("no need to change eating habits or exercise routines"), why aren't we all a size 10 by now?? Guess the bottom line is all these miracle supplements that claim to be the easy way out are really dead ends. As with so many other aspects of life, we can't really skirt around the issues, so may as well take a deep breath and do our best to get through it!

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:33 pm
by oolala53
Sensa does cut appetite and people do eat less. It isn't for people who want to lose the last ten pounds to be model thin. the other problem is that it is not inexpensive and you must take it permanently. It only temporarily changes your appetite.

Dr. Oz has basically become a self-help magazine that makes its money by selling the cure-of-the-week for problems that take consistent effort to solve. His show is like a series of sound-bites. Some of what he does is useful by being willing to talk about issues not everyone does-- elimination, for one-- but it's commercial TV, with the emphasis on "commercial."

I wish there was some small town that would agree to adopt No S for six months. I think the experiment would have astounding results. (Dr. Oz should sponsor it.) Can you imagine if it was just the culture of all those around you? No one offering food between meals, everyone singing the praises of delicious food at meals only, having reasonable feasting on weekends. And the medical changes. Ah, me. We've got to be that small town!