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Today is a new day

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:25 am
by ginmarie
Well, it's been almost a year and I reached a decision today. I have lost 23 lbs, I feel great, am down 2 pant sizes, according to the BMI chart I am solidly in the healthy range and I feel like my eating habits are strongly in place, sooo... I am done with No S.... Not really :) Actually I am done with focus on weight loss. My new plan - continue to eat sensibly following the No S habits and focus on building better exercise habits. I had thought to try and drop 10 more lbs, but really, I'm happy where I'm at. No S is the life for me :)

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:55 am
by r.jean
Wonderful! Congratulations on your accomplishments!

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:46 am
by lbb (Liz)
Wow congrats! That is spectacular. Thanks for sharing.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:53 am
by NoSRocks
MANY CONGRATULATIONS, ginmarie! If you don't mind me asking, how do you cope/structure your S Days? Do you take S Days and/or events? Or are your S Days much the same as your N Days? Sorry for so many questions and please don't feel obliged to respond ! However, as a struggling No Ser I need all the advice I can get!


Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:32 am
by wosnes
Congratulations on your success!

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:34 pm
by snapdragon
Very happy for you

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:16 pm
by NoSnacker
Congrats...and to think if I would have stuck to No S when I first joined in June 2011, I might have been joining you in celebrating..

So glad to see, gives me encouragement...

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:32 pm
by carpediem
Yay!! Love those success stories! :P

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:22 pm
by ginmarie
NoSRocks wrote:MANY CONGRATULATIONS, ginmarie! If you don't mind me asking, how do you cope/structure your S Days? Do you take S Days and/or events? Or are your S Days much the same as your N Days? Sorry for so many questions and please don't feel obliged to respond ! However, as a struggling No Ser I need all the advice I can get!

I don't mind at all sharing what has worked for me if it can be a help or encouragement.

The first few months were the hardest for sure, breaking old habits, learning to really listen to my body, getting reacquainted with healthy hunger. It takes time and determination to not quit on yourself.

So what do my S days look like? Well, I'm out of the habit of snacking and seconds, so on S days I very rarely do either of those. One advantage to No S'ing for this long is my tummy doesn't hold as much any more and I don't like feeling too full. It's gotten so much easier to know what full feels like.

My weekend starts on Friday night and goes to dinner on Sunday because Friday nights are date nights with my honey, and Sunday nights are typically quiet at home, so that has been my one and only mod. Sat & Sun I take a opportunistic approach. If the opportunity arises for a treat and I want that particular it's a yes. No S has given me the confidence and the practice of saying no and feeling ok with that which is a huge help. Anyway, what this usually looks like is hot chocolate or a creamosa on Saturday morning, a treat I actually plan for all week :) and generally dessert on Saturday night. Nothing wild and crazy. If we go out to eat on the weekend I will have a soda. Sunday morning, sometimes I'll have a doughnut on the way to church. There have, of course been weekends with more sweets in it then that, but it's not typical for me. Not saying I'm all Miss Self Discipline or anything, it's just that adopting a No S lifestyle has had the side effect of I think re-wiring my wants. When I can have a treat, I prefer it to be amazing, dense, decadent because I can thoroughly enjoy it and yet a smaller amount totally satisfies. I can't really explain it, but that's how it's worked out for me.

Outside of weekends I prefer S events rather than whole days. I just like the comfort of my daily routine too much to enjoy a whole day of whole hog. At holidays that involve a huge meal, I have found I can nibble, nosh and graze because doing No S has taught me to pay attention to my full/done point but also to allow myself to relax on very special occasions and enjoy the experience.

Having a good breakfast is a big must for me. My failures have always come as a result of either skipping breakfast, or eating something too lightweight for either breakfast or lunch. I'm a gal who needs protein and I have had to put simple carbs like french fries and potato chips on my treat list. I even have to be careful of high glycemic healthy foods like carrots and apples.

I think the best thing about having gone through No S boot camp LOL, has been the changes it made in my head. I had a fat head! In a way, No S has been a diet for my brain that resulted in a healthier body.

Anyhoo, good luck - hang in there and don't quit on yourself. If your trying to loose weight this thought helped me to stay the course. "It's going to come off the same way it went on, one bite at a time.


Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:06 pm
by oolala53
So are you saying you are at 150 and that's fine? Your signature says you want to lose more.

Don't be surprised if you do lose more when you keep going and incorporate exercise. Or you just may lose size.

But if you are in the middle of your BMI range, I imagine you look good. I'm at the top of mine and I get compliments a lot.

So happy to hear you are resting on very deserved laurels.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:21 pm
by NoSRocks
Thank you so very much ginmarie for your most helpful and detailed response to my inquiry. So marvellous that you are able to keep your S Days sane and just take them as they come. I hope one day I will get to that stage as well. Most encouraging!

Have a great Sunday and many congratulations to you on your No S success!!

Thanks again,

Roxy xx

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:47 am
by ginmarie
oolala53 wrote:So are you saying you are at 150 and that's fine? Your signature says you want to lose more.

Don't be surprised if you do lose more when you keep going and incorporate exercise. Or you just may lose size.

But if you are in the middle of your BMI range, I imagine you look good. I'm at the top of mine and I get compliments a lot.

So happy to hear you are resting on very deserved laurels.
No, I'm actually holding steady at 142 and I'm really happy with that. :)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:04 am
by oolala53
If that's the middle of your range, you are about my height? (5'6"). I would be very happy at 142! I remember what I looked like 20 years ago at that weight- when I thought I should lose 10-15 pounds. What a fool I was! I'm determined to enjoy what I have now, and whatever happens with consistent exercise.