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Finding it hard to get started

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 12:10 am
by Tiddlypeeps
I'm not an obese person but I am much larger than I would like to be. I'm 24, I was thin for most of my teenage years but when I hit college booze, fast food and energy drink fueled all nighters took their toll. Since finishing college 2 years ago I haven't lost a bit of weight but I also haven't put any on thankfully.

Exercise and fast food are my worst enemies.

I tink I've got the excercise bit nailed down for now at least. I picked up dance dance revolution for the ps3 a few weeks ago and I really enjoy playing it. It leaves me exhausted so I assume its good cardio. I try to play for at least 15 mins a day. I've only missed 2 non s days in the last 3 weeks and I often play on s days anyway because it's great fun. I find most forms of excercise incredibly dull so I usually don't last more than a couple of weeks. I really enjoy this so I'm fairly sure I'll stick with it.

My big problem now is my diet. I love the concept behind the nosdiet, it just makes sense. I'm finding it very hard to stick too tho. Over the last 3 weeks I've only managed 3 successful days. Soft drinks are my most common cause of failure. My OH drinks lots of cola so I'll often rob a small bit from him. The second most common is chocolate cravings, but usually there isn't any around the house so it's not as easy to give into temptation.

I'm not sure what sort of advice I'm looking for here. I think I know myself that if I keep trying the habits will eventually stick.

Do people usually find it this difficult to get started? Any tips for getting over the first few weeks?

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 2:37 am
by wosnes
Keep at it. Three successful days are better than no successful days. This is simple, but not necessarily easy. Keep on keeping on!

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 4:01 am
by sarahkay
Don't give up! The fact that you are still trying IS successful!

It was really hard for me to get going, but I am slowly getting better and better. Hang in there, do whatever you can to motivate yourself, and don't give up. :)

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 8:51 am
by milliem
When I started I didn't count drinks at all - even fizzy drinks that were full of sugar. I know that Reinhard advises that drinks full of sugar count as a sweet and I agree, but I figured that setting up the habits of not EATING sweets on a daily basis was more important than what I was drinking. I found it fairly easy to stop drinking sugary drinks after a couple of weeks when I had the eating habits down :)

Maybe keep some sugar free cola in the house for you to have when you are tempted to drink some of your OH's stuff - they don't technically count as a sweet and might help you if you really want to avoid sweet drinks too!

Also well done on 3 successful N days so far!

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 9:49 pm
by oolala53
How did you do this week? enjoy your S days and keep going!