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Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 3:04 am
by blader
Hi everyone. I wasn't going to post on this until I could report on my success, but I got so bummed out this past week, that I have to vent. I have been doing NoS for about 5 weeks now and I know if I keep at it, it will work for me. I lost 5 pounds fairly easily and thought that I was on my way to great success. Then all of a sudden I gained a pound one week and another pound the week after!! I am SO down about it, but feel I have to keep trying rather than going back to the way I WAS eating. I just turned 50, so losing weight has gotten harder and harder, so I was so psyched that I seemed to lose weight fairly easily the first 3 weeks.
I think the reason I gained weight was because I started eating hard candy between meals just to keep myself from eating other stuff. I guess it amounted to more than I figured. My question is, does anyone have a suggestion for what to do when you feel like nothing can stop you from eating something between meals sometimes? I feel like a crazed woman now and then and that is why I started with the hard candy.
I so enjoy the posts on here and there is so much good advice that I thought I'd ask for some myself! Thanks in advance!

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 5:00 am
by Gobble
Wow, good for you.....losing those few pounds....that is great!

I am right there with my 50s and really want to make this work.

The only success I have had is the habit of eating the 3 meals during the week....I have not lost any weight though.......I do not get hungry between meals....but that is because I eat a big plate of whatever I want (besides sweets) at mealtimes. It is not hard for me because I just make sure I eat a good plateful. However, I now need to start downsizing my plate in order to start losing.

I am in no place to suggest anything but maybe if you start just developing the habit of 3 meals by eating enough at each meal to get to the next meal....then downsize the plate gradually. I am really hoping this works for me.

Don't get are doing so good.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 9:29 am
by NoSnacker
Hi there, I have heard a lot on the boards about in between meals...first ensure you are eating enough at meals and include protein that will help you feel full.

Gum (sugarless)
Milk w/vanilla/splenda
Diet Soda
Cup tea with some honey (hey, other can have sugar in coffee, I have honey in my tea :))
Or other things, like go for a walk, call a friend, etc. until the URGE passes

I'm 55 and find it really hard to lose weight, but right now my focus is on getting the habits down...then work on my S days.

Hope you can find some relief...definitely takes time :) but so worth the sanity..

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 9:50 am
by Dale
I decided at the beginning that if I was really, really hungry I was going to eat something. In practice, it only happened a couple of times. If I do get a bit hungry now, I have something to drink instead of eat. Coffee with hot milk works well for me, but I sometimes have orange juice. This goes against everything I have told myself for years about not drinking my calories! But the advantage is that it sticks to the plan (it's a drink rather than food, psychologically at least!) and I'm never going to pig out and have loads of milk or orange juice.

I found it helpful at the start to eat big platefuls of food at mealtimes because I was worried I wouldn't be able to last. I've found that my portion size has naturally decreased now that I know that I can manage fine for a few hours without food!

I've avoided anything with sweeteners, and that seems to work for me.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:49 am
by r.jean
I completely agree with Dale on this one. Stick with beverages. For me that means black coffee or a diet soda or if I am really hungry milk. If it is after lunch I make sure the beverages are decaf.

I also agree with Gobble that getting the habits in place is the most important thing. Once you can stick to 3 plates with no sweets, snacks, or seconds and you are eating enough to not get ravenous between meals, you are there. After that you can work on improving what is on the plates. However, do not be too restrictive or you will fail ... sooner or later.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 11:57 am
by carpediem
I agree with all that's been said, but think it's worth pointing out that those of us over 50 are just simply going to have a harder time losing than we used to. Over the years my metabolism has been bombarded with medications that cause weight gain, menopause, chemo and the 'sluggishness' that comes with growing older. Also, women seem to have to work harder at this than men (not fair at all!). All those factors can be discouraging, but it doesn't mean we can't lose....just means we need to be more patient. I say that but truth is patience is NOT one of my virtues, so there are weeks when I stay the same or lose a fraction of a pound and get really discouraged. I have to keep reminding myself, though, that this is a lifetime commitment, not just my latest attempt at weight loss. Even if I don't lose another ounce I know that I am eating healthier, feeling stronger and taking better care of myself.
The weight will come off, it's own sweet time! :wink:

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 3:06 pm
by JayEll
I'd say, make sure your meals are big enough! Are you unconsciously trying to skimp? That will make you hungry for sure... It does me! So remember that the 1 plate rule doesn't mean a small plate or a plate with half the space empty. Fill that 1 plate. Then you won't have to resort to sugar...

I read in the book that a small glass of milk is good if you're just really getting starved. I had to do that last week when dinner was delayed (and I had eaten too small a lunch!).

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 6:32 pm
by ~reneew
I drink all day. I take a 4 cup waterbottle full of ice and water with just a splash of unsweetened cranberry juice or orange juice. Too sweet and it's not as good. There is a thread here somewhere called orange2 O or something like. When I do this I don't get hungry.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 2:29 am
by blader
OMG! You guys really ARE a great support group!!! I had no idea I'd get so many replies. You all have busy lives, I'm sure, so I really aapreciate you taking the time to give me advice.
I know I don't fill my plate enough,thinking I shouldn't eat all that. I'll have to focus on that next. I think wanting food between meals is more of a craving thing, than an I'm actually hungry thing. I have had coffee when I feel like that and that definitely helps. I haven't tried other kinds of beverages, so I'll do that next time. Thanks again for your feedback and I'll have to check in again when I've tried your suggestions. Blader

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:29 am
by oolala53
I find that if I'm actually hungry, I need a beverage like milk or coffee with milk (water or diet sodas don't do it) to stave it off, though the ability to tolerate hunger will grow.

The non-hunger urges to eat are often harder to overcome. You definitely don't need hard candy at those moments! Remind yourself that you ate a few hours ago or will again in a few and white knuckle it! It's really worth it.

I've lost about 30 pounds over the last 28 months, all after I was 55 years old.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 12:29 pm
by finallyfull
Wow, I'm glad I read this: I have previously rejected milk or juice to fight the snack urge because it's so caloric, but I never considered the simple fact that I would never "overdo" on those. Milk just doesn't trigger any desire for another glass, nor would it "call" to me between meals if I'm not hungry, because it's boring. This may help me stay on this time.

I think hard candy would be tasty and keep the body in the mood for sweets, and reinforce snack time. Gum might be better, and it's harder to lose track and have too much.