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Easy Exercise Please!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:41 am
by ErmeteCesare
Okay, so by now most everyone here knows me I think [I AM SPAM!], but let me give a quick run down of my physical fitness abilities.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:30 am
by Over43
I'm not Patrick Jane so I couldn't divine your fitness abilities, however, from the title of you thread may I suggest walking as an "easy" exercise?

Also, I promote the Schwinn Airdyne (I am not a paid spokesman.). You can probably pick one up off of Craig's List. The new Airdyne AD2 is less expensive than the AD4, and $200 cheaper.

Good luck, but maybe the least expensive route is walking.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:51 am
by wosnes
I'll second the walking. Not only is it easy, it's cheap and what humans were designed to do.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:49 pm
by JayEll
I see two possibilities: (1) Your message got posted sooner than expected. (2) Your physical fitness abilities are... nothing!

Don't worry about this. Try to walk more during the day. If it's too hot to walk outside, or too rainy, or whatever, then try walking at a mall. No need to do too much, but invest in some good supportive shoes. They are worth it.

Try taking the stairs now and then. I don't mean ten flights, I mean just one. Even a few steps up and down is better than none.

Another good exercise is to practice getting up from a chair without using the arms of the chair to push off. Do this five or six times, and you've done some good squats.

And while sitting, you can do leg raises. You can also just lift your arms and make circular motions, possibly while holding some light weights in both hands. You don't need to buy weights to do this.

The idea is just to add some physical activity to your life. Don't sit unmoving for hours on end--move around!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:50 pm
by JayEll
Um... I just noticed a link at the bottom of the OP message. Maybe this is just spam?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:39 pm
by reinhard
Yeah, spam. I killed the account and the link but I'll let the post stand otherwise since it sparked a fruitful discussion.

It's frightening to think how convincing spam is going to be in a decade. You'll wake up one morning and discover your wife is a spambot.
