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Buffalo wings and pizza

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:12 pm
by Gabe
So, I started No S - again. Don't know how many times I've tried and stopped (w/o any good excuses!), but it's less than the magic number of 12! I have been successful over the first 3 days but am feeling a little guilty. The guilt comes from the fact that for dinner on day 1, I got together w/ some guys after an event (this was planned prior to me re-beginning No S) for buffalo wings and I partook. It was quite a few, but still 1 basket (or plate) full. Maybe a large basket (plate) but just 1 and a few loaded fries. Then last night for dinner we had pizza & breadsticks for dinner (which was also planned). Again, only 1 plateful. I know that these aren't the healthiest choices, and I LOVE buffalo wings and pizza, and don't eat them all the time (but I would if I could!). Just feeling guilty about consuming them while on a "diet." Thoughts?


Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:24 pm
by JayEll
Hey, Gabe. One of the main points about No S is that your food choices can be anything you want as long as you follow the very simple rules. As long as you keep to the no sweets, no snacking, and no seconds rule on N-days, you are on plan.

I'd add one thing to that, though--I guess I would call it "no stacking." It refers to layering or piling foods up on your plate and still calling it a plate. Baskets aren't the best idea because food can pile up so nicely in them. :) Always try to visualize what the food would look like on a dinner plate.

And for pizza--it's not hard to see that about 3 pieces of pizza, max, would fill up a plate. Stacking breadsticks on top of the pizza would be a no-no.

So, as long as you're following the rules, there is no need to feel any guilt about your food choices. Were they the healthiest? No. Do they meet the citeria? Yes. Now move on! And stay with it.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:22 pm
by wosnes
Well, you're not on a diet that restricts the kind of food you eat. You're following a plan that is more about when you eat than what. Relax and enjoy.

I eat pizza frequently, usually at least once a week. I don't worry about it.