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When is a second a scond?

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:03 pm
by Jethro
During the week (an N day), after I filled my dinner plate, I realized, after I took a couple of bites, that I did not serve myself enough plantains to fill it, so i reached for the casserole to serve myself more.

Between plantain servings there was about a one minute lapse.

Do I have to construe this filler as a second serving?

I realize you cannot place food in your plate at once. However, how much time do I have to fill my plate to consider it the first serving? :?:

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:31 pm
by NoelFigart
Early on?

I'd leave the area where I'd had a few bites empty. IF there was still space on the plate to put some food on at that point, I'd personally consider it firsts after a minute or two.

If there was no space on the plate that had not already been covered by food, yeah, that's seconds.

Later on in the diet, you'll have a better sense of what is enough food.

Though if you rules lawyer too much, you're rules lawyering yourself out of effective No-Sing.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:25 am
by osoniye
I'd say, "Don't over-think it!" You will get to sort of know when it was an accidental ommision of something you could reasonably have had, verses you've finished your plate of food and are still feeling a little peckish, so you go for another scoop.
It's good to be honest with yourself, but you don't want to feel like you're in a straight jacket.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:57 am
by JayEll
My way of looking at it is that first of all, I fill the plate to begin with. But if I had done what you did, and there had been empty space to begin with, I would not consider it seconds to get more plantains.

I also don't think it's a matter of time. The idea is to fill the plate once, not set a time limit beyond which putting on more food is seconds.

It is seconds if you clear the plate, or part of it, and then get more food. If you had eaten most of the plantains and then decided somehow that there had been room on your plate for more, I think that would be questionable.

And yes, please don't overthink it.