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First week at the forum

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:31 am
by heatherhikes
Hello and greetings to all!

I have been aware of NoS for some time now and actually have a certain amount of success under my belt. I've lost about 6 kilos (13 American pds.) in the past eating NoS style and began to feel much better physically and emotionally. Then, through stress and sickness I finally stopped the plan. Well, two days ago, on Monday, I committed myself to be NoS compliant again, all the way. As a total, I've lost 11 kilos (24 American pds.) since starting out with NoS in June 2011.

Last Monday I posted for the first time on this forum, or any forum, and I have to admit, I am a bit antsy. I've been reading through the posts and am impressed with the friendliness, support and also the wisdom I've come across. And you NoS marathoners, I have so much respect for you.
The phrase comes to mind, "when I grow up I wanna be like you."

You people really do care :D
So I finally said, "The days of my lone-rangering are over. I wanna be part of this community."

By the way, these last two days were green all the way.
What I've learnt this time around, in the past I have been too strict with the allowed sweet foods on N-days because I was afraid, if I start eating any I can't stop. But then I often had (real) sweets during the week, feeling sooo deprived.
So, Monday and today I, e.g., ate some raisin toast, Zwieback and mini croissants (a little sweet) at the end of some of the meals. Fruit is also a good choice for me. I also make sure I eat what I really like. All this keeps the feeling of deprivation at bay, as far as the "No sweets" principle during the week is concerned. I don't have a lot of problems with the other two NoS principles any more.
I guess, everybody has to find out for him/herself what works for their body and body chemistry.

Hopefully I don't bore anybody here; am just excited about this new insight. Maybe I can even help someone with these ideas.

I am glad to finally join this forum.
And, many thanks to Reinhard for not keeping this genious moderate way of eating to himself but making it accessible to the world, and to me!

Re: First week at the forum

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:46 am
by BrightAngel
heddi55 wrote:Last Monday I posted for the first time on this forum, or any forum, and I have to admit, I am a bit antsy. I've been reading through the posts and am impressed with the friendliness, support and also the wisdom I've come across. And you NoS marathoners, I have so much respect for you.
The phrase comes to mind, "when I grow up I wanna be like you."

You people really do care :D
So I finally said, "The days of my lone-rangering are over. I wanna be part of this community."
Image Hi, Heddi, looking forward to reading your future posts.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:13 pm
by Blithe Morning
Welcome Heddi! I look forward to your posts. Thank you for becoming another voice in support of No S.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:19 pm
by eschano
Hi Heddi,

Your post inspired me to post for the first time in any forum as well, so many thanks for this!

Like you, I felt this community is extremely supportive, which encouraged me further. I am no stranger from binge-dieting. When I looked for support in the past it always turned out to be more of a weight-competition, which, needless to say, was extremely unhealthy. So I'm excited to give this forum a try.

So far this is my second week of NoS-ing and while I found my first N-days easy enough the weekend has been a little mental. As far as I read in other posts this seems to be normal so for the first time in a decade I'm not beating myself up over it.

Pleased to meet you and everyone else here!

First week at the forum

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:51 pm
by heatherhikes
BrightAngel, Blithe Morning, thank you for the warm welcome!

eschange, I'm glad to meet you too.
This is your second week with NoS and you found your N-days “easy enough?†That’s remarkable! I didn’t do so well with N-days the first couple of weeks. And, the first few weekends I overdid it with the snacks and sweets. But after about a month or so things looked much better during the week and my S-days started to level off. (Well, that was last year)
What helped me, I gleaned lots of advice and tips from the boards, even started my own NoS-files which I read and am still reading when times get tough. Also, I worked through Reinhard’s book several times, and still do, again and again. And I listen to his podcasts.

However, it’s lots more fun and helpful to actually be part of this forum; I can see that now. Besides the help and support we can meet people wo may go through similar difficulties, and so we can share “Freud und Leid,†(joy and sorrow) as they say here in the German-speaking regions.

As you may have read here at the forum, if you keep your N-days straight, the S-days will more or less (or should I say, sooner or later) fall into place as you move along. That also has happened to me last year and will happen again, I’m confident of that. As Reinhard suggests, I planned to have 1-2 special treats each S-day, something I could really look forward to. Then I would try to keep the 3-meal pattern and maybe have one special treat in the afternoon, sometimes during a café visit with my husband (Europeans like to visit cafés in the afternoon, as the British love their tea time). The other treat I’d have as part of my dinner. And if I go crazy with the sweets/snacks/seconds, o well, I can’t fail on S-days…
Well, this is the way I like to think about my S-days. Some people prefer not to have this structure during the weekend.

I have yet another challenge. Last month I was diagnosed with a slight esophagus inflammation; it feels like heartburn, too much and too often. That means, I cannot fill up my plates as I’d like to, and I have to watch what I eat. What a bummer.
But I’m determined not to stop NoS because of that. This way to eat is such a life saver for me, and has been for many others here.

Please don’t get the newbie jitters in case your eating habits aren’t what you’d like them to be right away. It takes time and being patient and gentle with ourselves as we relearn to eat the way many of our ancesters once did...three times a day.

I’m so glad you didn’t get upset about your S-days! And I hope you slide right through into an ocean of green, weekdays and weekends and all (I know, weekends are yellow). :wink:


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:42 am
by eschano
Hi Heddi,

It's so reassuring to hear that S days levelled out for many people on this forum. I guess it's this support from you and from reading other people's posts that keeps me from obsessing over it too much.

I'm sorry to hear about your inflammation! It's very inspiring that you will stick to NoS nonetheless and to hear that NoS has been a life saver for you.

I'm Austrian so I know all about afternoon coffee and cake :wink:

Many thanks for your support!