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This is great! - This is stupid! - This is great!

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:33 pm
by SpiritSong
Hello from just another "I did that, I got past that, oops, I'm back" person. Last year I posted how I lost weight with No S, impressed my NP, and gave her a copy of the book. Now a year later, I went back to see my NP and have re-gained all the weight back. Why? Because I gave up on No S. (But as a positive, she told me she has told a lot of patients about the No S Diet because it is so simple. So at least my weight loss may have helped someone else.)

I didn't want to tell myself "no" anymore. :roll: Well, guess what? Either you tell yourself "no" to unlimited sweets, snacks and seconds, or you don't lose weight and you gain the weight you lost. Pretty simple.

Just so I don't come off simply as a spoiled child in a woman's body, I will mention that I felt like I was at a plateau and that I would have to start making more mods in order for the diet to work. This thinking kind of spiraled into "what, now I can't eat anything???????" and threw me into "why bother?" territory. So for anyone else who finds him/herself at this point, please CALM DOWN. If you are really really really at a plateau (that doesn't mean for a week, folks), then make one mod. Calmly. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

So as Reinhard has said, I'll consider that a scouting mission. The results of my two years of research are (1) the No S Diet works, and (2) leaving the No S Diet means leaving your No S Diet results. I have the book out to re-read at lunch.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:41 pm
by eschano
Brilliant post, thanks a lot, it's a really good reminder that this is a way of life and not a diet. I hope it gets easier though :)

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:56 pm
by Blithe Morning
Welcome back!

Just out of curiosity, how long were you at your plateau?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:21 pm
by wosnes
Most of us need to learn -- or relearn -- that we can have it all. We just can't have it all any time we want it, in any quantity we want it.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:35 am
by Ruff
wosnes wrote:Most of us need to learn -- or relearn -- that we can have it all. We just can't have it all any time we want it, in any quantity we want it.
Love this!

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:39 am
by ZippaDee
Welcome Back!!

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:44 pm
by BrightAngel
wosnes wrote:Most of us need to learn -- or relearn -- that we can have it all.
We just can't have it all any time we want it, in any quantity we want it.
Love it ! :D

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:07 pm
by ~reneew
I know exactly how you feel! I lost 26 on noS, gained it back, lost the 26 again and gained it back AGAIN. Each time trying other plans that I was sure would be faster, and I eventually gained all the "lost" weight back. My problem is impatience and giving it only 70%. When I do it strictly vanilla 100% of the time I loose fast. Mods are just excuses to cheat.
I'm now down 24 pounds and this time I am armed with the graph of my weight loss to remind me! I also keep track of my weight loss and what I'm thinking at the time on my very first page of my daily check-in so I can always find it. That really helps me.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:36 pm
by SpiritSong
~reneew wrote:My problem is impatience and giving it only 70%. When I do it strictly vanilla 100% of the time I loose fast. Mods are just excuses to cheat.
Yes, when I was thinking about it more this morning, I realized that before I make any mods, I should look at how well I am following vanilla No S. Impatience was definitely an issue.

Blithe Morning - I wasn't really accurate with my explanation about my situation. What really happened was that I reached my lowest No S weight after a stressful week when I wasn't really eating much at all for dinner. I don't remember if I was really in a plateau before that point or if I was just losing very slowly, but once I lost a couple of pounds quickly from not eating, my head told me, "Look! You are only going to lose more weight by eating a lot less than you do now!!" Which then started the pity party and leaving No S.

The lesson I have learned is to pay closer attention to actual results (which I saw with No S) and less attention to anything telling me to stop doing No S, because it is probably my sugar addiction talking. :twisted:

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:45 pm
by Over43
As the old cliche goes, we like to do the same thing over and over, and expect a different result. Last summer I lost weight (mostly due to throat surgery). Then all winter I lfited weights (and ate Snickers Bars) and wondered why I was heavier again.

Well, this summer, I have not had a candy bar, upped my exercycle (and an occassional jogging session) workouts, and dropped the caffiene. I do not know how much weight I have lost (no scale) but my clothes are all fitting significantly better.

I always think: I'll lift weights this time and things will be different, and no things are never different, I gain weight...

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 2:59 pm
by Blithe Morning
Over43 wrote:I always think: I'll lift weights this time and things will be different, and no things are never different, I gain weight...
I've heard of people who stop weights and drop a few pounds. Do you get hungrier when you lift and therefore eat more or is it just some sort of odd physiological response, like the muscles storing more glycogen to help with repair. (I don't know if muscles actually do this, but I've heard second hand that they do.)

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:20 am
by oolala53
I see the pattern of weight being the focus. It's very likely that whatever you weigh after a year of compliant No S (if you didn't start morbidly obese) is what you should weigh at that moment, whether you'd like to weigh less or not. What happens after atypical weeks are just that- atypical. I lost more in the beginnning of my 3rd year, but it didn't make me think I should have been able to lose it earlier.

I also wonder if you were being more restrictive than you are supposed to be to feel so rebellious. Were you allowing yourself certain foods besides sweets only on S days so that you felt like you were saying No too much? Or skimping on serving sizes? Both in order to lose more weight?

I'm so glad you're back and glad you're committed.

BTW, a colleague on campus lost over 100 lbs. a couple of years ago. I know he used traditional diet. True to the stats, he is now heavier than he was before he started. Oh, we know the pain there must have been as he continued to overeat, probably hating it the whole time, and climbed back up the scale. I've seen this with other colleagues on a smaller scale over the years. There seems to be no foolproof protection against this possiblility, although I noticed that one guy who lost some but didn't actually get thin has actually kept most of his weight off. It fits my theory that many people struggle with maintenance because they are trying to maintain too low a weight.

It takes 2-5 YEARS to bring the chances for relapse down to 25%. Promise yourself you'll use No S for 5 years. Then you can quit if you don't like it!

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:06 pm
by SpiritSong
oolala53 wrote:I'm so glad you're back and glad you're committed.
I am definitely committed because I have realized the stupidity of giving up on No S after it worked for me. So what if I never lost any more than the 15 or so pounds I lost. Does it make sense to drop No S and gain it all back just because I can't lose more? :roll:

Plus, I bet I could have lost more by just sticking with the program. I didn't add a bunch of restrictions. It was just that mental workover I did on myself by losing a couple of pounds through a stressful week. The addiction won.

What makes it easier to commit this time is knowing that it works. For me. I have proof. I even put a note on my desk at work to remind me of the numbers I'll need to post my 10 pound testimonial and my 10% testimonial. And I added appointments to my calendar to remind me to post my 10 month and one year testimonials. :D The 10% point will get me to where I was when I gave up last time, so that will be my cue to doubledown and re-commit to No S all over again.

Re: This is great! - This is stupid! - This is great!

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:03 pm
by BrightAngel
SpiritSong wrote:I didn't want to tell myself "no" anymore. :roll:
Well, guess what?
Either you tell yourself "no" to unlimited sweets, snacks and seconds,
or you don't lose weight and you gain the weight you lost.

Pretty simple.
:wink: So Very True.

Re: This is great! - This is stupid! - This is great!

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:05 am
by Nicest of the Damned
SpiritSong wrote:I didn't want to tell myself "no" anymore.
If you stay on No S long enough, that will happen. You won't have to tell yourself "no" any more, because the No S rules will be your normal way of doing things, and will seem natural. It just won't occur to you to do anything different most of the time.

That does take time, though. That isn't going to happen in your first month of No S. It might not happen in the first year.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:09 pm
by heatherhikes
wosnes wrote:Most of us need to learn -- or relearn -- that we can have it all. We just can't have it all any time we want it, in any quantity we want it.
or, the way I remind myself:

"I can have ANYTHING I want; just need to wait until the next meal or wait for a few days."

That learning to wait and not insisting on getting what I want, and better RIGHT NOW, like a spoiled kid, is central with the NoS plan, IMHO. :wink:

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 6:47 pm
by Slimmer4Xmas2012
~reneew wrote:I know exactly how you feel! I lost 26 on noS, gained it back, lost the 26 again and gained it back AGAIN. Each time trying other plans that I was sure would be faster, and I eventually gained all the "lost" weight back. My problem is impatience and giving it only 70%. When I do it strictly vanilla 100% of the time I loose fast. Mods are just excuses to cheat.
I'm now down 24 pounds and this time I am armed with the graph of my weight loss to remind me! I also keep track of my weight loss and what I'm thinking at the time on my very first page of my daily check-in so I can always find it. That really helps me.
So do you lose doing normal S days? What does one of your S days look like?

Anne x