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Ah ha

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:39 pm
by ginmarie
So this is how freedom feels. 1 year and 4 months into my No S lifestyle, and I'm still getting new "revelations" about my life in relationship to health and food. This part of the journey seems to be about finding that balance between vanilla and hmmm....what? Less vanilla, smidge of chocolate maybe. About staying true this new "core value" of moderation and restraint and yet embracing the freedom of being able to really enjoy food in all it's delicious, sensory, life sustaining goody-ness. :)

It's about more than what I say no to now, and more about what I say yes to, and when and why. My NoS boundaries are well worn, yet strongly respected fences within which I have all the room to romp and play I could wish for. The world of good food is mine for the eating as long as it fits on my plate and isn't a treat which leaves ever so many choices. Ahhh...this is good.

Guess I'm rambling a bit...I just got to looking back over the last couple of days and thinking about what I said no and yes to. Monday, normal N day... first day of 9th grade for youngest (he's home taught) I bought him a mini McFlurry to celebrate, nothing for me of course. Last night, mini date with honey, had half a soda with dinner, (dates are S events for me) but said no later to sharing a plate of summer sausage & cheese and no to a hard cider since I don't like to drink cider unless I have food to go with. Today, yes to a handful of Cheetos with my half sandwich and tea at lunch, no to the Little Debbie snack cake ds bought for us to share ( as a surprise). He jokingly tried to convince me since it was our first Wednesday of school, which for him means a light/fun day, it was an S day. Yeah right, uh-huh... - it's in a ziplock baggie, tucked away for Saturday. :) Yup, the Cheetos are a treat, or should be. For years our family habit toward all chips has been to only have them with a meal, rarely, rarely as a separate snack (like when we're camping or at a social event, and never to be eaten out of the bag. Also I generally don't like to have something so nutritionally empty with my lunch because I know I will be hungry before dinner. Gonna have to just suck it up today. The cool part is that at this point, I'm ok with this. I made a not so great choice for my lunch plate, but life goes on and I'm not going to gain 50 lbs or fall off my habit for putting 150 empty calories on my plate.

I think the point of all my meandering thoughts is to reflect on how doing vanilla No S for a long, long time really has resulted in building a solid habit of healthy eating that eventually has given me the freedom within fences that makes it possible for me to be real (I like food) and realistic about eating. I readily admit, I like the taste of Cheetos, but I also know they really should be an S food so I'm going to make an effort to have better choices available for my sandwich sides when I have to eat lunch here at our coffee shop where my choices are limited. Shoot, it just now occurred to me, there's probably some of my honey's home-made potato salad in the shop fridge which would have been a better choice.

Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble. If any of this has been a help or at least an entertainment to someone, then I'm glad I stopped by to post.

Keep on trucking!


Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:20 pm
by Eileen7316
What an encouraging post, Ginmarie! :D

Thanks so much for taking the time to describe the sense of freedom NoS has given you.