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let the sugar fast begin

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:51 am
by SeekingHealthiness
I'm back at college - a month in - and all the work i put into no-s over the summer is going to the dogs. Sweets are the problem - literally all the events i go to cookies are being served with ice cream. Someone in my group of friends always seems to have baked or something. It is bad and I have a really hard time saying no.
So i'm back here, posting, and trying to hold myself accountable to this.
I am going to go 5 days without any sweets (i'm focusing on that since it's the problem, seconds and snacks i'm not too bad with).
I hope to post on Saturday about having a successful week!

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:50 am
by oolala53
Yes, do it. You can always have coffee or a drink, right? Don't make a big deal about it to others. Just try to wave the food off. Or contact your inner take-it-or-leave-sweets girl. I know there were always girls who just didn't like sweets that much. They weren't trying to lose weight. They just liked meal food better. Fake it 'til you make it.

The work you put in has not gone to the dogs. Keep remembering how good you felt, eating good meals, and sticking to your guns when it's hard. That will build the habit faster than anything.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:58 pm
by BrightAngel
oolala53 wrote:Keep remembering how good you felt,
eating good meals, and sticking to your guns when it's hard.
That will build the habit faster than anything.
Great Advice. :D

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:27 pm
by SeekingHealthiness
Thank you for the advice oolala!
I just have to be able to say "no."
Monday was successful for me, and it wasn't hard (i turned down both free cookies and donuts really easily), but Tuesday didn't go very well - i made it almost the whole day and then I went to grab groceries after dinner with a friend who has a really big sweet tooth.
Last year (and also in the last weeks) whenever we go run errands, we always manage to go to our favorite ice cream place, which is right around the corner and we usually just grab something and share how our week has been. And yesterday night I just gave in.
Tuesday nights in general are a temptation because if it's not that, the leader of a small group i meet always serves dessert and its usually homemade. Everyone partakes (I didn't yesterday because I had just gotten another sweet thing) and the times I've tried to say no, I feel peer pressured by my friends to just indulge a little.
So, should i consider making Tuesdays an "s" day? Maybe I should just resolve to be more firm? I'm still determined to get through the rest of this week - I really do miss the feeling of no-s and monday was so refreshing!

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:53 pm
by M's sick of dieting
I just wanted to say that I can totally relate to you. I work in a Salon with 11 Stylist, 3 Nail Techs, 3 receptionist, and whenever its someone Birthday one of the receptionist will bake you a cake. Which is so nice but with that many people theres a cake in the back room a lot, and she acts like her feelings are hurt if you dont eat any. I've even lied and told her I had a piece to avoid hurt feelings. I do better if I dont even take a bite, for me one bite could turn into half the cake.

I also struggle with Sugar, I've debated several times about cutting it out completely. Just allowing myself seconds on weekends and only sweets on special occasions. For example this weekend I made Pumpkin cookies for my weekend sweet, and 1 cookie turned into 8!!!! These where not small cookies either, I went to bed with sucha a tummy ach and so sick. Not to mention mad at myself, who on earth needs 8 pumpkin cookies! But once I start and I can not stop!! Some people smoke, some people drink, for me it's Sugar.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:27 pm
by oolala53
Once you eat sugar, you DO not stop. It's not that you can't. It's just that you haven't so far.

Swearing off sugar or any other food has a terrible success RATE. Some have done it and preach it, but they are the exceptions in long term maintenance. Never forget that.

I struggled with sugar on S days for years, but I have probably one-tenth the amount I used to.

I admit I don't bake often. There are too many wonderful sweets available. I save my cooking skills for making great meals with few home-baked items. But it took awhile.

Limiting baking is an example of what does work in the long run. Change habits of consumption, not whole food categories.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 6:10 pm
by oliviamanda
Sugar is my downfall, too. If I break my S day it's always going to be a sweet. Recently if was my mom's birthday. I took her out to dinner. As it was considered a special occasion, I did partake of the break basket, eat a salad as an appetizer that came with my meal, then ate 1/2 the meal, I was actually full. Mom ordered a dessert and we shared it between 3 people. I had maybe 3 bites, there just wasn't anymore to share. It was satisfying.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:13 pm
by SeekingHealthiness
Sugar is definitely a really big temptation. I made it 3 out of the 5 days (tuesday and then friday when i was sick so maybe i should say i made it 3 out of the 4 days?)
So I'm going to try again this week. tuesday and wednesday will be my hard days because tuesday i see my small group and wednesday i have a reunion with a group of friends and we're going to an ice cream place (of course).
Wish me luck and will power!

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:33 am
by oolala53
Good luck mid-week. Eat good meals! Esp. on Wednesday. Perhaps order a special coffee/mocha at the ice cream parlor? And tell them you wish you were hungry, but you're just not.