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A Good Warning Label in A French Advertisement

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:20 pm
by Anoulie
I just watched a French commercial because I wanted to read an article on a French website. It was an advertisement (sp?) for Twix. Nothing unusual.

What was unusual about this, though, was a little "warning" on the video (it was continously shown in a little bar). It translates to:

For your health, avoid snacking between meals.

That is all.

Y'all should do that, too.

no snacks

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:16 pm
by d0gen
You are right. These kind of warnings keep running on every advertisement related to food in France for 5 years. It was decided by the governement as part of the program "manger,bouger" (eat, move). Food companies have no choice but to comply.

- For your health , avoid snacking between meals
- Avoid eating too much sugar/fat/salt (in general but targeting specifically "combo" snack foods/meals)
- for your health exercice regularly (like 30 minutes brisk walking every day)
- for your health eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables
- for your health eat 3 dairy products (the most controversional one but that is a cheese country right?)

It's quite accumulative and coherent with the no's ideas.if you don't snack , sure you will eat less sugar and fat overall.You shoud eat fruits and vegetables , but still avoid snacking on them, include them in your meals, don't use them as an "excuse" ...calories still add up and matter

French,italian are still slimmer but things are really changing, since the 80's it just got worse and worse, they just pack on pounds at a slower pace. The kids,teens and young adult snack less that in the US, but they snack much more than there parents used to and eat more on the run. The 2 hour long lunch meal is history, now even executive grab a sandwich,a pastry or snack and work in their offices.

Food companies are fighting back against the no snack warning.They support and give good money to some mindful/attuned/zen eating program

"eat our chocolate bar, even if it's 11pm, as long as you are really hungry"

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:13 pm
by oolala53
Cigarettes have warnings on the side, too. I don't think it's made the difference in decreased smoking. Not sure what would. I hope the commercial helps in France.

Interestingly, the French eat more dairy than the other "Mediterranean" countries but have, or did have, the lowest of incidence of heart disease-- and this among those who already have low incidence by developed country standards.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:34 pm
by oliviamanda
There are so many health professionals/nutrition authorities that encourage snacking. I hear it all the time. I read it all the time. Eat five times a day. Have six small meals a day. If you have to eat that way, then you are thinking food all the time. I understand if you are an athlete or just constantly burning way more calories than you consume, that maybe eating more than 3 meals a day could be necessary.

I had gestational diabetes before and had to eat 5 meals a day to regulate my blood sugars. I had to take insulin. I hated trying to figure out what categories of food I had to eat at each meal. I was so used to eating the No S way.

In America, in general... snacking includes prepackaged goodies in crinkly paper that we pretty much have a Pavlov dog's response to. America is in the business of keeping people fat. Snacking and sugars are not as highly addictive as cigarettes, but they are addictive.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:38 am
by Nicest of the Damned
oolala53 wrote:Cigarettes have warnings on the side, too. I don't think it's made the difference in decreased smoking.
The smoking rate has certainly gone down in the US since we started requiring those warning labels in the 60's.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:18 am
by oolala53
Sorry, I still don't think it's because of the warnings printed on the packages.

"The authors attribute the success in California to the state's wide-ranging antismoking efforts. The state was the first to substantially raise taxes on cigarettes, the first to institute a comprehensive antismoking program, and the first to banish smoking in workplaces statewide, the study notes."

from a CNN health article ... index.html

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:01 pm
by Blithe Morning
Changing behavior is a complicated task. Will a warning label by itself keep someone from an undesirable behavior, especially if they already practice it? Probably not. Does a warning label serve as a prompt to reinforce wider social norms? More likely.

A warning on a snack won't stop snacking by itself. A warning as part of a broader, continuous, multi faceted campaign contributes its little bit to the overall initiative.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:17 pm
by gratefuldeb67
what's up with the cursing in the title of this thread?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:31 pm
by wosnes
gratefuldeb67 wrote:what's up with the cursing in the title of this thread?
I have to admit that I didn't "get" the subject of this post.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:31 pm
by gratefuldeb67
well, it seems like spam to me and anoulie hasn't really added anymore to "her" original post.. i don't recall her ending her posts with "y'all", in the past either... :D

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 6:15 am
by oolala53
The post sounds authentic, but yeah, the title is not typical. I think she's the only one who could change it, though, besides Reinhard.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:06 am
by Anoulie
Guys, it's a meme. Look (well, don't, if you take offense to cursing): (I know there's cursing in the link as well, and I could have used, but who'd have clicked a link like that if I'm supposed to be a spam bot now anyway?)

I used to live in Florida, where they do say "y'all" from time to time.

Aaand I'm not in this forum a lot anymore because I find it doesn't really contribute to my being successful at No S (sometimes it's even counterproductive). I don't want to be thinking about food and my way of eating all the time, so I don't log on too often. That's why I didn't add anything to my original post.

All I did was see the commercial, think it was No-S-relevant and post. I really don't understand why Americans take offense to "bad words" that much. Well, I do know they have trouble with cursing, which is why I even used asterisks! Asterisks, you guys! That's universal code for "please don't condemn me for my foul language"! There are lots of things I don't get when it comes to Americans (the US kind, especially), and this is one of them. I don't think not replacing curse words with milder ones (what the freak?) has had any negative impact on my country so far. I'll let y'all know when we're all sent to hell for that (excuse me... h*ll). Did you read about that girl who didn't get her high school diploma because she said that word in her valedictorian speech ( ... 05221.html)? Yeah... I don't get it. Sorry for the rant.

P.S. I did change the title of the post. I hope everyone's happy now.

P.P.S. Why would that even be spam? I didn't even link to any weight loss products or tell you to google that awesome program that'll make you lose 120 lb in 24 hours.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:05 am
by heatherhikes
I don't know about y'all - - -
Anoulie wrote: ..."y'all"...I did change the title of the post. I hope everyone's happy now...
- - - but I'm happy :D :P 8)

Best wishes to you, Anoulie

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:54 pm
by gratefuldeb67
hi anoulie, i am actually not offended by cursing and i curse sometimes.. but it just seemed a bit out of place in this forum, so it made me question if it was an authentic post..