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S Days Wednesday and Saturday

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:08 am
by freegirl
I decided to make Wednesday and Saturday my S days. Actually, those will be more like 'S events' - something sweet after dinner. If I include a lot of S's in the same day, I don't feel good.

Is anyone else doing something similar?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:25 pm
by sapphire_chic
Yes me. I've just started today but i plan to have my s day as just Wednesday. I have trouble sticking to any plan im following on the weekend as it is, this together with less activity spells weekend gains for me.
Also I'll probably minimise it to 1 or 2 things :)

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:29 pm
by oolala53
I never used such a mod (though I definitely had fails on Wednesdays and other days) and can't imagine now a reason I'd choose it, but you might check the mods thread at the top of this board.

Re: S Days Wednesday and Saturday

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:59 pm
by wosnes
freegirl wrote:I decided to make Wednesday and Saturday my S days. Actually, those will be more like 'S events' - something sweet after dinner. If I include a lot of S's in the same day, I don't feel good.

Is anyone else doing something similar?
There's absolutely no reason for you to include a lot of S's in the same day. S days aren't license to binge on anything. I think there are probably about 6 days yearly that we could throw caution to the wind, and they're all holidays.

At one time I consistently took S days midweek, but it was because more of my socializing was done then than on the weekend. I was always passing on things because it wasn't the weekend. So, I changed one of the S days. But it was because the plan wasn't fitting my life at the time, not because I might take too many S's if S days were two days in a row.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:05 pm
by milliem
I've seen people change their S days to fit around their schedule (e.g. if they work weekends). It sounds like you are struggling a bit with S days at the moment? My only worry would be limiting S's too rigidly by only allowing yourself one S on two days - it could cause difficulties with N days. Have your N days been compliant/successful for a while already? If so and you aren't seeing the results you want then modifying could be good. If not, perhaps focus on your N days before turning to S days :)

As wosnes points out, you don't have to eat a ton of S's on S days no matter what day of the week it is!

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:07 pm
by oolala53
I also want to say, and I hope this won't sound snotty, but look for the experience of those who have six months or more in and who have actually used the mod for several months. My impression of successful mods are that they were adjustments people made after they lived Vanilla and saw that they would likely be safe altering the formula for a specific lifestyle difference from the weekend socializing norm, not ones who felt they couldn't stand it if they couldn't have the mod.

Then again, theoretically, it does seem like weaning oneself is a valid tactic, too.

I just checked the mod thread myself and truthfully, I wonder how many of those people are still living the moderate life. It sounded like there was more experimentation going on than track records.

But I guess I should let the experts weigh in.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:40 pm
by jellybeans01
I do S events 2 or three a week, small, nothing major. I just feel like total crap is I do the whole weekend s thing.

Re: S Days Wednesday and Saturday

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:41 am
by vmsurbat
freegirl wrote:I decided to make Wednesday and Saturday my S days. Actually, those will be more like 'S events' - something sweet after dinner. If I include a lot of S's in the same day, I don't feel good.

Is anyone else doing something similar?
From the very beginning my S days were Friday and Sunday--they fit in with the flow of my week and I didn't (and don't) even consider that a "mod." I just took my two S days when they made sense for me and my family.

As far as limiting S events--two thoughts. You don't need to take a bunch of S's on S days for it to count! So you are right on the money, there.

But, you don't necessarily need some kind of "rule" either. S days are supposed to be rule-less. As Reinhard points out in his book, on S days "the training wheels come off." What that means is that you should eat the way you want to eat.

So, if too much food/sweets/seconds/snacks makes you feel bad (and I can understand why--I feel the same way), NOT eating them is not a rule, but a way of life. It is what you WANT to do, with no training wheels. That is a very good place to be.

So, the real question, IMO, is your limiting of S events because that is what you want or because you feel scared/out of control/diet head is getting to you?

And I realize we can want two things at the same time: dessert and not feeling stuffed, and then we have to choose. I added to my decision making arsenal a little refrain: More = Sore. If I eat too much, I really do feel uncomfortable and this little reminder often helps me choose what I really want: feeling good over enjoying dessert/seconds. However, sometimes I choose the dessert/seconds, and that is NOT A FAIL, but a conscious choice.

Best wishes for good NoS success.

Re: S Days Wednesday and Saturday

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:45 am
by milliem
vmsurbat wrote:
And I realize we can want two things at the same time: dessert and not feeling stuffed, and then we have to choose. I added to my decision making arsenal a little refrain: More = Sore. If I eat too much, I really do feel uncomfortable and this little reminder often helps me choose what I really want: feeling good over enjoying dessert/seconds. However, sometimes I choose the dessert/seconds, and that is NOT A FAIL, but a conscious choice.

Best wishes for good NoS success.
Actually I think we can have our cake and eat it! :) NoS is all about moderation right? So if on an S day you think 'hmm I'd like some dessert' it doesn't mean you have to stuff down a huge plate of food and then a massive dessert - you can have a light meal and then a small dessert, or wait a while after your meal to have dessert when you are hungry. That's the great thing about S days, you don't have to worry about when or what you eat, but you can still pay attention to when you are full and how you feel :)

Re: S Days Wednesday and Saturday

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:54 pm
by vmsurbat
milliem wrote: That's the great thing about S days, you don't have to worry about when or what you eat, but you can still pay attention to when you are full and how you feel :)
Absolutely! But believe me, the time has come for me, given my long term NoS habits (4+ years), it sometimes really happens that dessert, even a small piece, even a bite, on top of a normal, nice, moderate meal is honestly too much.

Note: This was not the case in the beginning. In my early NoS days, I had dessert twice (lunch AND dinner) every S day. Today, maybe once, on one of my two S days. Not because I'm trying to cut down on sweets, but because that is what now appeals to me. Dessert more than once a week is just too much dessert and I don't like the way I feel. I never thought I would be this person, easily saying no to dessert, but the sane, sensible, successful NoS N-day habits really do carry over to S days if you give it enough time.