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Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:59 am
by JustForToday
As a NoS newbie, I'm curious. How does everyone else (or those of you who drink) deal with alcohol within the NoS diet? Does anyone hear drink during the week? Or would you delegate alcohol to the weekend? I know something like a glass of wine is definitely not a sweet... but there's something "snacky" about it to me. Usually on a Friday night I would have about two glasses of wine. I deliberately did not have my wine tonight, because usually drinking will make me want to eat, and it's not an S day yet. I'm kind of missing it though. Just curious about how other people fit drinks/cocktails into NoS, if anyone does so at all. For now I plan not to drink anything outside of a weekend so as not to mess up the building of new habits.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 4:36 am
by wosnes
For those of us who drink, most follow Reinhard's suggestion of no more than 2 drinks daily. That would be wine, beer and most mixed drinks. Technically, this is another system designed to keep drinking from getting out of hand, but it works with No-S and is mentioned on the home page.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:23 pm
by JustForToday
I'm familiar with the "glass ceiling" concept from reading most of Everyday Systems content, and it's very practical in terms of addressing an over drinking habit.

But I think if I let myself have two drinks a day I'd never be able to do NoS. Drinking (even just a little) is a big eating trigger for me. The more I think about it the more I'm convinced that the most practical thing for me is to lump alcohol in with sweets and save them for the weekend.

I know its advised not to modify anything so early in the system, but I'm thinking it might be a tweak I just can't get by without.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:27 pm
by wosnes
JustForToday wrote:I'm familiar with the "glass ceiling" concept from reading most of Everyday Systems content, and it's very practical in terms of addressing an over drinking habit.

But I think if I let myself have two drinks a day I'd never be able to do NoS. Drinking (even just a little) is a big eating trigger for me. The more I think about it the more I'm convinced that the most practical thing for me is to lump alcohol in with sweets and save them for the weekend.

I know its advised not to modify anything so early in the system, but I'm thinking it might be a tweak I just can't get by without.
I find that drinking only with meals is helpful. When I drink sans meal, I'm tempted to eat more. When I drink with a meal it's not a problem.