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Funny article on pop/soda

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:10 pm
by DaveMc
Hi all, I was just reading this article and it made me think of NoS: ... gar-water/

A bit from the beginning:
I still find it hilarious that Coca-Cola was invented as a health drink. It’s as if someone set out to invent a device to restore life and vitality to ailing opossums and somehow created the first semi truck.

Around 1958, Royal Crown Cola decided that the way to make cola more healthful was to add more artificial chemicals to it, and thus Diet Rite was torn from the earth and released from its gestation sac. Coca-Cola followed with Tab in 1963, and Pepsi started selling Diet Pepsi in 1964, so if you’re wondering why Americans have been getting steadily slimmer and more healthful since the mid-’60s, now you know.


Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:19 am
by Waterlilly
I can't give up diet pop. Not just yet. I have to catch myself at the right time to do it. It's such an addiction.

Maybe I will switch to Diet 7-UP and go from there...

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:54 am
by oolala53
I don't live my life around health scares but when I read that cola sodas are highly correlated with osteoporosis in women, (and my mom suffered a hip fracture at age 79), I was able to reduce a 2-can a day habit to a few a year. For some reason, non-colas don't have the same effect.

This was before No S.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:12 pm
by Waterlilly
Yes, thank you. I need to hear success stories of how people did it. And I've heard the osteoporosis thing too. Yet, it doesn't always stop me. Plus it messes with my blood sugar. I don't like the non colas nearly as much so they're a good intermediary for me.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 1:17 am
by MaggieMae
So, I searched the NoS discussion board to see if anyone else had started a topic about soda addiction. I am so glad I found this article, because it was hilarious. Ten years ago, I could take it or leave it. I thought it was odd that people were addicted to soda and drank more than one a day. I don't know how this happened to me. I'd say I drink 2 or 3 a day (12 ounces at a time usually). I only drink regular/sugar filled soda. I don't like the taste of diet, and aspartame seems to give me not so pretty side effects. The last few months of No S, I have no trouble with the No snacks and No seconds. It's the sweets that get me. I have been letting myself have soda every day, saving that for the last thing to phase out. I tried this week and only managed to make it through Monday. Tuesday, I was like a junkie looking for a fix. I don't think I can do it. I have tried MANY times. MANY. Times. Why does it have such a hold on me? Especially when I eat out. There are certain restaurants/foods that I feel like it would be impossible to eat without soda. Mexican.... gotta have Mtn Dew. Burgers? Gotta have a Coke. I need help. The thought of giving it up makes me sad. Which is ridiculous because I'm a grown woman. A nurse! I know that it is not necessary for the human body to function. What is wrong with me? :(

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 1:52 am
by oolala53
Why can't you have a soda with your meal, if you like? Until it seems worth it not to have one.

And, yes, you CAN do it, though you may want to fade the habit out rather than force abstinence. It's just a matter of 1) being convinced that the pleasure is not worth some consequence, whatever you think it is, and 2) being willing to ride the wave of desire until it peaks and drops. It always does.

And by the way, I liked that clear cola drink back in the '90's.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 2:19 am
by MaggieMae
Thanks, oohlala! You always have words of wisdom. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 2:40 am
by Merry
The diet soda habit had slowly increased here over the last year or two, and one day I mentioned it to my husband and how bad that is for all of us. I was drinking several a week, the kids had it daily much of the time, and he was drinking 2-4 a day! (Not to mention, that's killer for the budget!) He agreed, hadn't really been thinking about it--so, I came up with a labeling system. He dropped down to 1 per day (and the caffeine withdrawl took a couple of weeks). I label 2 per week for the kids and I (their orthodontist said no more than 2 per week). We've all adjusted to that. I'd like to drop us down farther, but dh isn't quite ready yet. Anyway, all that to say--take it in baby steps, and try it out. Get down to one a day at first, stay there for a bit, then try 4 times a week (roughly every other day) and gradually go down as you're able.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 3:07 am
by MaggieMae
Thanks, oohlala! You always have words of wisdom. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:34 am
by lpearlmom
I don't have a soda habit but a strong mocha latte addiction. When I first started NoS I just stuck to nonfat, no-whip mochas. The thought of giving them up was just too much so I didn't and sometimes even drank 2/day.

Eventually I felt ready to switch to the sugar-free version but I probably won't ever be ready to give them up completely. Yes they tasted a bit odd at first but now taste normal to me. It's my new normal.

Dh used to like having sodas in the house but found out he was diabetic. We've now switch to sparkling Ice and the Bai drinks. Both really good. Not funny aftertaste. So maybe keep experimenting till you find something that is acceptable. I'm never one to give something up completely but rather find a good replacement.



Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 11:50 am
by MaggieMae
Thanks for the tips, everyone! I bought some sparkling water and thought I might try adding some fruit juice to it. I think my first step in phasing out soda will be to get down to one a day, then eventually having one only when I eat out. I think this will be the game changer in my weight loss.