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NO "S" is exposing my issues!

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:34 pm
by Waterlilly
Holy crap! :shock: This new WOE, on my very first day, has exposed some SERIOUS issues I've had but didn't know.

These include:
*Time wasted hunting for snacks as I run errands
*Psychological space used for hunting for said snacks
*Money wasted on snacks
*Consumption of sweets (and sweets AS snacks) on a DAILY basis
*The horrifying realization that my calorie consumption was probably FAR MORE than I thought it was
*The sad realization that all of these silly diets I've tried (low carb, ultra super low carb, counting moderate carbs, counting carb servings AND sugar, Weight Watchers, Low Glycemic, 5 meals a day, Food Lovers....) probably weren't helping me because I was too busy LOOK for SNACKS!

I went into 7-Eleven and it took all of my willpower to JUST get a CUP of coffee and NOT a sugar/carb sweet whatever.

I almost didn't know what to do with myself today because I had this haunting feeling that something was missing. This diet is simple and makes sense. LOTS of sense. Amazing. [/list]

One more thing...

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:36 pm
by Waterlilly
And I see one more issue. This "hunting" constantly for food has exposed the fact that I have a job that I am very unhappy in and was probably using my food hunting time as a way to stave off boredom (my schedule changes weekly and it's annoying) and a way to cover my feelings by stuffing food.

This is so liberating, I can't believe it! :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:22 pm
by eschano
Hi Waterlilly,

This post is hilarious and insightful. A great step towards a new lifestyle!

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:45 pm
by emmay
Welcome Waterlilly.
I was the same, pre no s. I think most of my snacks were due to boredom, anxiety, procrastination, loneliness etc. When I had to face those issues/feelings, instead of distracting myself with eating, I found they were actually quite manageable and passed quickly.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:46 am
by Waterlilly
emmay wrote:Welcome Waterlilly.
I was the same, pre no s. I think most of my snacks were due to boredom, anxiety, procrastination, loneliness etc. When I had to face those issues/feelings, instead of distracting myself with eating, I found they were actually quite manageable and passed quickly.
Thanks Emmay. That's great to know. I think all of the feelings you just identified (boredom, anxiety, procrastination, loneliness) are ones that I've been feeling. The good news is that I am taking steps to get out of my career path so hopefully this will force me to do it.

I hope mine are manageable too. The no snack rule leaves a big hole in my life. I think my goal is to fill that hole with meaningful job related activities instead of donuts.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:43 pm
by Kimbo
Hi Waterlilly,

I am finding the same things as you! How often I turn to SNACKS to get through the day. It seems it was pretty constant. No wonder my body is where it is right now! At the moment, it's pretty challenging not to grab those snacks when I'm out doing errands or after dropping off my daughter at preschool and going to a coffeehouse... but it's so comforting to know I don't have to have diet food ever again (or low carb... aaaaahhhh the freedom) and that another S day is right around the corner, where I can have whatever sweet thing I most want. :D

In the meantime, though, changing habits and finding and working through the resulting feelings is, for sure, a challenge. But a good one.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:07 am
by Waterlilly
eschano wrote:Hi Waterlilly,

This post is hilarious and insightful. A great step towards a new lifestyle!
Thanks Eschano! I'm a writer and while I post to the discussion to communicate, I also can't help but use it as a creative outlet too!

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:10 am
by Waterlilly
Kimbo wrote:but it's so comforting to know I don't have to have diet food ever again (or low carb... aaaaahhhh the freedom) and that another S day is right around the corner, where I can have whatever sweet thing I most want. :D
YES! :shock: OMG, yes! I have been eating normal food and wondering if somehow this food might kill me. All of the crazy diets I've tried have villified at least one nutrient, including sugar, carbs, fats, fats and carbs, calories, and the glycemic index. Past banned foods have included: pasta, pasta sauces, apples, wheat, wheat products, sugar, fruit sugar, high fat anything, red meat, carrots, and milk.

I'm secretly wondering if this next bite will be the one that "takes me down". So far though, so good.

It's so simple, I almost don't trust it.... almost.

And Another Thing....

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:18 am
by Waterlilly
And another thing (so many revelations, so little time)...

I've been on several weight loss discussion boards before and this one seems VERY kind. I wonder if it's because of simplicity. I mean sure, someone could show themselves as a total asshat :twisted: but I spent some time reading these boards before deciding to jump in, and so far it looks like everybody's cool 8) .

What I can't help but wonder is if on some of the other boards, the comments I saw were based on people claiming superiority over others because they some how have "mastered" their program's complicated way of eating and show such virtuous behavior. (that and poor moderation). I mean, I've seen some nasty stuff. The worst of it seems to come from the low carb /ultra low carb boards. Those people even count their veggies for the carbs. I have to wonder if they are mean because the lack of serotonin from severe reduction in carbs (I know, I was one of them) and eating goofy things like Bran-a-Crisp cardboard (crispbread made out of pure bran..... I know). It's just insane.

So here's hoping all is good here because nobody seems to have an edge over anyone else with the rules. Looks like we're back to personal responsibility eating this way. Who knew? :?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:58 am
by oolala53
I think having such a sane, kind founder contributes.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:50 am
by ironchef
oolala53 wrote:I think having such a sane, kind founder contributes.
Reinhard advises moderation, so why not behave moderately on a message board?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:19 pm
by Waterlilly
Cool. 8) I get that vibe from him too. Which then makes me wonder, why is sanity and moderation in such short supply? Once upon a time, people ate mashed potatoes and beef and donuts and yet still stayed slim, and they also treated each other with kindness. Truly, the world has gone mad.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:00 am
by Over43
Well, at least you have to hunt for snacks. Mine are just a reach away, with part of the previous snack usually on the front of my shirt.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:57 pm
by milliem
NoS is all about moderation, I reckon that helps people feel more relaxed which probably helps with the supportive atmosphere! Get a bunch of hungry, stressed out people together trying to work out a complicated diet and I'm not surprised they might be a little tetchy... :)

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 12:17 am
by Waterlilly
I like to call that, "diet rage" :lol: :lol:

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 2:40 am
by Blithe Morning
milliem wrote:NoS is all about moderation, I reckon that helps people feel more relaxed which probably helps with the supportive atmosphere! Get a bunch of hungry, stressed out people together trying to work out a complicated diet and I'm not surprised they might be a little tetchy... :)
Deprived too. Deprivation makes people surly.