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Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:26 am
by Waterlilly
Is there such a thing as a "detox" when you start eating this way :?: I don't mean officially as if you're cleaning your body or whatever goofy thing you could call it, but perhaps an adjustment period?

Today I felt "bleahhhchchhh". That's a combination of "blah" and "bleech" accompanied by an upset stomach and lots of Pepto Bismol. Now that I have stopped eating snacks and sweets as snacks, there must be a space where my body is withdrawing from it. This schedule thing is new territory for me in my eating and my life, so it's an adjustment.

The blah/bleech also came with a dull headache and the far off feeling of wanting to barf. I didn't but it was there. I broke my green day status and moved it to red with some "hair of the dog" involving 4 miniature peanut butter cups and a bag of chili cheese Fritos as a snack. I wonder if I'm eating too much at meal time and it's messing me up.

Does anyone have any idea what this might be and how I can minimize it? :|

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 3:01 am
by emmay
I don't know. Is there such a thing as sugar withdrawal?
In the first few weeks I experienced strong hunger for an hour or two before meals, starting around the time I was used to having morning and afternoon tea. Sometimes the hunger was accompanied by slight diziness and crankyness. This has diminished as I have gotten used to the timing of meals. I think my blood sugar levels have evened out. Though, i still can be a bit cranky right before meals. :D

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 3:43 am
by ZippaDee
Perhaps you have some kind of a bug and this is totally unrelated to NoS? :idea:

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:49 am
by oolala53
I never had those reactions on N days and I was a big sugar eater, so I don't think it's related to not eating sugar. I did find out on some yucky S days why pregnant women eat soda crackers. They really did reduce the semi-nauseous feelings, but if you used them for such a purpose, I would call that a NWS day and mark it as yellow, or a sick day. I, too, think the feelings are unrelated to No S. But I could be wrong.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:56 am
by wosnes
I also think it's unrelated to No-S. A coincidence.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:21 am
by eschano
Interestingly, I had headache's the first week of strict N days. For me it was a combination of no sugar and much less caffeine. I went from 2 coffees and 3-4 diet cokes plus at least 2 chocolate bars on top of my meals to only my meals and I felt horrible the first two days and then better than ever.
I also experienced the same withdrawel symptoms on other diets but I think for me they're more caffeine related.
I believe I was well on my way to pre-diabetes and feel like my body has a much better way of handling insulin now.
That said, I have absolutely no health credentials and it might be that you're experiencing something completely different.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:16 pm
by Waterlilly
Some interesting thoughts here. I know for sure it's not an illness. I feel much better today. I do think caffeine might have been an issue. But I also really do think that my body is adjusting to not having the steady supply of sugar and snacks (even the non sugar ones). I wish there was some foolproof way abating the symptoms. I like the cracker idea. Of course, having a holiday in the middle of my first week is not great but I will try to moderate.

I think too, that this way of eating forces me to listen to my body rather than listen to a diet. Who knew your body could know best? :?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:42 am
by Over43
I have an acquintance who had a lap band and his doctor put him on a low carb diet after. (Which begs the question, why didn't he just low carb before???) Whenever he ate (eats, I haven't talked to him in awhile) sugar it went right through him. Like pond grass through a goose. So, I don't know if detox is the right word (I am personally not a big believer in "detox") but your body may just not like sugary foods anymore.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:31 pm
by Waterlilly
Over43 wrote:I don't know if detox is the right word (I am personally not a big believer in "detox") but your body may just not like sugary foods anymore.
That could be part of it. I was "without" for a while and I think it rebelled.

I was at the mall yesterday and I got really humbled by a woman I saw. She HAD to be a really loose size 4 jeans (for the guys who don't know, that's an acceptable supermodel size if they have muscle). She looked lean and good. She also had three little kids with her including an infant. The two older boys looked to be about 4 and 3 years old, while the infant looked like she was about 6 months or so and not yet sitting up.

So here I am, watching this lady, thinking "wow, she has three kids and looks really good and yet she doesn't seem to have a snack on her, even with three kids". And then....I saw it. This thing clipped to her belt. "That's a weird looking phone" I thought, with a square readout screen and large up and down buttons. It had a tube sticking out of the side. Yep. It was....
an insulin pump.

So here's this lady, three small children, size 4 (maybe even smaller) with a 24/7 insulin pump! My Dad had a kidney transplant and is Type II and insulin dependent. I had always heard that insulin makes you gain weight, especially if you have to take it on a regular basis and you don't produce it. So here she was, three children (they were hers, I could tell by the way she stood with them) and bikini lean.

I have nothing to complain about. :oops: Even if I get a little "ill" :roll: on certain days, I will just live with it. I have no children. None of those body changes. I have no medical problems and I"m really healthy and NOT required to "eat" if my blood sugar gets too low. I just need to stop eating crap, start eating good stuff, and not too much of it. Treats only occasionally. I sometimes wonder if these goofy diets really gave me the ultimate goal in disguise: the ability to eat junk as long as I play around "rules". Nope. no more. I'm done. And I'm going to stop whining. IF I have a tough day again, I will deal and move on. Boy, was that woman a humbling example!