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Food History Timeline

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:05 pm
by BrightAngel
Image Some of you might find this timeline interesting.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:24 am
by oolala53
Instant sweet potatoes from 1963? I didn't even know we ever had them. And I can't believe it took Coke nearly 20 years to come out with Diet Coke after Diet Pepsi arrived.

Can't remember if it said anything about Tab. I had a Tab last summer. I think it might have been a really old leftover and not a reissue because it was not good at all, and I am not a purist. But I know I loved it back in the day.

From the description, Cheese Whiz was not actually that bad, except for the fake color. Worstershire, flour. Thing I might use in my kitchen.

As one of your commenters on Diet Hobby said, I'm surprised how many of the items are as old as they are.


Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:56 am
by Blithe Morning

I remember when Diet Coke came out. It was something of a Big Deal because Coke had never put its brand name on any other product other than Coca-Cola. I too was a Tab drinker. I think Tab stuck with saccharin for a long time, even after the other soft drinks bailed.

And Fresca. Every once in a great while, maybe once a year, I will have a Fresca. Just because.