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* * * New Year/January Challenge * * *

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:53 pm
by ~reneew
Happy New Year!!
A fresh new year brings a fresh new attitude, a clean slate, and support from others trying extra hard.
Lets make the most of it and join in the fun!

I challenge you to publicly set a goal for the Month of January!

This is for anybody who needs encouragement and daily accountability. Think of this as your own little cheering section.

- post your progress once at the top with your goal and edit that first post all month. It's easier to skim-read and find each other. Accountability helps!
- please re-read that last one, some people don't get it.
- after a couple days we can post encouragements and support at the bottom.
- anyone can start whenever through out the month. The more ~ the merrier!
- good luck and have fun with it!

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:54 pm
by ~reneew
I'm in! Any goal would be better than December was... ug.
Maybe green all month doing plain ol' vanilla but with s events on the weekend. I need to ditch my S-travaganza weekend mindset. :roll:
I think I will give myself 5 oops events this month. I am shooting for green but if I do fail I want it to stay an event not an all day blow out. Not sure how I'll color that... but that's the plan.

1 :mrgreen: Yea! I had only 6 successful days in December... I'd say I'm off to a great start. I even went to a movie and had only water.
2 :mrgreen: Wow! 2 in a row!
3 :mrgreen: yea! I can't believe I did 3 in a row! I know I am able, but December was soooo crappy.
4 :mrgreen: I'm so happy.
5 :wink:
6 :wink: not too bad of a weekend.
7 :oops: tried too hard and it backfired.
8 :oops: but it was one event. Long drive, shopping, and dinner with my daughter. Buffet. Only 1 "meal" all day, but believe me, it was enough. Proof that seconds (and thirds) are a problem.
9 :mrgreen: Great day! I think it makes up for yesterday, in my mind anyway.
10 :mrgreen:
11 :oops: grrr. maybe its a one week thing and next week will be perfect!
12 :wink:
13 :wink:
14 :mrgreen: trying hard for perfect this week
15 :mrgreen: very tempted
16 :mrgreen: back on track. Easy day. Did I just say that?
17 :mrgreen: I earned that one. I don't want to track my exercise but I've been doing that daily also :mrgreen:
18 :mrgreen: Yes!
19 :wink:
20 :wink:
21 :mrgreen: yea! The kids were even home and I did it!!! Mondays are important days for me. It seems to set the week.
22 :mrgreen:
23 :oops: headache, just feeling off today.
24 :oops:
25 :oops: bad
26 :wink:
27 :wink:
28 :mrgreen: yea!
29 :oops:
30 :oops: crud
31 :mrgreen: I am very determined to end the month with a completely successful day! I better...

Well, I did better than December! But, I really need to gain control.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:00 pm
by clarinetgal
I'm in! I will be doing sort-of Vanilla No S, in that I won!t be eating sweets during the week, but I may be eating more than 3 meals, depending on the day. I definitely won't be eating seconds. I'll have S Days, but I'm going to allow myself just certain snacks or sweets, and they won't be free for alls. I will be tracking calories and carbs, and I want to exercise at least 5 times per week.

1. Success! I ate 5 smaller meals today, with no sweets or seconds. Exercise was The Firm's Super Sculpting.
2. Success! I ate 4 smaller meals today, with no sweets or seconds. Exercise was a 25 minute stroller walk with my 1 year old this afternoon, and Leslie Sansone's Walk Away Your Stress this evening.
3. Fail, but also a victory. I did have a cookie from Panera Bread, BUT I did not let this slip up sabotage my day, like I have on many previous occasions. The rest of my eating was pretty moderate. Yay, me!
4. Fail.
5. Success! I've had more successes than fails so far, which is way better than I did last month!
6. S Day--and a pretty tame one, too! :D
7. Faill
8. Success!
9. Fail
10. Success! I have lost 3.5 of the 7 pounds I gained during the holiday season. :D
11-15 it's been too many days since I checked in, but they were mostly fails
16. NWS Day. Happy 14th wedding anniversary!.
17. Minor fail. I had a slice of cheese cake tonight. However, the rest of my eating was very moderate.
18. Success!
19. S Day
20. S day
21. Fail I'm down 5 pounds since Jan. 1!
22. Success!
23. Fail
24. Success!
25. Fail
26. S day
27. S Day
28. Success!
29. Fail (but minor). I'm down 6 pounds, as of this morning!

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:04 pm
by Minkymoo
I'm in, my first month challenge... I'll be doing Vanilla no S and my goal is to stay green all month!
1st :mrgreen:
2nd Fail - a small handful of doritos at 0500 while on night shift.
3rd :mrgreen:
4th Fail! Stress eating at work
5th - :-)
6th - :-)
7th :mrgreen:
8th :mrgreen:
9th :mrgreen:
10th :mrgreen: a BIG lunch out with my mum today, but all still on one plate!
11th :mrgreen:
12th :-) Unfortunately quite wild (at work)
13th :-) Permasnacking. Better food choices but still TOO MUCH!
14th :mrgreen:
15th :mrgreen:
16th :mrgreen: starting to cut back on portion sizes.
17th :mrgreen:
18th :mrgreen:
19th :-)
20th :-) Better! I was more selective and ate less but still a bit much!
21st :mrgreen:
22nd :mrgreen:
23rd :mrgreen:
24th :-) planned S day for Mum's birthday, indulgences = several slices of
25th :mrgreen:
26th :-) uh oh meringue binge!
27th :-) OK and enjoyable
28th :mrgreen:
29th :mrgreen: but feeling tempted to BINGE right now! ... But I didn't :-)
30th :mrgreen:
31st :mrgreen: GO ME!!!

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:42 pm
by TexArk
I'm in for January.
Vanilla NoS + tracking calories, carbs, and 15 min exercise minimum

Jan 1 S Day New Year's Brunch at my house + bowl games now OVER
Jan 2 :D 33 min. elliptical :D
Jan 3 :D 15 min. bike 15 min. weights :D
Jan 4 challenge for the day: managing trip to the city :D lots of walking :D
Jan 5 S Day under control :D 15 min. weights :D
Jan 6 S Day under control :D no exercise
Jan 7 Ate popcorn snack Natl Champ game :( 33 min. elliptical :D
Jan 8 :D 30 min bike :D
Jan 9 :D 15 min bike :D
Jan 10 :D 15 min weights :D
Jan 11 :D 15 weights 30 bike :D
Jan 12 :D 33 elliptical :D
Jan 13: S Day under control no exercise
Jan 14 :( FAILin the morning but move on...lots of cream cheese fruit dip
Jan 15 :D No exercise for 3 days in a row! but eating is copasetic

2 week results: 4 lb. loss...Thanksgiving and Christmas have gone!

Jan 16 :D 30 min bike :D
Jan 17 :( snack after supper 20 min bike :D
Jan 18 :D 15 min. wts. :D
Jan 19 S Day under control no exercise
Jan 20 S Day under control no exercise
Jan 21 :D 30 minutes bike :D
Jan 22 :D 20 min wts :D
Jan 23 :D 33 min. elliptical :D
Jan 24 FAIL :( staying up late...ate after exercise
Jan 25 :D 30 min WOTP :D
Jan 26 S Day under control wedding shower and 1 dinner
Jan 27 S Day under control wedding shower and concert out of town
Jan 28 :D 33 elliptical :D
Jan 29 :D 20 min. wts :D
Jan 30 33 min. elliptical :D

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:08 pm
by Too solid flesh
Green N days, with only pre-determined NWS days (1, 7 and 17 January). I'm looking forward to returning to normal after Christmas excesses.

Tu 1.1.13 :D Pre-determined S day.
W 2.1.13 :mrgreen: Hooray!
Th 3.1.13 :mrgreen:
F 4.1.13 :mrgreen:
Sa 5.1.13 :D
Su 6.1 :D
M 7.1 :D Pre-determined S day.
Tu 8.1 :mrgreen:
W 9.1 :mrgreen:
Th 10.1 :mrgreen:
F 11.1 :mrgreen:
Sa 12.1 :D
Su 13.1 :D
M 14.1 :mrgreen:
Tu 15.1 :mrgreen:
W 16.1. :mrgreen:
Th 17.1 :D Pre-determined S day. As N day, but with one chocolate.
F 18.1 :mrgreen:
Sa 19.1 :D
Su 20.1 :D
M 21.1 :mrgreen:
Tu 22.1 :mrgreen:
W 23.1 :mrgreen:
Th 24.1 :mrgreen:
F 25.1 :mrgreen:
Sa 26.1 :D
Su 27.1 :D
Mo 28.1 :mrgreen:
Tu 29.1 :mrgreen:
W 30.1 :mrgreen:
Th 31.1 :mrgreen:

Did it!

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:24 pm
by HealthyMommy
I've never done any kind of challenge like this before so here goes!
I guess since I'm just starting out, my goal for the month will be to just get going and do my best, to have more green days than red.
Jan.1*Exempt S-DAY 1*
Jan.2 Day started great, then totally missed lunch&downhill it went..':('RED
Jan.3 Well this is embarrassing! ':oops:' RED
Jan.4 ':oops:'
Jan.7 FAIL
Jan.8 FAIL Mon. and Tues. went great until after supper.':roll:'
Jan.9 Finally! SUCCESS!
Jan10. FAIL Visiting and staying with family
Jan.11 FAIL
Jan.18FAIL Lost our electricity Thurs-Sat. because of the winter storm, really threw things out of whack!
Jan.25FAIL HORRIBLE WEEK! ':shock:'

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:31 pm
by Jammin' Jan
A new month and a new year! Two goals for January:

No S + 1 mod (cheese at 10a.m.), and

I will try to avoid merely fulfilling the letter of the law (3 plates, no sweets) and will actively try to follow the spirit of the law (moderation) as well.

1. S Day
2. Fail (too much moderation leads to hunger)
3. Success
4. Success
5. S Day (my treat was a shot glass-sized ice cream and half a cookie. Tiny but tasty!)
6. S Day
7. Success
8. Success
9. Success
10. Success
11. Success
12. S Day (my treat is a Halloween-size 3 Muskateers bar)
13. S Day (maybe a little cookie after dinner)
14. Success
15. Success

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:38 am
by Meikmeika
I'm definitely in!!!!

-Vanilla S
-Activity 3 times a week
-Be mindful on S days

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:26 am
by Jbell
I'm in. I have been a lurker for a long time. I need to have this accountability because October through December were not good--gained 6-7 pounds with bingeing several times per week. Part of my goal is to eat real food at meals; to improve my relationship with food.

Goal: Vanilla NoS with 5 or less slip-ups
Jan 1 :mrgreen: GREEN! Spent part of day making good food to have available.
Jan 2 :mrgreen: So far, so good. Worried about S days which usually triggered binge eating.
Jan 3 :mrgreen: Been awhile since I actually fixed & sat down for 3 meals of real food, 3 days in a row.
Jan 5 S day: not too wild.
Jan 6 S day: so-so day. Snacked a lot more, instead of sitting down to real food for three meals.
Jan 7 All these next 7 days are red. My bingeing needs to be dealt with first. I am reading "Brain over Binge" and feel I need to continue study into Rational Recovery methods. No S is a great framework but for me bingeing on the weekends has always been my downfall. Will probably come back to this at a later date.
Jan 8
Jan 9
Jan 10
Jan 11
Jan 12
Jan 13

SW= 128
GW= 120 :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:36 am
by grothkat
I am in. Vanilla No S for me.

SW: 193

Jan 1
Jan 2
Jan 3
Jan 4
Jan 5 S Day
Jan 6 S Day
Jan 7
Jan 8
Jan 9
Jan 10
Jan 11
Jan 12 S Day
Jan 13 S Day
Jan 14
Jan 15
Jan 16
Jan 17
Jan 18
Jan 19 S Day
Jan 20 S Day
Jan 21
Jan 22
Jan 23
Jan 24
Jan 25
Jan 26 S Day
Jan 27 S Day
Jan 28
Jan 29
Jan 30
Jan 31

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:54 pm
by ZippaDee
I'm in! Pure Vanilla! Gotta get back on track!
Jan 7: :oops: Had a great day all day until I went to my son's bb game and ate popcorn and THEN came home and ate some more. I am having trouble getting back on track after the holidays. If you are a praying person please pray for me today. It needs to be green!
Jan. 8: :oops: No comment...just :evil:

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:25 pm
by Sweetness
I'm in! It will be good to get back on track after that last week of December. My goal is Vanilla No-S, with Renee's OOPS Mod. I like that idea of allowing a few mistakes (5) but NOT allowing the whole day to get messed up. For me, I will color it green, but confess exactly what I did wrong here including the word OOPS in caps.

Last month I was consistent about my Couch to 5K (C25K) plan, I'm on week 7 and I will record that here as well, along with exercise on the off days. If anyone else is running or wants to start, feel free to join us on our Couch to 5K thread. We can support each other.

I still need work on portion control. My goal for this month will be to put everything on the plate before I start eating, and use only the luncheon size plates unless more than half of what I'm eating is vegetables or fruit, then I can add an extra dessert size plate. I need to eat more veggies and fruit. This month I will be giving myself a red :oops: if I fail at portion control.

Date/ NoS/ C25K or exercise/ portion control
Tu 1 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: A good day food wise, no special events, ate my 3 small plates and went for a 20 min walk. Happy New Year
W 2 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: was success with an OOOPS. I'm allowing myself 5 of them this month. We went to Mexico City, had to leave at 6:30 AM. I had my little smoothie, but no breakfast. It was noon by the time we were done with our meeting. Hungry by then, and they served us hot chocolate, bread, and animal crackers. Could call it late breakfast, but it was sweets.
Th 3 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I've been adding veggies or fruit to every meal and feel much better!
F 4 :mrgreen: :| :mrgreen: difficult week with my mom hospitalized for heart trouble. Made plans to go back to Minn. to help the family. Never did get out to exercise.
Sa 5 8) :mrgreen: :mrgreen: finished Week 7 of C25k, nice date with my DH
Su 6 :wink: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: A good tame weekend.
M 7 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Tu 8 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
W 9 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: we left home at 6 for the trip to Mexico city, so I packed cheese crackers and an apple for breakfast. Later in my class, my seven 11 year old students were hungry, so I shared the crackers, then another teacher brought out cookies. I ate 1 and a half cookies. OOPs.
Th 10 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

F 11 :wink: :mrgreen: S day for travel to Minn. long day
S 12.
:lol: :mrgreen: I did get out for my run, even tho it was cold, windy and icy! I'm not going to record portions for the rest of the month while I'm in Minn. just too busy to track it, but still working at it!
Su 13 :lol: :?:
M 14 :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Tu 15 :oops: :mrgreen:
W 16 :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Th 17 :mrgreen: :?:
F 18 :oops: :mrgreen:
Sa 19 :wink: :mrgreen:
Su 20 :wink: :|
M 21 :oops:
The rest of the month played out like this:
22 :mrgreen:
23 :mrgreen:
24 :oops:
25 :mrgreen:
26 :wink:
27 8)
28 :oops:
29 :mrgreen:
30 :oops:
31 :roll: (travel day)
I had a lot of stress with my parents and trying to help them. Now that I'm back in Mexico, February is going well so far (today is the 7th).

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:46 pm
by surfersuz
I want in as well!!

I have been an on-and-off lurker for a couple of years now, but 2013 is going to be the year I stick to it! I don't want my life to be ruled by the diet/binge cycle anymore….

January is to be the start of a couple of habits for me - Vanilla No-S all the way and putting away things as soon as I am done with them.

Thanks for starting this challenge!!

Jan 1 :) Success!!! Really hard after dinner but was able to stick to it!
Jan 2 :) nice to wake up in the morning knowing I could've binged but didn't.
Jan 3 :) yay! 3 days in a row.
Jan 4 :) even tho I woke at 2 am for some chocolate…at least I made it past midnight...
Jan 5 -S day - not very limited but def not as bad as they have been in the past. I found I like sticking with the 3 meal structure for the most part.
Jan 6 - S day - not a very good one. Maybe next week can be better.
Jan 7 Fail Mondays after S days are hard.
Jan 8 :) able to stick to the meals, I still do have a glass of milk tho…sigh, one thing at a time I suppose
Jan 9 Fail even though it was a minor slip-up, an S is still an S
Jan 10 Fail now this is getting bad :( tighten it up tomorrow
Jan 11 :)
Jan 12 S day - tame
Jan 13 S day - fairly tame
Jan 14 :) aiming for 5 straight days of green this week.
Jan 15 :)
Jan 16 :)
Jan 17 Fail - didn't make five straight of green :( started with a tasting at the farmers market, I didn't even think about it...
Jan 18 Fail - well, 2 red days this week instead of 3 last week - I guess I'll take it as an improvement?! Trying to be positive!!
Jan 19 S day - mostly tame
Jan 20 S day - too much but wouldn't call it an all out binge
Jan 21 :) feels good to be back to the N days
Jan 22 :)
Jan 23 :)
Jan 24 :) can't believe I made it 4 days in a row…can't mess this up now!!!
Jan 25
Jan 26
Jan 27
Jan 28
Jan 29
Jan 30
Jan 31

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:02 pm
by linda45
I am in . My specific goals are Vanilla NoS & increasing vegetables & fruit. My food choices have been awful. I already use small plates.

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:40 pm
by eschano
I'm totally in. Back from my 2 week holiday and dreading the scales tomorrow :)

1 - S DAY New Year's
2- :mrgreen:
3- :mrgreen: - ok so I'm going for an easy 3 greens this week. Nice way to get back into the habits :wink:
4- :mrgreen: - close one but fine
5- S DAY
6- S DAY very tame one
7- :mrgreen:
8- :mrgreen:
9- :mrgreen:
10- :mrgreen:
11- :mrgreen:
12- S DAY
13- S DAY
14- S day - today I allow myself an extra banana before meeting my friends for drinks (they can take much more and we won't have dinner for ages)
15- :mrgreen:
16- :mrgreen:
17- :mrgreen:
18- :mrgreen:
19- S DAY
20- S DAY
21- :mrgreen:
22- :mrgreen:
23- :mrgreen:
24- :oops: - technically I had seconds at a dinner with friends. Nothing too big, so a fairly small failure but worth recording anyway
25- :oops: - massive fail. Got cocky. Also, was tired and home early as I felt poorly. Still. A wild weekend followed. Mark it and move on.
26- S DAY - wild
27- S DAY - wild - so much for having it all figured out. A good reminder and I've made peace with it.

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:36 pm
by Tessytwinkle
I'm in. Vanilla noS and 14 mins on exercise bike 5 times week. Failed badly in December. Determined to kick lifelong habits. Just want to be free of self loathing and need to lose some weight if possible for my health. But main thing is to be in control of my eating and experience the relief that brings.
Jan 1 - noS
Jan 2 - NoS

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:39 am
by Morris
I'm just starting No S, and I've picked an easy week to start with two NWS days. Let's see how I do....

Edited to add: My starting weight is 11 stone, or 154 pounds. Height 5ft 4 inches, so a BMI of 26.4.

1 - NWS DAY New Year's
4- NWS DAY My Fortieth Birthday
5- S DAY
6- S DAY
10-FAIL - got taken out for my birthday (late treat) and ended up having a very fancy three course meal. I was No-S the rest of the day, but that doesn't really make up for this fail.
12-S DAY - on a night shift so this S day started at midnight, however so far I haven't gone crazy.
13- S DAY
15-FAIL - had a sleep before my night shift therefore missing my lunch, then got ravenously hungry before dinner and had snacks of grapes and salad. In calorie terms it's insignificant, but I'm annoyed not to have kept a fence around the law
17- SUCCESS - provided I don't snack tonight, hopefully writing it here will deter error!
19- S DAY
20- S DAY
24- FAIL - Had second helping of roast veg and bulgher wheat. Feel quite bloated now. The reason for the fail was probably that I had only had time for a slice of toast for lunch.
26- S DAY
27- S DAY

Back to No S

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:56 pm
by elainewh
I'm in too, vanilla No S and exercise 6 days a week (3 strength/3-4 cardio). I'm tracking S/NS days for diet only and I'll make notes on exercise. I'm looking forward to this because I feel so much better when I'm eating right!

Jan 1 S Day New Year's Day
Jan 2
Jan 3
Jan 4
Jan 5 S Day
Jan 6 S Day
Jan 7
Jan 8 S Day Birthday
Jan 9
Jan 10
Jan 11
Jan 12 S Day
Jan 13 S Day
Jan 14
Jan 15
Jan 16
Jan 17
Jan 18
Jan 19 S Day
Jan 20 S Day
Jan 21
Jan 22
Jan 23
Jan 24
Jan 25
Jan 26 S Day
Jan 27 S Day
Jan 28
Jan 29
Jan 30
Jan 31

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:18 pm
by ~reneew
Jammin' Jan wrote: I will try to avoid merely fulfilling the letter of the law (3 plates, no sweets) and will actively try to follow the spirit of the law (moderation) as well.

January challenge

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:26 pm
by Lady Crimson
I'm in for January; vanilla No-S.

1 S Day :-)
2 success :-)
3. :-)
4 :-)
5 S Day :-)
6 S Day :-)
12 S Day :-)
13 S Day :-)
19 S Day :-)
20 S Day :-)
26 S Day :-)
27 S Day :-)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:27 am
by ~reneew
Off to a great start for most of us! There are 19 of us so far. Imagine us all in one room! Thats a lot of support!
Happy birthday Morris! Have some cake for me... tiny one.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:07 pm
by iamtami
I'm new here and just started No S yesterday. I thought this would be a great way to help get off to a good start. Makes me accountable to someone.

So, my goal is to simply build the habit this month.

I have a book club that meets the 3rd Friday evening of each month, so I will take that evening as an S-evening. Other than that, I don't think I have any NWS days this month.

2 - began reading the book
3 - :mrgreen: finished the book, and i'm on board
4 - :mrgreen: did not have enough dinner ... stomach was growling at bed time, but I survived
5 - :) S-day - i don't think i went too crazy. i enjoyed a few of the lingering holiday treats. had a social brunch, which threw off my meal schedule. made me realize i actually enjoyed the more set 3 meals a day. makes it easier to tell what is hunger and what is boredom.
6 - :) S-day
7 - :mrgreen: success on my first day on habit at work
8 - :oops: i had a york peppermint patty without thinking about it. it was for a history class/project i run, so it was part of our "studies", but i totally did it without thinking. i should have planned this as an s-event as we usually have a theme-related treat. i realized it after my first bite. and it caused me to feel hungry, so lesson learned!
9 - :mrgreen:
10 - :mrgreen:
11 - :mrgreen:
12 - :) S-day went to a bbq restaurant with my family. asked for a box right after the food arrived and put half in to take home.
13 - :) S-day
14 - :mrgreen:
15 - :mrgreen:
16 - :mrgreen: went out with a friend i hadn't seen in a while for drinks. i watched her devour a huge plate of nachos. just watched. and drank my 2 vodka cranberries.
17 - :mrgreen:
18 - :mrgreen: with :) s-event for my book club in the evening. circus themed foods ... yum!
19 - :) S-day
20 - :) S-day
21 - :mrgreen:
22 - :mrgreen:
23 - :mrgreen:
24 - :mrgreen:
25 - :mrgreen:
26 - :) S-day
27 - :) S-day
28 - :mrgreen:
29 - :mrgreen:
30 - :mrgreen:
31 - :mrgreen:

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:17 am
by Jammin' Jan
Welcome, iamtami!

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:20 pm
by Sweetness
iamtami wrote:I'm new here and just started No S yesterday. I thought this would be a great way to help get off to a good start. Makes me accountable to someone.

So, my goal is to simply build the habit this month.

I have a book club that meets the 3rd Friday evening of each month, so I will take that evening as an S-evening. Other than that, I don't think I have any NWS days this month.

2 - began reading the book
3 - :mrgreen: finished the book, and i'm on board
Welcome! Stick with it and you'll love it!

January challenge

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:17 am
by Nay-Nay
I'm in! My biggest problem is weighing myself. I know better but can't seem to help myself. Then, if I don't see what I want to, I get depressed and binge.
Just foolish!
So, for the rest of January, starting on the 7th, no scale until February 4th.
(my 47th birthday). Let's see what I can do! :wink:

Re: January challenge

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:47 am
by Sweetness
Nay-Nay wrote:I'm in! My biggest problem is weighing myself. I know better but can't seem to help myself. Then, if I don't see what I want to, I get depressed and binge.
Just foolish!
So, for the rest of January, starting on the 7th, no scale until February 4th.
(my 47th birthday). Let's see what I can do! :wink:
I recommend you put the scale somewhere that makes it hard to get at. Like a high shelf or the back of a closet. One friend put it in the trunk of her car. :wink:

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:19 pm
by ~reneew
My weighing problems went away when I started to write it down on a calendar. I write my weight on the top of the square for morning and bottom for evening, then instead of comparing to yesterday or a certain time, I compare to the same time the week before. I look more for trends, the big picture. Somehow thinking long-term took away the depression of a gain and encouraged me over-all. Weighing really helps me now. :wink:

scales and exercise

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:47 pm
by Nay-Nay
reneew, I get too obsessive when I weigh in every day. I have used the calendar method but heaven help me if I gain a pound in water weight!

Sweetness, I love the idea of the trunk but for right now, I asked my oldest daughter to hide it! :D

Exercise is not a problem for the challenge. That's the good part of being obsessive. I do push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups Monday - Friday, and walk or run 5 miles a day 7 days a week.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:25 am
by Sweetness
I think my stomach might be finally shrinking a bit. I forgot to eat breakfast today and waited till dinner! Maybe its the small plates? Hope this keeps up and I can finally lose some weight. :mrgreen:

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:56 pm
by ~reneew
I see a lot of greens!

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:08 pm
by Too solid flesh
~reneew wrote:Well, I was down 34 before the holidays...
You will be again!

Lots of greens, indeed. Thank you for starting and cheerleading these challenges.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:12 pm
by ~reneew
clarinetgal ~ good goin' loosing those holiday pounds!
minkymoo ~ good recovery!
texark ~ only 10 to go! Woohoo!
toosolid ~ lookin' good! Thanks for the cheer! I'm a turtle to loose and a rabbit to gain. :?
healthy mommy ~ keep going! Make a plan, don't let a couple of reds beat you!
jan ~ you always seem to have your head on straight
meikmeika ~ with us?
jbell ~ small steps :wink:
grothkat ~ ya there? You can do this!
zippadee ~ keep going!
sweetness ~ tons of green goin' on there!
surfersuz ~ tighten up, you can do it! I'm sitting in freezing rain right now, enjoy your weather for me!
linda45 ~ how's it going?
eschano ~ wow :wink:
tessywinkle ~ still green? Keep goin'!
Morris ~ birthdays are S days and I think 40 deserves 2 mini celebrations. :wink:
elainewh ~ still with us?
ladychrimson ~ write them in, you can do this!
iamtami ~ off to a good start!
naynay ~ how ya doin'?

Did I miss anyone? Keep goin' gang... its not even mid January yet, do your best for the rest of the month!
There are a lot of us cheering you on!!!

January challenge

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 4:57 pm
by Nay-Nay
reneew- Had one red day, ate out and order was wrong, food was terrible. Felt sorry for myself and drown my pitiful self in Pepsi and Butterfingers! :wink:

Not knowing the location of my scale is definitely helping!

Not filling in day by day on here because I tend to be obsessive.

Thanks so much for checking with me, I lead a pretty solitary life since my husband died. It was nice to be remembered. :D

January challenge

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 12:37 am
by lindalou
Jan 1 green :D
Jan 2 green :D
Jan 3 green :D
Jan 4 green :D
Jan 5 green :D
Jan 6 green :D
Jan 7 green :D
Jan 8 green :D
Jan 9 green :D
Jan 10 green :D
Jan 11 green :D
5 lbs lost :D :D :D
Jan.12 thur 18th green
I feel so much better still only 5 lbs down but that is ok I am eating better and my out look on life is good :) :) :)

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:42 pm
by Too solid flesh
Congratulations, lindalou!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:47 am
by clarinetgal
Good job, Lindaloo! I took an NWS day today without guilt, because it was my 14th anniversary. I will definitely get back on track tomorrow, though!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:45 pm
by grothkat
Hey yeah I have not checked in on this page mostly because I have been checking in on my own thread in the daily check in page. Not doing the absolute best but I will start actually counting green days. I will start with today:


Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:20 pm
by Too solid flesh
Happy anniversary, clarinetgal.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:14 am
by clarinetgal
Thanks, Too Solid flesh! :D


Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:07 pm
by tobiasmom
I'm gonna join in mid-month. Been really struggling with N days. So my focus the rest of the month is on three meals, period.

1.24: FAILURE (ugh...)
1.26: S DAY


Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:16 pm
by Nay-Nay
I am having a very hard time not getting on the scale. I have been following the program to a T but I swear, it seems my jeans are tighter! :x

I am planning to weigh in on my birthday in just over 2 weeks but if I am heavier instead of lighter, I will be bummed.

Happy anniversary, clarinetgal!

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:59 am
by clarinetgal
Thanks, Nay-Nay!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:54 pm
by Sweetness
I just updated mine today, first time since the 10th. I've had 3 reds since then, but have been keeping up with my C25k. Since I arrived back to th deep freeze in Minnesota, I've run 3 times outdoors and 2 times indoors. It's the coldest it's been in 4 years right now. I had car trouble and I'm kinda proud of myself for taking the bus yesterday to the indoor mall, and running for 30 minutes to finish week 9 of the c25k program! :mrgreen: :arrow: :idea: :mrgreen:


Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:21 pm
by Nay-Nay
Sweetness, Great Job!
Are you up to a 5 k distance yet?
I am getting back into running myself but will wait till it is more springlike since I don't mind walking on a treadmill but HATE running on one! :D

Re: C25k

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 5:19 am
by Sweetness
Nay-Nay wrote:Sweetness, Great Job!
Are you up to a 5 k distance yet?
I am getting back into running myself but will wait till it is more springlike since I don't mind walking on a treadmill but HATE running on one! :D
Thanks, Nay-Nay,
I feel the same about treadmills. My running is more of a light jog... I think I might be up to 3.5 or 4K if you include the warmup and cool down walks. The c25k focuses on the amt of time running. In week 9 you warm up walk 5 minutes, run for 30, and walk for 5. A younger person would likely be up to 5k by now. I don't have a pedometer, but our lake is 3.2 miles in circumference, and I'm not making it halfway around in half the time yet, I make it about a third, or a bit more, then turn back. 8)


Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:35 am
by Nay-Nay
Sweetness, Don't worry about how long it takes. I ran a half marathon in 2007. When I look back, I don't care what my time was, just that I finished. You should enter a 5k this spring. It is an AMAZING feeling and it won't matter what place you're in! Keep running and No S-ing

Re: running

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:38 am
by Sweetness
Nay-Nay wrote:Sweetness, Don't worry about how long it takes. I ran a half marathon in 2007. When I look back, I don't care what my time was, just that I finished. You should enter a 5k this spring. It is an AMAZING feeling and it won't matter what place you're in! Keep running and No S-ing
Thanks, I'm definitely planning on some 5Ks, I would go all around the lake now if it weren't for the wind. I run on the more sheltered side of the lake.
In good weather, I'm really looking forward to longer runs. We just got several inches of snow this afternoon, not thinking about even driving, much less running! Tomorrow I may go to the indoor mall to run if they haven't cleared the walking path yet. I hope they do, it's very pretty. :lol:

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:13 pm
by Minkymoo
Nearly there everyone! Fingers crossed we can all keep it green for the last few days :D

nearly there

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:22 am
by Nay-Nay
My end to the challenge will actually be on Feb. 4th, as it is my birthday. Good luck to all of us!

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:56 am
by clarinetgal
Even though my month has been far from perfect, I've done MUCH better than I did last month, and it's paying off! I've lost 6 pounds since Jan. 1. :D

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:48 pm
by Minkymoo
Wow Clarinetgal what a great month!

6 pounds

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:01 pm
by Nay-Nay
six pounds is great, clarinetgal! I hope I do as well!

January challenge

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:46 am
by Nay-Nay
Well, I stayed away from the scale until Feb. 4th. That was my own part of the January challenge since the 4th was my birthday. I LOST 4.5 POUNDS!! I am so happy! :lol:
I am waiting to weigh in again until March 1st. I used to weigh in daily and give up because of normal fluctuations. No more!

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:54 am
by Sweetness
Nay Nay, congrats on the weight loss and Happy birthday!

My bday is Saturday so already an Sday. I weighed right before I left Minn on the 30th.Down 8 pounds since October 20th! :mrgreen:

Clarinet gal, kudos to you on the weight loss, too! :mrgreen:

I'm so happy for all of us!

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:20 am
by Sweetness
I just looked through, and I want to especially congratulate TooSolid, Minki, Tami, and TexArk for a STELLAR month with lots of greens!
Eschano and Morris did really well too for most of the month.
Healthy Mom congrats to you for recording your struggles.
Renee, our fearless leader, looks like your month was a bit like mine... Lets dust off the crumbs and go for a green February!


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 5:44 pm
by Nay-Nay
Sweetness, thanks and happy birthday to you too!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:27 pm
by Sweetness
Nay-Nay wrote:Sweetness, thanks and happy birthday to you too!
Thanks, after a green week, I feel free to celebrate!! 8)

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:15 pm
by ~reneew
Thanks sweetness, how sweet :wink: I seem to be still dusting. :roll:

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:51 am
by Sweetness
~reneew wrote:Thanks sweetness, how sweet :wink: I seem to be still dusting. :roll:
I know the feeling... That's OK, when you decide t pick yourself up, you'll remember how to get back on track. 8)

Also I am praying for you, and I have a good track record! :wink: