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New Year's Reso.. experiment?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:32 pm
by mulliganagain
Hello, everyone! I'm new-again to No S, and have decided to approach my new year's resolution a little differently this year. Instead of making it a promise that I make in January, it's an experiment that I won't know the outcome of until December - I want to know what No S will do for me if I do it a WHOLE YEAR. No changing diets, no "o shoot I messed up.. I'll start again on Monday so I have a solid starting point", simply No S (and fast five.. I'm combining No S and Intermittent Fasting to have the best results for me. :D )

I know that No S works for me, but I keep getting distracted by the other shiney diets and gimmicks that I come across. Well this year, NO DISTRACTIONS! I've already lost 50lbs (most of which with the help of No S)... can No S help me to lose the last 50 that I have to go? I'm excited to find out! :D It will be very motivating for me to remember on May 20th, or April 7th, or September 18th, that I'm not going to allow this ONE DAY to be the one that messes up my whole experiment. I'm too intrigued to see what December 31st will bring! :wink:

Random introduction information about me:
-I'm 30 and married with no kids, but 5 cats. I love my fur babies!
-My favorite color's green.
-I'm a vegetarian.
-I like salty more than sweet.
-I like summer more than winter.

It's nice to meet you all!

Re: New Year's Reso.. experiment?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:07 pm
by pickleface
I started back in the summer and was really sucessful but then work took over and I haven't been great. I stood back on the scales today and have managed to maintain on my last 2 months of not following the rules.
Good Luck with your experiment. I am planning on taking it one day at a time and hoping it works.


Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:41 am
by vmsurbat

I predict that your experiment will be a grand success. You'll gain healthy, sane eating patterns at the very least (and that is extremely valuable, IMO) and most likely will come to learn, over the course of the year, the types and amounts of food you like to eat that keep you healthy...

Looking forward to your update Dec. 31st,

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:55 pm
by mulliganagain
Thank you for the replies! :) One day at a time is the best way to take it I think, pickleface. I'm glad that you're maintaining, so that you can now kind of pick back up where you left off and continue along your journey! :D YOU CAN DO IT!!

vmsurbat- please tell me you're a psychic with your predictions! hehe! :wink:
Seriously though, I think the god results will keep me motivated and reinforce the best way of eating (for me) - I know some of this is my body "settling in" but according to the scale this morning I've lost about 6lbs this week, and if this is where my body's settling right now, even that tells me that this is where my body wants me to be. I see from your signature that you've been doing no s for a long time - that's what I like most... living proof that it can be a lifestyle, not just a "diet". :D

Re: New Year's Reso.. experiment?

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:17 pm
by BrightAngel
inswsn wrote:5 cats. I love my fur babies!
It's nice to meet you all!
Hi inswsn, I Love Cats too.
Good to meet you too. :D


Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:39 pm
by tobiasmom
I LOVE this! I've never thought of committing for an entire year. Changing diets constantly is my problem too. This sounds like a great fix to that!

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:54 pm
by wosnes
inswsn, you wrote that you're going to be combining No-S with intermittent fasting.

Since this is the new year, I think I've already heard of 30 new diet plans. Ok, that might be an exaggeration, but not by much!

One of them was the 8 Hour Diet which apparently was conceived by David Zinczenko (Eat This, Not That). It's a form of intermittent fasting. Here's a clip from The Today Show.

I realized that No-S is a form of intermittent fasting. While most of us probably don't eat all of our food daily in an 8 hour period, most probably do consume it in 10-12 hours, giving us 12-14 hours of fasting, which is far more than the 6 hours most folks fast (when asleep).

EDIT: I just remembered something. People who have been around for a while know that I'm a huge fan of the Mediterranean diet. Part of its success or healthfulness is due to the lifestyle habits of those in the Mediterranean. Those habits include fasting for religious reasons. If I remember correctly, the members of the Greek Orthodox church fast something like 135 days annually -- so just about 1 out of every three days. It seems that they fast on Wednesday and Friday (this may not be a complete fast, but avoidance of certain foods) every week plus extra days around advent, lent, and other religious holidays.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:26 am
by mulliganagain
Yay, BrightAngel! Another kitty-fan! We never expected to have five, but they kept finding us and we couldn't tell them no. On two separate occasions we got cats because one of the ones we already had brought a new friend over to visit and the friend never left - lol!

Thanks for the encouragement, tobiasmom! I decided to go this route when I was having so much trouble deciding rather or not to start counting weight watchers points again or not, and I finally asked myself if that's something I would do for a whole year, and I decided that I couldn't stick with it. I'm too lazy! No S is so much better because there's a lot less thinking involved, and for me, the less thinking the better. :wink:

I recently heard of the 8 Hour Diet too, wosnes. :) I hadn't until I was watching "the Fasting Twins" on youtube and they mentioned it, though, so I'm interested in checking out the clip from the Today Show. Thank you for sharing that! I tried extending my hours to 8 at one point, but it seems to be too much time for me. I limit my "eating window" to five hours, which normally just results in me skipping breakfast and having a late lunch, if you want to look at it like that. :) Which works out perfectly with No S, because the No S rules keep me from snacking, or otherwise going crazy, simply because it's in my window, and I enjoy eating two larger meals instead of three less-larger meals anyway.

And that's totally true! No S is definitely is a form of intermittent fasting - it was the first effective diet that I found that helped me to fight the late night snacking I was always so bad about giving into!

That's interesting about the Greek Orthodox church fasting ~ 1 out of every three days. Have you ever heard of Eat-Stop-Eat? The 1-out-of-every-3-days pattern reminds me of that. Basically it's a form of intermittent fasting where you eat for 24 hours, not eat for 24 hours, then repeat... so if I was going to combine that with No S it might look like:
-"NS" days on M, W, & F
-fasting (zero calorie beverages) T and Th
-"S" days for Saturday and Sunday.

I thought about doing E-S-E before, but I prefer the 19/5 ratio personally. Everybody's body is different. :) I'm going to do more googling about the mediterranean diet now! :D