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Holy S! 25 pounds!

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:01 pm
by SilentButDeftly
So I'm finally checking back in after being AWOL for awhile. is where I was tracking my progress for the longest time, but I figured I'd start up a new one here for my latest progress checkin.

I stepped on the scale these past mornings and took a three-day average. Almost 5 months after starting No-S, I am officially 25 pounds lighter than before. Interestingly enough, I've only dropped one pant size but I like to wear my pants big anyway so I could probably get away with another size drop if I really wanted to -- but I like being comfy. :-)

I'm still about 20-25 pounds away from where I *should* be and I have every intention of getting there -- I'm just amazed at how far I've come thus far. I really don't feel like I've changed *what* I've been eating at all -- I mean, for dinner this week, one night we had burgers, another night, Chinese food, and another night was pasta -- I'm not exactly depriving myself is what I'm trying to say. However, it's *how* I eat, or (more to the point) *how much* I eat that's changed. I can limit myself to one portion and still be happy -- I'm not hungry after meals anymore, and the thought of grabbing seconds (or thirds or fourths -- ugh!) makes me queasy. I mean, there's just no room left! This has been fantastic.

If there's someone sitting out there who's overweight, who's struggled with losing weight, who's sick of "diets" that fail, and you're reading this post -- you've got to know this: No-S works. It's such a fantastic system because of its simplicity and it's sheer obviousness. With all due respect to Reinhard, there's nothing revolutionary about the idea that we shouldn't eat too much at mealtime or that we shouldn't eat junk food -- but his brilliance was finding a way to simplify these self-evident truths into a workable Everyday System. So if you're reading this and you're wondering if it could work for you, the same way that I was sitting and reading posts like this 5 months ago, you've got to know that it works. I've dropped from 268.5 to 243.5 (the scale actually said 243 this morning, but I'm taking the average to be conservative) in only 5 months. Maybe you'll lose the weight more quickly or more slowly, but if you're like most of us and you put on your weight through lousy eating habits, then I can guarantee you'll lose the weight.

If it sounds like I'm gushing, it's because I am. Thanks again to Reinhard and to everyone on the boards for their support!

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:32 pm
by 10ch
Great sig SilentButDeftly and even greater post. Congrats on the lossage. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:26 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Yay SBD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woo woo woo wooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am totally thrilled for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wonderful news!

On the sizes versus pounds down, I think it's very very individual depending on what age and size the person was to begin with overall, and also, most importantly, what their activity/exercise is like...
It took me over a year to lose the amount of weight you did, but I am down five inches from my waist...
Any way you cut it, NoS makes it possible for people to get healthy and happy!!!
Woo hoo!
Great to hear from you again!
Please don't drop off for too many months at a time! :wink:
Enjoy your weekend!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:30 pm
by SilentButDeftly
Thanks guys for your words of support!

And Deb, your sig makes me think of a similar joke that I know:

A yogi was walking through the park and came upon a hot dog stand. He told the vendor: "Make me one with everything." :D

The followup, of course, is that the vendor makes him a hot dog, tells the yogi it will cost $5. The yogi hands him a $20 bill and the vendor starts to push his cart away. When the yogi asks him for his change, the vendor tells him: "Sorry, but change must come from within." :D

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:35 pm
by Hunter Gatherer
Ha ha! I'd heard the first part of that joke, but not the second part.
Congrats on the weight loss!

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:35 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Excellent!!! LOL...
Love it!
I was laughing at "Make me one with everything!"...
I'll have to tell that to all my Yoga friends! :wink:

Congrats again on your
"Holy *NO* S!!" news!

Take care!
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:45 pm
by Laff
Woohoo!! Way to go on a fabulous loss and your return to health! :)

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 9:00 pm
by david

I was wondering what happened with you.

Thanks for the post--it's quite inspiring!


Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 11:52 am
by reinhard

This is fantastic! Thanks for letting us know. Please continue to pop in every now and then to let us know how you're doing.

And I take no offense at peope pointing out the obviousness of no-s, that's all I'm trying to do.


Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 11:53 am
by Jammin' Jan
Congratulations, Silent! That's a wonderful achievement!

PS. I liked the joke, too!

Still here...

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:45 pm
by SilentButDeftly
Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted.

Well it's about 7 months since I started no-S-ing and I am still going strong. No major weight losses since my 25-pounds-down post earlier, but then again I haven't gained anything back, so that's a major plus. Depending on how generous my scale is feeling with me, I'm usually between 25 and 30 pounds down, and that varies from day-to-day. So not only has no-S been excellent for getting rid of the weight, it's been excellent for maintaining the weight loss. And truth be told, I really don't feel at all like I'm on a "diet", in the negative sense of the word. This is just how I eat now and it really doesn't bother me at all. I'll occasionally go a little bit nuts on the weekends but that's a rarity -- I just can't believe I used to eat like that all the time!

I've also started going to the gym on a fairly regular basis. Reinhard was right -- after 3 weeks it really becomes a habit. Even though I haven't lost any weight from going to the gym I've managed to drop another shirt size and another pants size. While that's been cool, I had to spend a few hundred dollars on a new suit so I wouldn't look like a little boy wearing his dad's suit at the weddings we're attending this summer... all things considered, I'd rather have to buy a new suit because the old one's too big, instead of my usual reason of "because it's too small now".

In any case, I just wanted to check in and let people know how I'm doing, and that it REALLY DOES WORK. And even if it doesn't work for you and help you lose weight, it's just a good idea for eating.

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:48 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Yay SBD!!!!!
Post on the thread I created for moments like this!
The "I didn't gain back my weight" club....

Good for you!!!!!!!!!!

Take care :)
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:12 pm
by Hunter Gatherer
Good for you! Keep on letting us know about your progress. It's inspiring.

(Tangent)-> What is it with this summer? It's the summer of love! I know so many people getting married this summer. It's unbelievable.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:16 am
by reinhard
Congratulations on your continued success and thanks for popping in. Nothing is more useful to newbies than seeing this kind of sustained, long term success.

Looking forward to the next one,
