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the new Jenny

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:55 am
by oolala53
Anyone see the ad for the new Jenny Craig program? Five days a week of her food and two days a week of "your healthy choices." Hmmm...

Consumer Reports did a spread on weight loss plans. I think none of the programs reviewed had a higher success rate for reaching goal than 20%. The weight losses in 5-6 months were not steep. Of the ten reviewed, only two were deemed by the users as being good for long term use.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:26 pm
by Eileen7316
Of the ten reviewed, only two were deemed by the users as being good for long term use.
You're going to leave us hanging? Which two? Not that I really care since I'll not be using either one - just really curious! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:54 pm
by oolala53
Sorry, I read it in a magazine in a store and didn't buy. I hate to report that one was Paleo eating (I hate to report just because it is so restrictive and that flies in the face of what most research says will be sustainable. Mind you, they survey didn't cover a long time to prove the claim that responders made, but was more their speculation that it was doable in the long term. I can't for the life of me remember the other one, but if I drop by a Costco and the magazine issue is there, I'll take a peek.

You're not looking for an out, are you? :) I look at those kinds of articles mostly to gloat.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:37 am
by Eileen7316
You're not looking for an out, are you? :) I look at those kinds of articles mostly to gloat.
No way! I've learned my lesson on that end! :) :)

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:36 pm
by JustForToday
I'm sick of hearing about paleo. Not that I doubt it could be a very nutritious way to eat - just that the very premise behind it is based on pure conjecture and it' as restrictive a diet as there ever was. And I've never met a single thin person who ate "paleo". The thin people I know eat all foods, not just ones that supposed cave beings did. I don't see how it could be considered doable for long term - not any more doable than Atkins at least, not in the real world.

It's just so darn trendy it makes me groan. And I bet its the trendiness that made users deem it as "good for long term" not the actual experience of being on a paleo plan.

Well... not to get to off topic - I don't know much about Jenny Craig. I did end up with a box of Nutri-System food that someone gave me once and it was.... very weird food.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:51 pm
by oolala53
If I had an autoimmune disease, I would consider it because I've seen incredible changes in a friend who adopted it, but there are just too many cultures who don't eat Paleo that don't seem to have widespread degenerative diseases to use it as a weight loss program. Just because people lose weight on an eating regime designed for them because of a health issue doesn't mean it's the right way for most people to lose.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:26 pm
by snapdragon
I understand going gluten free for autoimmune problems but remember not to long ago when The Meditereanean Diet was the rage, and considered the healthiest way to eat. There was all sorts of research and studies that backed it up too. Clean Eating was the rage. Low fat was the rage, all sorts of studies backed that up too. What can you do. It's all so confusing after a while.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:35 am
by oolala53
Oh, yeah, the article just proved to me that the "rages" are so much hype for weight loss. They don't even have very high success rates. but thin bodies aren't the only brass rings humans continually grab at and miss.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:10 am
by clarinetgal
I have a few people in my life who have lost a ton of weight fairly quickly by doing South Beach phase one or Paleo. I'm happy for them that they've lost the weight, but I wonder if they're going to be able to follow these plans long term. I would much rather lose weight in a slower, more sustainable way, and be able to keep eating all of the foods I enjoy-- in moderation, of course. :D

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:41 am
by ironchef
My husband and I always joke around that we'd love to see someone do REAL paleo. You know, scrape their own bugs off of rocks, walk miles to a local water source with a cured animal stomach as a canteen, dig for wild yams with a stick and hunt some pigeons from the local park. That would definitely make you thin pretty quick ;)

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:53 am
by milliem
I have a friend who eats 'Paleo style', has done for a long time, and has a very good figure - she also does a lot of exercise including weights, and has a sensible approaching using the 80/20 rule. She tries to eat Paleo 80% of the time and eats what she likes the other 20%. It is very restrictive though and not for everyone. Also I'm dubious about the supposed benefits and reasons why we need to eat like people who lived thousands of years ago, but its generally low carb which usually gives good results (until you start eating carbs again!!)

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:27 pm
by snapdragon
ironchef wrote:My husband and I always joke around that we'd love to see someone do REAL paleo. You know, scrape their own bugs off of rocks, walk miles to a local water source with a cured animal stomach as a canteen, dig for wild yams with a stick and hunt some pigeons from the local park. That would definitely make you thin pretty quick ;)
Hee! I would love that too! I had a trainer who tried to get me to eat paeleo. I like meat and eat it most days but I really would be sick of meat after a while. I seriously considered it but the one thing I would really miss is beans, I know it sounds odd, I really enjoy beans though. Dairy I guess is a no no with paleo too so no cheese, or very little, boo.

A while ago while still on no s I decided to try low carb for five days. It actually went well. I only intended to do it for five days, and I enjoyed the challenge to come up with different recipes, and got me out of a rut. One of the new recipes has become a staple in out house. So I might do some week long challenges just for the heck of it. I am considering a clean eating challenge in the future. By clean, I mean whole grains, unprocessed foods. But no stress if I go out ot decide it's too hard. These things aren't a hardship for me, but get me out of ruts I get myself into.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:13 pm
by Blithe Morning
Eileen7316 wrote: You're going to leave us hanging? Which two? Not that I really care since I'll not be using either one - just really curious! :D
I was curious too so I stopped in the library. CR evaluated two types of plans: commercial and do-it-yourself.

Weight Watchers was the top commercial plan.

The top do-it-yourself plans were My Fitness Pal, Paleo, and the Mediterranean Diet. It appeared that the do it yourself plans were a mix of eating styles and support resources.

Here's a snippet about the article from the CR website: Diet plan buying guide.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:24 pm
by snapdragon
ironchef wrote:My husband and I always joke around that we'd love to see someone do REAL paleo. You know, scrape their own bugs off of rocks, walk miles to a local water source with a cured animal stomach as a canteen, dig for wild yams with a stick and hunt some pigeons from the local park. That would definitely make you thin pretty quick ;)

I saw my neighbor behind me throwing bricks at squirrles :shock: .
This explains a lot. He's going primal, makes perfect sense.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:16 pm
by oolala53
Paleo or psycho. OK, sorry, that's mean.

Here is a quotation from another link to the link above ;

"DIY rules. Low-cost, do-it-yourself diets typically received higher scores than commercial diets.

Satisfaction depends on more than pounds lost. Survey respondents gave higher marks to diets that helped them maintain their weight loss and prescribed lifestyle changes that were easy to make."

Remember that those rated highest still had relatively low success rates and modest weight loss.

I don't say that to sound hopeless. I say it because it helped me get more sober about what I could expect, and more committed to really doing it.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:41 am
by Nicest of the Damned
snapdragon wrote:I saw my neighbor behind me throwing bricks at squirrles :shock: .
This explains a lot. He's going primal, makes perfect sense.
This kind of thing happens to me if I try to go low carb, too. I get really irritable.

In Defense

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:09 pm
by TexArk
OK..I have to speak up just a bit for the other side.
No, I am not about to support the cavemen wannabes.
I think some folks get very obsessed with nutrition and are stressing themselves out over our food and their extremism is very irritating.

But, there is not one definition of paleo or low carb.
I think of paleo as going on an elimination diet to see if there are foods that you might be sensitive or allergic to.

From my experimentation I have found that if I avoid gluten, sugar, legumes, and eat mostly meat, fish, green vegetables, berries and other fresh fruit, potatoes and white rice with a little dairy, I am in balance. I am not craving food in between meals and my mood is good. I can use the calories from the carbs I am leaving off for other food. I do not eat low fat or high fat, but I do eat only natural fats...olive oil, pastured butter, lard and tallow. I am missing no nutrients from being gluten free. If I eat gluten, I can not get my rings or watch is not the salt.

After a year of my eating this way, my husband gave it a go. And the results: he no longer has the chronic sinus issues he has lived with all of his nasal drip, constant coughing. And his acid reflux is very much diminished. And his regularity is better. TMI? As a side effect he lost most of his extra bread gut. His triglicerides went down and his blood pressure and borderline diabetic numbers are now normal. And he doesn't even stay 100%. He cannot eat dairy because he seems to be lactose intolerant.

As we say on this board many times, we are not all the same. I have found over many years that when I ate oatmeal and fruit for breakfast I would be ravenous within 2 hours with major stomach rumbles and headaches. If I ate eggs and bacon I never even knew when it was lunchtime by the clock. I actually grew up this way with a big protein breakfast and skipped lunch or just had milk and then ate an early supper when I got home from school activities.

As for exercise...throwing rocks at squirrels...I don't think so. But many paleo folks are against major cardio workouts and actually think all that running that people do is damaging. They would have you do more natural Reinhards shovelglove??? Really, they say go out and run and play with your chase, throw the frisbee around, jump rope, climb and play at the playground. Go for walks and hikes. Urban Ranger?

Again, I am only giving a little picture of the other side. I am fortunate to live in an area where I can get local beef that is pasture grown and local eggs and I get my greens each week at the farmer's market all at a very reasonable price...I am not paying Whole Paycheck prices. I do try to keep quiet about how I eat around others and I do not preach to them. But many people ask because they can tell that I am healthy, trim, and happy. Most respond with, "I could never do that." or "If you don't eat grains, what do you eat?" Fine with me.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:53 am
by ironchef
Hey TexArk, sorry if this upset, it truly is just us joking around. Totally understand that isn't what paleo / clean eating actually is

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:05 am
by TexArk
Not upset in the least with the joking around.

The purists really do drive me nuts always asking if this or that is paleo and asking on a blogsite no less. Really...computers are paleolithic? Some really do go off the deep shoes..etc.

I just wanted to clear up for the uninformed that not all gluten free/low carb folks have a screw loose!

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:05 pm
by snapdragon
I was joking around myself. I do look at some paleo blogs from time to time and incorporate some ideas from time to time. I am glad your husband has had such great results! It shows how important nutrition really is.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:43 am
by ironchef
snapdragon wrote:I do look at some paleo blogs from time to time and incorporate some ideas from time to time.

I'm the same. I've recently cut out dairy in a bid to fix my son's skin issues and it absolutely worked.
I am glad your husband has had such great results! It shows how important nutrition really is.
Ditto. I like the Hippocrates quote "let food be they medicine".

Re: In Defense

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:37 pm
by Over43
>>>OK..I have to speak up just a bit for the other side.
No, I am not about to support the cavemen wannabes.
I think some folks get very obsessed with nutrition and are stressing themselves out over our food and their extremism is very irritating.

But, there is not one definition of paleo or low carb.
I think of paleo as going on an elimination diet to see if there are foods that you might be sensitive or allergic to.<<<

I agree with you Tex.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:16 pm
by clarinetgal
I do think there is value to the Paleo or other low carb diets, I just know that, for me, they're a little too restrictive. I have lowered my carb intake by quite a bit, but I've found that if I go too low, I get really tired, moody, and irritable. I have also found that, for me, I feel better if I don't have dairy. I'm not sure about gluten (I'm still experimenting with that). Anyway, different diets work for different people, and there is not just one correct way to eat.

Edited to add: I can see myself adapting at least some of my meals to a lower carb approach. For example, I baked some Paleo banana bread yesterday, and while I didn't care as much for the texture (a little too spongy for my liking), the flavor was really good.