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Thank goodness for newbies!!

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:40 am
by gk
On my first attempt at No S some two years ago, I actually made it through my first 21 days all green. I LOVED IT. I was swept up in the simplicity of following only a few rules to let go of my long-standing addiction to food. I felt more energy, smiled more, and generally felt better than I had in YEARS. I was also amazed at all the time added to my day - time that used to be consumed with thoughts of food, dieting, etc., etc.

Well, unfortunately, soon after my first 21 days I fell off the wagon. The holidays arose and after my first real splurge/binge it was downhill from there. (BTW, I had been doing so good that when I did have that first real splurge/binge, I felt as if I had been drinking and was feeling a "buzz", because my system was so used to not being abused with too much sugar!) Well, it's been a big struggle ever since. And somehow, during my pretty much continuous string of little pity parties ("why, oh why do I struggle with food so much??", wah, wah, wah), I forgot how I truly felt during those first 21 consecutive days of sticking to the habit, when I wasn't so jaded. I realize after all this time that I forgot to focus on the GOOD - what I GET from following this diet, not what I CAN'T HAVE. I forgot how GLORIOUS it was when I did stick to this diet. I forgot about the time that I truly attempted to follow the rules (without silently waiting for the day I would give in)....the peace of mind, more energy, practically a skip in my step, a clearer head (no sugar fog!!!), a sense of accomplishment for beating this once and for all! I forgot how I kept saying to myself way back then that feeling that way during my green streak beat the feeling that all the sugary treats I used to "treat" myself with by a landslide.

I am forever thankful to all the No Ser's who have been SO supportive to me the entire time I've been here (everyone here is so wonderful!), but I thought I should also give a special thanks to all the newbies who have chosen to share their thoughts and opinions as they start their journey as well. You breathe fresh air into this whole experience and remind me that this CAN be a good experience and In some of your posts, I can feel the excitement from the "honeymoon" stage of the diet, and it renews my excitement for this diet and reminds me why I started it in the first place.

I can't believe after such wonderful effects from this diet that I gave in to my old bad habits so easily! I realize struggles with any diet are unavoidable, as they are with any new challenge, but the struggles will be MAGNIFIED if you miss the importance of No S's "MARK IT AND MOVE ON". I've been reminded of that many times, but just now I realize I didn't really try hard enough to accept that. I would tell myself that, but not really listen to it. I became so focused on how I couldn't stick to it perfectly ("one more diet I can't do!") that I sabotaged myself when I was doing so well.

Thanks for the wake-up call! :) And good luck to you all on your No S journey. :)

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:07 pm
by BrightAngel
Good Post. :D

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 12:39 am
by oolala53
Very insightful. You show so much attention to the benefits, which is a powerful strategy used in habit change. Magnify the advantages, minimize the disadvantages. Review those advantages every day for a few months! It sounds so logical once you look at it, but don't beat yourself up for not seeing it sooner. Your experience is actually the norm! Just like the WTH effect. Counterintuitive, but prevalent nonetheless.

BTW, I did the same thing when I first started in the fall of 2008. Three weeks of green then mostly failure between then and Dec. 26 of 2009. Committed but not perfect since then.

Also fits the trajectory of habit change. Honeymoon, disappointment, dejection, renewal and acceptance. You're human! And on the last step. But it's long one.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:26 am
by desertmom
That's such a great outlook. I agree, it's so important to look at what we gain from No S and not what we "lose." What I've gained is a new appreciation for good food. No more am I scouring recipe blogs for food that "fits" with the diet of the day. I'm not trying to figure out what the best substitute is for butter or pasta or whatever. I'm making really yummy things for me and my family and I'm don't feel a bit bad eating them because I'm having one moderate portion and that's it. It's really kind of liberating :)

Thanks for your thoughts!

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:42 am
by Amy3010
I whole-heartedly agree!