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More from the World of Weightlifting

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:16 am
by Over43
I was going through boxes, looking to see which books I want to give to Goodwill. Since I got this Kindle Fire traditional books have become kind of a nuisance.

I came across The Nautilus Diet by Dr. Ellington Darden of Nautilus fame. For the youngsters, in the early 80' s, if you didn't strength train with Nautilus you were not with it. And, truthfully Arthur Jones may have invented the best pieces of strength training equipment ever. (My opinion of course.)

Anyway, Ellington Darden worked with Jones from the start, and in a way was his Aaron. In The Nautilus Diet book, Darden stressed, hold onto your butts, eating regular food, three times a day. No special foods, powders, or gimmicks.

So, the books I have from Drs. Darden and Cooper suggest eating three meals a day. We are in good company.