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Thanks, Reinhard, for bringing me back to sensible eating

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:04 pm
by cab54
When I was a kid (50's, 60's and 70's--yeah, I could be y'all's momma) we ate 3 meals a day. Your mother would usually chase you out of the kitchen should you even show your face in there other than to help do dishes, or set the table. There was NO snacking, at least not in MY house,growing up. Our only recourse was to go outside and play (GASP! Exercise!) till mom called. I was THIN. And remained thin until I gained a few pounds as a young adult---from being sedentary--- and tried my first DIET. I think it was the Scarsdale. Who knows--there've been so many. :wink:

I had convinced myself that being a 'grazer' (self-indulgence-talk for PIGGING OUT ALL DAY) was the way to go for my hypoglycemia, which really only happens because I eat poorly, NOT infrequently.

Your No-S-diet harkens back to good old fashioned common sense eating. I love it. And I'm not becoming hypoglycemic between meals. And my clothing is getting looser. :D

My mom is now 70, and has always been a slim healthy weight (unlike me) and has always eaten----3 meals a day, ---and taken walks. Duh. :idea: Thanks for reminding me how I stayed thin before. :D

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:08 pm
by reinhard
I'm very happy to hear it, cab54. Thanks for letting us know. "The Grandma Diet" wouldn't be a bad alias for no-s.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 6:50 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Cab! Welcome!
Enjoy NoS :)

As for the Grandma Diet?
That wouldn't stick in my family..
My Great Grandma used to always welcome us to her house with a 2 lb bag of M&M's!!!

But, yes!
NoS is definitely a no brainer and very sensible!
Good luck!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

PS.. No wonder Scarsdale Diet didn't work for you! Look what happened to that poor guy!
I wonder if Jean Harris wouldn't have done what she did, if she was on a more sensible diet like NoS! LOL..
(Sorry! Couldn't resist! LOL..)

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:13 pm
by cab54

:D Cute name! Yeah, the only thing I remember about the Scarsdale is getting very nauseous after a couple of days. On the NoS (even with MY cooking) not one bit of nausea! :wink: And no murders because I'm comfortably full.

Truly, even if I lost not one pound of weight, ----the yo-yo-ing, and calorie counting, and MADNESS is gone! I've run 3000 miles, and starved, and lifted weights, and starved some more, and then binged. I've Atkins'd and Vegan-ed, and :roll: . It is so nice just to eat normally.

And to have one's clothes get looser. :D