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Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:23 pm
by No BS
Interesting thing, commitment. If I don’t make a commitment I can’t really “failâ€, I just end up “trying†instead. That is me with my elliptical.

I “need†to do it daily. And yet I have been careful *NOT* to commit to a 21-day challenge with it to lock in the habit. :(

I “need†to do it daily. And yet I have been careful *NOT* to commit to doing it first thing in the morning, no distractions, to get it successfully done, before I am tired out from my day. :(

I “need†to do it daily. And yet I have been careful *NOT* to faithfully make it happen. :(

I “need†to do it daily. And yet I really don’t want to because it means that if I don’t do it, I fail. It means I cannot be lazy about physical activity just for me and not my dogs. And it means just another thing I have to add to the list of non-negotiable things I *MUST* do. :(

I have done more to ensure that I don’t do my daily elliptical than I have done to ensure I actually do. Weird. Perhaps I won’t risk the chance of *failing†but only allow myself the insipid effort of “tryingâ€. :(

This from an ex-smoker who has experienced great failure and great success. What a lily livered weenie I have been about my elliptical. If I don’t even have the courage to make a commitment, and honour it, how can I ever accomplish what I set out to do? :?

I am hereby stating my COMMITMENT to a 21-day CHALLENGE on my elliptical starting MONDAY, February 25!! Wish me luck!! :wink: Better yet, join me with your own personal physical challenge! :D

FEB 25 - elliptical (7:45 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
FEB 26 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (5:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
FEB 27 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (5:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
FEB 28 - elliptical (7:45 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 01 - elliptical (7:45 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:45 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 02 - S-day time out - :lol:
MAR 03 - S-day time out - :lol:
MAR 04 - elliptical (7:45 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:15 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 05 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 06 - elliptical (7:45 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:15 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 07 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 08 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 09 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAR 10 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAR 11 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 12 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (5:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 13 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 14 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 15 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 16 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAR 17 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAR 18 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 19 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (5:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 20 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:45 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 21 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 22 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 23 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAR 24 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAR 25 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 26 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (5:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 27 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:15 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 28 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:15 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 29 - elliptical (8:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:15 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAR 30 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAR 31 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 01 - elliptical (10:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:15 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 02 - elliptical (11:00 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 03 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 04 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 05 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 06 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 07 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 08 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 09 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 10 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 11 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:15 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 12 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 13 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 14 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 15 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 16 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (5:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 17 - elliptical (7:45 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 18 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 19 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 20 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 21 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 22 - elliptical (8:00 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 23 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 24 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 25 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:15 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 26 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 27 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 28 - S-Day time out - :lol:
APR 29 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
APR 30 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 01 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (6:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 02 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 03 - elliptical (1:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 04 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAY 05 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAY 06 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 07 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (5:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 08 - elliptical (7:45 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 09 - elliptical (8:00 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (8:30 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 10 - elliptical (7:30 am) - :mrgreen:, shugging (7:00 pm) - :mrgreen:
MAY 11 - S-Day time out - :lol:
MAY 12 - S-Day time out - :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 7:47 pm
by gratefuldeb67

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 9:19 pm
by Jibaholic
Hiya No!

Good luck with the elliptical!

I'm assuming you started the thread because you aren't completely adverse to unsolicited advice. :evil:

It may get boring if you do the same workout all the time. My advice is to mix it up. I'm sure the elliptical has programming for this, so that can be a good help. Try to avoid just going at 5 mph for 30 minutes. A rotation of 10 different workouts would help keep things fresh.

What I do on my rower is this. Once every week or so I'll do an easy row. I use the heart rate monitor and keep my heart rate average to 140 BPM or less - otherwise I was pushing too hard. That becomes my easy pace. Then I have a variety of other fartlek style rows using this easy pace.
  • Two minutes easy, one minute hard (Roger Bannister did this workout a lot when he trained to break the four minute mile - 440 yards in 60 seconds and two minutes easy jog).
  • 10 seconds hard every minute. Then easy pace.
  • 20 seconds hard every minute. Then easy pace.
  • 30 seconds hard every minute. Then easy pace.
  • 3 minutes hard, 3 minutes easy. A pretty common workout for runners.
  • You can also do a "long run" once every week at easy pace. I personally get bored after about a half hour on machines, so this doesn't work for me, but it might for you!
I personally find these interval-style workouts break up the time better than a more steady state workout.

But I would also say that they aren't necessarily true HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts either. The goal is to pickup the intensity on the "hard" phase, but not to make yourself collapse into a puddle at the end of the workout. Think "comfortably hard" on the hard pieces.

Finally, you may want to make a particular workout or distance your benchmark distance, such as a 5k or a 30 minute race. Do it every two months or so to keep track of your progress and give yourself a goal.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:06 am
by clarinetgal
I think that sounds great! Exercise has so many benefits, that anything you can do to motivate yourself is good. I don't know if I could make this a 21 day challenge, but I desperately need to work my core. I want to do core workouts at least 3 times per week. My core really went to pot after my baby was born last year, and I really want to regain my core strength.

Feb 25 - Day 1 - Physical Challenge

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:35 am
by No BS
Feb 25 - Day 1 - Physical Challenge - :mrgreen:

Doing the elliptical first thing in the morning (well, second thing, really since walking the dogs always comes first) left me energized all day. It is a wonderful feeling. :)

Shugging forces me to admit how terribly out of shape I am in the upper body. I couldn't even do 10 back scratches (hoist sack). I'll be interested to see what that number is after 21 days! And after 42 days, 63 days.... :lol:

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:01 am
by clarinetgal
Good job!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:31 pm
by No BS
Feb 26 - Day 2 - Physical Challenge - :mrgreen:

Insanely busy day at the office & more meetings tonight.

Just simpler to do my workouts & get them completed rather than do the obligatory theatrics: b1tch, moan, whine, complain, procrastinate and feel guilty if I do not even bother. :roll:

Makes me feel a ton better - physically & mentally. And better able to handle the long days & large workload. :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:57 pm
by No BS
clarinetgal - Thanks for your kind words of encouragement! It means a lot!! :D

Feb 27 - Day 3 Physical Challenge - :mrgreen:

Surprising how quickly a body adapts to a new "routine" and starts expecting that activity!!

I am bouncing when I walk, have way more energy, and feel like my systems are all revved up all day. It is a very wondrous feeling.

My muscles are sore from shugging but a good "sore". Reminding me that even though I forgot about them for some time, they actually do stilll exist!! :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:01 am
by MJ7910
that's great! once you do it for a short time, it does become habit! wishing you continued success

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:50 am
by clarinetgal
Good job! What is shugging?

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:54 am
by No BS
Thanks, MJ, for your kind wishes! :D

You and the steady physical activities you report on your thread have been an inspiration to me! I will keep the faith, too!

I absolutely love your Anais Nin quote! :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:03 am
by No BS
Hi clarinetgal.

"Shugging" is the casual name for Reinhard's fabulous sledgehammer exercise routines known as "Shovelgloving or Shugging". Just click on the Shovelglove link at the top of the page, under the Everyday Systems heading.

I basically am doing the Canonical Movements for 14 minutes daily. I am steadily working on my form and my reps.

Super challenging stuff, sweat pouring down my face, tired but happy aching muscles. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:07 am
by No BS
Feb 28 - Day 4 - Physical Challenge

Tired but happy today. One more day to go and I will have two days off from this physical routine. Unlike with the food habits, I am actually looking forward to a break this weekend! :)

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:29 am
by Amy3010
You will have certainly earned it! Good job!

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:43 am
by No BS
Whoo-hoo, Amy I made it through the first FIVE, ten more to go!!!

Yahoo! :lol: Two days off!! Double Yahoo!!! :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:52 am
by No BS
Mar 1 - Day 5 - Physical Challenge

I am so happy I did this challenge. 5 out of 15 days DONE!! And with doing the three weekends that will make it 21-days. I CAN DO THIS!!! :lol:

I feel astonishingly energized and proud and happy with myself. Terrific feeling. And it wasn't difficult at all. I just had to make space & peace with myself to get it done.

The other thing - after only 4 days I was able to double my reps on my "back scratches" which are the weakest muscles in my upper body workout. I can't imagine that only FOUR days could make such a difference. Who knew? :wink:

Have a great weekend, everyone! :D I'll be back here on Monday.

Doesn't anyone else want to do a physical challenge for themselves????

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:10 am
by Amy3010
Way to go!!!

I have been working on a physical challenge since I started back at No-S in January. My goal is to complete 30 days of the "30 Day Shred" DVD before Easter Sunday and on the days I don't do the Shred, either go to the gym or walk. So that I get a minimum of 30 minutes every day (with one rest day off per week). It's going really well so far and I am on target!

But I have always had a lot more discipline with exercise than with eating habits so I struggle a lot more with No-S than with my physical challenge. I know you have the opposite so it is very inspiring to me that you've tackled it!

Enjoy your weekend off and I'll expect to see you back here on Monday!

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:01 am
by No BS
Hi Amy:

Your 30 day Shred sounds positively savage! :lol: What the heck is a 30-day Shred?

I think it's hilarious that we are opposite sides of the same coin & are meeting here on No "S" to work out our issues!

No denying that the support of others sure helps to motivate & keep a person on track! :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:05 am
by No BS
Mar 4 - Day 8 - Physical Challenge

I slept lousy Sunday night because I didn't work out for two days!! What an awesome realization.

Great workouts today. What a fabulous relief this habit is becoming! :D

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:59 am
by Amy3010
Aha! One of the early signs of being hooked on exercise, it sounds like...

The Shred is a DVD by Jillian Michaels (Biggest Loser trainer) - three levels of circuit training workouts that you're supposed to do a full 30 days of. I've had the DVD for ages and never completed it, and wanted to finally just do it (so I can give the DVD to someone else and be done with it!) - I think you can see most of it on YouTube... here's the link to level 1:

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 1:15 pm
by r.jean
I am with you on this one. I have been rather lazy the last couple months!

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:49 pm
by No BS
Hi Amy: Good grief, I watched a bit of the video. You have serious exercise discipline to commit yourself to that! I am excited & interested - it looks tough but fun! And now milliem & Patty got me even thinking I can do a Couch to 5K. Gee, it's all you guys fault I am feeling fabulous, having fun & getting fit!! :lol:

Hi r.jean: Right on! What are you going to do? I have been inactive for quite a long while and it is amazing how quickly my body is responding. I cannot think why it took my so long to take that first step. The payback is almost immediate. :shock:

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:59 pm
by No BS
Mar 5 Day 9 - Physical Challenge

Great day today. My elliptical first thing in a.m. was a breeze, went kicksledding after work with the dogs (the weather has warmed up) and then did the sledgehammer at 6:00 pm.

I am totally embarrassed how easy & fun this is - I cannot believe I stalled, b1tched, bellyached, whined & procrastinated for so long.......:oops: It is infinitely easier just to get it done. The rewards are enormous!

Makes such an incredible difference in my day and totally kills my appetite. For a while. I should probably more accurately say it takes the urgency away from my appetite. :wink:

I like it. I like it a lot :D I must say though that I usually go to sleep around 11:00 pm every night, occasionally later but not too often on a work night. I seem to really need a good long night's sleep to be able to stay on top of this. I sleep a lot better too when I work out. :o

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:57 am
by Amy3010
Way to go! I have the same experience with sleep when I am exercising a lot - I need more of it (by the end of the day it feels so good to crawl in my bed) and the quality is better.

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:24 am
by No BS
Amy, there is such a profound sense of well being when you physically challenge your body, regularly, particularly when you have been nourishing your body well. And sleeping well in the process. :D

It just feels good, plain & simple. :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:28 am
by No BS
Mar 6 Day 10 - Physical Challenge

It warmed up to an incredible -16C by this morning so had terrific walks with the dogs today. Such a nice change from -43C.

Good elliptical workout this a.m., and steady sledgehammer (shugging) after I got home from work. My reps/sets (depending on the movement) are increasing, my muscles are getting stronger, my core muscles are responding. I move lighter & quicker. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:49 am
by Amy3010
It's such a great feeling when you really start noticing how you've improved physically! :D Keep up the great work!

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:10 am
by No BS
Thanks, Amy!! :D

Mar 7 Day 11 - Physical Challenge

Another super day primed by good cardio exercise plus really "warm" (for us) temperatures again today, only -22C.

Good a.m. workout on the elliptical plus another good shugging session. I like the habit. It is comforting.

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:25 am
by No BS
Mar 8 Day 12 - Physical Challenge

Good grief - I am already half way through my 21-day physical challenge. It has been astonishingly easy & incredibly joyful doing this - compared to the debilitating & demoralizing "guilt" just thinking I "should" be doing it. :wink:

I haven't felt this good in years! :D It blows my mind that I can see & feel such tangible changes already in my body - after only TEN days!! Amazing.

Back on Monday! Have a SUPER WEEKEND OF "S" DAYS!!

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 9:26 am
by Amy3010
No BS, you are rocking this challenge! :D

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:43 am
by No BS
Thanks, Amy! I can honestly say I am having a blast. :D

Mar 11 Day 15 - Physical Challenge

Back to my Monday workouts. I enjoy my weekend breaks from the routine, but I am always glad to get back at it on Monday. I absolutely love the sledgehammer routine best of all. It really is making/hardening muscles - FAST!! I cannot believe the difference in my body already, after only 11 days of shugging fourteen minutes a day. Talk about efficacy! :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:23 pm
by No BS
Mar 12 Day 16 - Physical Challenge

Sunny day today. So busy at work & meetings tonight again. The really cool thing about making a commitment to working out is that you keep it, regardless of how busy you are. Instead of making excuses for not doing your workout you embrace it because it makes it easier to work harder & to handle the stress of busy times. Cool. 8)

It's going to be crazy busy through year end, so I am really really grateful for having got into the workout habit to help me through this busy time. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:50 am
by No BS
Mar 13 Day 17 - Physical Challenge

Another evening meeting tonight. When I come home from work I take my dogs for a walk and then I take a break, drink some water, and then do my shugging. The shugging makes me huff & puff & sweat. It is hard work, but I absolutely love it. Mostly I love the fact that it recharges my batteries and gives me energy to trudge back out after dinner and do more meetings. :wink:

Plus I love the fact that I have little mounds of "mashed potatoes" forming on my arms (aka biceps!!) and also can feel my abs getting HARD underneath the flab. Good grief! Such huge changes for so little physical effort over so little time. Who knew!!! :D

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:26 am
by Amy3010

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:49 am
by No BS
Oh Amy what a joy to log on and see your smiley face laughing with me and encouraging me on!

I cannot thank you enough for your many kindnesses over the long last while that got me motivated again and off the couch! :D

It just feels so good and so right! And I am so relieved. When I was 51 I found a lump in my breast. When I was 52 i did the surgery/chemo/radiation thing. When I turned 53 I was healing & trying to recover. And this month I turn 54.

I am so grateful for feeling healthy & strong & comfortable in my own skin again. It has been a long journey with a lot of incredible help along the way. :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:53 am
by No BS
Mar 14 Day 18 - Physical Challenge

Gloriously mild day outside today. Had great walks with the dogs. Saw a gorgeous Arctic fox poking around out behind the office.

Elliptical & shugging so normalized & routine it is kind of like just making time to brush my teeth and shower. Makes working out incredibly easy.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:27 am
by No BS
Mar 15 Day 19 - Physical Challenge

Another good elliptical this morning and shugging tonight. Just some sore muscles this week from the sledgehammer. I am super careful with my form so I don't do myself a mischief. My reps & stamina are increasing. So is the flow of my movements. I still sweat like crazy, though.

Warm weather outside today so great walks with the dogs & stair running.

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:18 am
by Amy3010
No BS wrote:It just feels so good and so right! And I am so relieved. When I was 51 I found a lump in my breast. When I was 52 i did the surgery/chemo/radiation thing. When I turned 53 I was healing & trying to recover. And this month I turn 54.

I am so grateful for feeling healthy & strong & comfortable in my own skin again. It has been a long journey with a lot of incredible help along the way. :wink:
Wow - what a journey you are on indeed. I admire so much how positive you are and also have really appreciated your support and encouragement here. You are a huge inspiration to me! So...right back at ya! :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:08 am
by No BS
Well, here I am on Day 22 of my Physical Challenge and I am just going to keep on keeping on! :lol: Good habits appear harder to shake than bad habits!!

I have decided to follow milliem and Sweetness (aka Patty) on the C25K path and have officially started that particular training program today on my elliptical, since our roads will be covered in snow and ice for the next couple of months. By the time I can safely run outdoors I will have been seriously training for at least 10 weeks and should be able to make the transition smoothly from indoors to outdoors (I hope!! :lol: )

I'll update my workout log on this thread daily, and only add a blurb once a week when I weigh in on Mondays. Doing so will help keep me focused. Otherwise I'll just use my personal thread. Weighed in this morning and lost 3 pounds. :lol:

I'm really glad I took this initial physical challenge to try and "set" the habit within me. Thanks for the kind support of those who posted.

And for those struggling to make exercise a daily habit, I encourage you to give yourself a 21-day challenge. :wink: The rewards are enormous!

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:46 am
by germanherman
Funny sidenote:

After some struggeling first half of 2012 i reached my 210 Day challenge last saturday. So this habit keeps growing.

See you soon on your 210 day challenge. :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:05 pm
by No BS
Hi germanherman

Congratulations on your +210 days on habit! I look forward to also being able to say the same at some point this year! :D

Mar 25

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:10 am
by No BS
Well, it is Monday, Mar 25 (Day 29 of this Physical Challenge, Day 84 of No "S" habit, and my second week of training for C25K Challenge).

I weigh myself on Mondays and today I record no weight lost and no weight gained (since last Monday). Status quo is good enough for me until we see what next Monday brings! :D

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:59 am
by Amy3010
Congratulations for completing the 21 days - and for carrying on! :D
You've done great - I knew you could do it!

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:52 pm
by No BS
Thanks so much, Amy! I am having fun trying!! :wink:

So today is Apr 1 and I am now on Day 36 of my Physical Challenge, Day 89 of my No"S" eating habits, and my third week of training for the C25K Challenge.

I weighed myself today and gained 3 pounds. I suspect it might have something to do with eating (yesterday) the entire Black Bean Brownie Fudge Cake I made myself for my birthday! :lol:

Burp, man was it good! :D

We'll see what next Monday brings. It is impossible to be discouraged when I am feeling the best I have in years, am getting stronger every day, and am having nothing but fun playing within the gentle frameworks that are No"S", both with food & physical activities. :D

aPR 8 Weigh-In

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:42 pm
by No BS
Today is Monday, April 8 and my weekly weigh-in.

I am down 4 pounds. Last Monday I was up 3 pounds. Which means my weight has swung 7 pounds in 2 weeks with a net loss of 1 pound. Weird. :?

I don't own a scale & weigh myself on the Nursing Station scale.

I am on Day 96 of No"S", Day 43 of my Physical Challenge, and Week 4 of the C25K Challenge.

I feel really good (mentally & physically), have lots of energy & sleep like a baby. :wink:


Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:56 am
by No BS
Monday weigh in - no gain/no loss. Just maintaining, which is fine by me! :D

Today is Day 103 of No"S", Day 50 of my physical life, and should be week 5 of my C25K challenge.

But I am going to coast on C25K and only maintain on the elliptical. I picked up a bug on the weekend and am not feeling too perky right now. I figure a gentle workout is better than no workout; I just don't have the energy to go hard as usual.

Tomorrow is another day. :wink:

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:12 am
by Amy3010
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well - take it easy on yourself!
Good job on the maintenance - that is always a good thing.

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 3:26 pm
by No BS
This fabulous person named Amy once pointed out to me, with her usual insight, that even just a few minutes of exercise was better than nothing and would be a start to help acquire and keep the exercise habit.

Very wise words from my friend Amy. :D And helped me out tremendously during this sick week. In the old days I would have abandoned all my routines with the excuse I was sick. This time I figured out a way to do my routines, carefully and gently, because I was sick.

Huge huge difference in attitudes. Thanks so much, Amy! :wink: It is seismic shift of thinking to realize my exercise is a part of who I am every day (like my freckles) and not just something I "do" if I feel like it.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:16 am
by Amy3010
Wow...I'm blushing! You're very welcome, I'm glad something I wrote here was helpful to you. But you must give yourself all the credit for actually doing it and sticking to it. I think the problem so many of us have (myself included!) is that we do know intellectually what we need to do, we are aware of what habits are holding us back, but somehow, the motivation or gumption to actually make the changes is missing.

Well...not with you! The way you grabbed the NoS bull by the horns and then jumped into the exercise is a great inspiration! So keep up the good work - you're doing great!

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 11:04 am
by r.jean
I have also found that maintaining mild exercise while sick does help. Amazing how the exercise habit takes hold!

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:37 pm
by No BS
Well, I have gotten very slapdash lately about posting - it is really nuts at work. But I am still plugging away at No"S" and my physical life.

Ok, it's Day 117, of No"S", Day 64 of my physical challenge and my C25K is still in temporary abeyance where I will repeat Week 4 starting next week.

I am still using my elliptical and still shugging and still am enjoying both. My muscle definition in my arms absolutely astonishes me! :D So do my very hard core muscles.

Monday is my normal weigh-in day, but I never got over to the Health Centre to weigh myself. I don't think I have gained or lost anything. Hopefully next Monday won't be so busy at work and I'll be able to get my weigh-in done. I have missed weighing for two weeks now. But my clothes feel "normal" so I think I am holding my own. :wink:

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 1:49 am
by No BS
Day 130 of No"S", Day 78 (tomorrow) of my physical life, and repetitive Week 4 of my interrupted & resumed C25K challenge.

I weighed last Monday and didnt gain/lose. I'm happy.

I'm taking a break from posting but not from No"S" or my physical life. I will pop in from time to time on my main thread to touch base and see how everyone is doing. I am retiring this thread, though.

Cheers everyone! Thanks for all the interesting posts that have helped me learn and grow, and kept me motivated enough to continue reaching for my goals. :wink: