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Newbie, sort of

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:15 pm
by Liz46
Hi everyone. I have tried No S in the past. It's been a long time and I couldn't remember my name and password because I wasn't here for very long, so I created a new account.

The last time I tried No S, I was struggling, for some reason. I don't think I trusted the diet, nor myself because of all the various diets I've suffered through over the years, the successes and failures. "S" days, oh wow..I more than took advantage of those and ate whatever, whenever I wanted on those days. Doing so made it hard for me to stick to "No S" days because I struggled with wanting to snack throughout those days, too.

Needless to say, I went back to counting calories, lost a great deal of weight over a great deal of time and got tired of counting and gained almost every pound back in no time at all.

So I tried Intuitive Eating again. Once again, I found myself snacking all day every day because I was never eating enough during meals to satisfy my true hunger.

Now I'm back to No S and for some reason now it feels different. I have never felt so comfortable with an eating plan as I am with No S this time around. I realize that just because it's an "S" day, that doesn't mean I can clean the cabinets out. I must be sane about it and it really wasn't so hard this past weekend. I decided I'm doing Vanilla No S and I've had no trouble so far sticking with it.

I did buy myself an appropriate sized plate (8.5") and it's plenty large enough that if I fill it with the right foods, I stay full for hours.

Since starting just this past Wednesday (February 20th), I'm down 3.8 pounds already. But, no matter what the scales tell me, I know that this is the plan I will stick with for life because it's simple and makes sense. This is the same way I ate growing up. Treats were just that, treats! And it was usually on the weekends when we were allowed them. And funny thing, I never had a weight problem until I grew into adulthood and started "dieting". So this way of eating makes perfect sense to me.

I will probably weigh once a month and update here, or I may decide not to weigh at all. For once in my adult life, the scales will no longer control me. If I do weigh once a month, it will only be out of curiosity. My focus is only in following the plan and my main goal now is only to have peace with food, finally.

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:47 pm
by MJ7910
Yes that is how it has been for me too. This time is easier and I never want to count calories again. Welcome back

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 9:15 pm
by Aprilsparrow
:) :) WELCOME BACK!!! :) :)

I am new here and looking forward to reading about your progress.

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 9:27 pm
by wosnes
Welcome back.

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:38 am
by Liz46
MJ791 Here is to no more counting calories! I'm with you on that!

April, I'm looking forward to keeping up with you, too! We can do this. It's just too easy not to!

Wosnes, Thank you for the welcome back. It's nice to step back into a doable program!

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:48 am
by ZippaDee
Welcome Back!!! :D

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:19 am
by vmsurbat
Welcome back to food sanity!

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:47 am
by Liz46
Hi Zippadee! I remember your smiling face here! Congrats on your restart, too! Thank you for the welcome back!

Thank you also Vmsurbat! Yes it is nice to back back to a sane place! Congrats on your weight loss..awesome!