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Check in

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:26 pm
by AnneNoS
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs all on track with eating No S and easy to do. Yet to do the exercise it but getting there! I wondered as drinks are ok, what about all milk, not adding extra sugar, Cadbury drinking chocolate. Nearly ate a Mars bars early and thought had I started climbing the walls then drink chocolate would have helped the moment pass!

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:38 pm
by oolala53
You can start an individual thread for checking in on the check-n forum.

There are varying opinions on beverages between meals. I've used mocha and latte with stevia for years. Others use juice but I hear of that less and less. Others taper down to just water after awhile.

In the beginning, don't sweat non-sugar beverages. A some sugar in your coffee or on cereal, grapefruit- ok. Jam on toast. ok. Just be honest with yourself. And let your tastes and choices change. It's a process of discovery, but a much less frantic one, if you allow yourself not to be in a hurry.

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:18 pm
by Sinnie
Oolala what kind of mocha would you have? Is that just coffee mixed with hot chocolate?

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:56 pm
by oolala53
At home, I make coffee and add about half a cup of hot whole milk. Then I add about a tablespoon of cocoa powder and some stevia. I even sometimes add a little half and half! At work, I resort to poison, i.e., powdered creamer. I keep the other fixings there, too. Given how little processed foods I eat, I'll take my chances. And I doctor coffee at coffee bars liberally. But it's really only a couple of cups more or less most days.