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It always comes back to this!

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 1:37 pm
by MysteryLover
Hi everyone! It's me, Gina. Back AGAIN after going off course. I've never been perfect on No S. By that, I mean that I usually slip a few times a week & have something sweet with my dinner. Was sticking to the no seconds & no snacks (I would have a small 4th meal on days I taught Zumba). Even without being perfect, I was able to maintain a size 8, which was good enough for me!

Anyway, somehow between January & now, I've been hooked into the whole 'diet' mentality again. Starting cutting back on my meals. Which made me hungry. Which made me start snacking. Which made me gain 10 pounds back :(

Once I allowed myself to snack between meals, I turned into a grazer. Eating all day long! I can't believe I've let myself gain back that much weight, and in such a short amount of time.

Well, at least I've re-committed to going back to No S. Going to try to check in here for awhile. I love how supportive everyone is on the forum. Hoping to lose this extra weight as quickly as I put it on!

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:05 pm
by wosnes
I don't think being perfect is nearly as important as finding a way to make this work for you -- instead of you working for it.

If no snacks and no seconds with an after dinner sweet works, well, then, so be it.

I think it's easy to get sucked into the diet mentality at the new year since it's about the only thing you see or hear in the media.

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:48 pm
by Skelton
Hi Gina

I'm still quite new to No S, I started last summer.
The problem about dieting that you describe is something that keeps happening with me. I'm doing No S great, then suddenly I get sucked into the diet/fast weight loss hype and go off No S. Each time it's happened I've started to overeat again and have gained more weight
I am aware that this is a big problem for me but still I keep doing it!

I'm back again since Friday and really, really hope it will stick this time, because I believe that No S is the only thing that is going to work long term.

Anyway, it's nice to 'meet' you and I look forward to your check ins.

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:48 pm
by clarinetgal
Welcome back! I know what you mean about getting sucked into diet mentality and then coming back here!

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:11 pm
by MJ7910
I am finally giving this a fair shot and I know I can learn to be moderate again. I have to stay away from diet mentality too, as calorie counting has sucked me back in a few times. You do lose weight on those calorie accountant systems but I also lost my love for food, my love for my body, I gained shame and worry, obsession about calories and "macros". It also damaged my self image and caused me to hate eating and food, leading to binges and more guilt. So now I am trying to get moderation without obsession.

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:28 pm
by MysteryLover
Thanks so much for the encouragement! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who gets lead astray from time to time :) Looking forward to getting to know everyone better, as we share this journey.

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 7:31 pm
by KL
I, too, got off the path for many months and got on the diethead treadmill. Fortunately sanity prevailed and now back into the No S habit. Posting really helps me with accountability. Welcome back :!:

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:56 pm
by Eeyore
Trust me it's normal.... We're so used to everything being instant, instant tv, instant food, instant books, etc.... so why not instant weight loss. And with many diets out there for the small price of your blood and first born child you can lose 10 lbs in 7 days.

Here's something else I've realized. I have co-workers who are low carbing and/or doing weight watchers and they are losing alot of weight right now. But by month 6, or before, they will reach a point where they can barely have carbs to continue to lose weight or the counting of points will depress them (of which it did me). Working with them is also a bit of a drag b/c they're always angry...go figure!

Think of it this way....would you prefer quick weight loss and weight gain or a slow, steady, and sane weight loss?

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:03 pm
by oolala53
I'll give you my stock reply: welcome home.

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:12 pm
by wosnes
Eeyore wrote:
Think of it this way....would you prefer quick weight loss and weight gain or a slow, steady, and sane weight loss?
And probably more permanent since there's nothing to go "off." What you do to lose the weight is what you do to maintain the weight loss.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:03 am
by childoftheking
I'm glad u r back. I'm new to no s only a little over a month into it. So far I'm loving the sanity although today I was talking w/ a friend & started thinking maybe I should check out something else to lose faster them maintain w/ no s. I really don't want that craziness, but I wld like to look better for my sons graduation. I'm committed to keeping up no s till may 4th (that will b 2 months). Then I may do something to lose a little faster then after graduation go back to no s. but after reading y'all's posts, I think it may be better just to stick w/ no s & lump it about the pictures.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:10 pm
by AndreaRN9
childoftheking wrote:I'm glad u r back. I'm new to no s only a little over a month into it. So far I'm loving the sanity although today I was talking w/ a friend & started thinking maybe I should check out something else to lose faster them maintain w/ no s. I really don't want that craziness, but I wld like to look better for my sons graduation. I'm committed to keeping up no s till may 4th (that will b 2 months). Then I may do something to lose a little faster then after graduation go back to no s. but after reading y'all's posts, I think it may be better just to stick w/ no s & lump it about the pictures.
Let my experience be a cautionary tale:

I had my second child at 41 and had difficulty losing the baby weight. All of my life I'd been a dieter. Weight Watchers got me down 20 lbs. then a complete stall. I still wanted to lose 27 lbs. to get to goal weight. I decided to go on Jenny Craig. Within 4 months, I lost 19 lbs. I was thrilled! 8 lbs. to go! I was exercising 6 days a week, 30-40 minutes a day (exercise DVDs). Well, for another year and a half I stayed on Jenny Craig ($$$$$) and never lost the 8 lbs. For about five minutes I was 3 lbs. above goal weight but my weight would fluctuate, a pound here, 2 lbs. there, bouncing around. So, I decided that's probably where my body wanted to be and began maintenance. I had lost 23 of the 27 lbs. I wanted to lose.

My plan for maintenance was as follows: 3 meals a day, all plates 1/2 veg/fruit, all meals moderate size, cooked using Cooking Light recipes and continue exercise. No junk food. If I wanted a snack, it had to be fruit. Guess what? I started gaining weight and, of course, freaking out. On a moderate, healthy, sane way of eating WITH exercise I regained. So I decided to ramp up my exercise. I added a circuit training, weight training, interval training, and increased the time to 1 hour, 6 days a week. Guess what? I started to get really hungry. I mean REALLY hungry. It was torture. Sometimes I resisted and sometimes I didn't. I didn't crave "bad" foods, just more of the good stuff. So I'd double portion that healthy Cooking Light recipe. I started having seconds (and hating myself for it!). I started snacking more, all good healthy stuff though. More weight gain.

By the first year out I had gained 8 lbs. The next year another 8 lbs. By five years (sound familiar?) all 23 lbs. were back. Even though I was an exerciser. Even though I ate healthfully.

I truly believe that low calorie diets distort your metabolism (making a person even more thrifty) and also wreak havoc on your hunger/satiety cues. The last year and a half on Jenny Craig I was not losing weight even though I was eating a low calorie diet. My metabolism just shifted downward to compensate for the decreased intake.

That's the problem with those diets, especially if you've got a history of dieting. The weight loss is great upfront and you feel so jazzed about it. Then it slows down. Then it grinds to a halt. Then you try to maintain but all those hormones, neurotransmitters and enzymes involved in regulating body weight and hunger/satiety start to do a dance in your brain and you feel compelled and driven to eat. Then regain and self-loathing.

Tread carefully.

ETA: There were times in the past 5 years that I tried to limit intake to lose weight. It would require an enormous amount of willpower and I would v-e-r-y-s-l-o-w-l-y lose 5 lbs. or so (it would take 4-6 months) but, again, the appetite would REV into overdrive and I'd start again with the snacking and seconds.

I don't know if No-S will lead to weight loss for me, but I do know it will lead to sanity. If nothing else, it will stop the yo-yo and the crazy and the self-loathing (hopefully) and that's worth a lot in my book.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:09 pm
by BrightAngel
AndreaRN9 wrote: Let my experience be a cautionary tale:
AndreaRN9, Thanks for sharing your story.
I look forward to seeing how it goes for you here.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:20 pm
by childoftheking
I don't know if No-S will lead to weight loss for me, but I do know it will lead to sanity. If nothing else, it will stop the yo-yo and the crazy and the self-loathing (hopefully) and that's worth a lot in my book.

ok so I don't know how to do the quote thing so I'll just use another color.

AndreaRN9, thank you for you insights. I really don't want to go back to the whole diet head thing. I will keep your story in mind as I move forward.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:48 pm
by SpiritSong
wosnes wrote: And probably more permanent since there's nothing to go "off." What you do to lose the weight is what you do to maintain the weight loss.
Exactly! Who can ever be on a "diet" forever?

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 3:27 pm
by MysteryLover
Thank you so much for sharing your story, AndreaRN9! Yes, I've been there and done that over, and over again. I am so tired of the roller coaster. Day two back on No S & I'm already falling in love with food again. It just tastes so much better when I'm actually hungry for it! And I especially love the freedom of being able to eat whatever I choose for each meal. No more "Well, I want lasagna for dinner tonight, so that only leaves enough calories/poinst to have a banana for breakfast & a salad for lunch!"

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 3:42 pm
by finallyfull
I have been on and off No S for several years, and always return when I realize that I have gained a little and would not have gained on No S. Also I miss the appreciation for food, ritual, and meals that the good old fashioned 3 meals a day provides. And a million other things.

The good news is, the lessons I learned each time on No S stayed with me, so it wasn't like "starting from scratch." It's been almost four months for me now, a new record, and I feel completely at peace this time and am learning new lessons that will also stay with me.

I think its our culture that keeps sucking us back into the diet mentality. It's like the beauty magazines that work to make you feel ugly so they can sell you beauty products and clothes. I always notice that so many women's magazines are filled with fatty recipes and on the next page, weight loss plans. It's like a perpetual motion machine making money while making us crazy. I'm not doing it. Three plates a day.

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:39 pm
by leafy_greens
finallyfull wrote:I always notice that so many women's magazines are filled with fatty recipes and on the next page, weight loss plans.
I notice this too. It's rather ridiculous. "Lose 20 lbs this week!" Then a recipe for cupcakes. Ok...