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Food Taste Better

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:17 pm
by Aprilsparrow
Has anyone else experienced that when you are on No S days that food actually taste better? I think because I am not stuffing myself with food and actually hungry between meals so everything taste better. :)

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:07 pm
by finallyfull
Yep! Someone here has the tag line that goes like: appetite is the best spice, or something like that.

I am slowwwwly learning to actually prefer hunger. Slowly. I definitely appreciate it for maybe the first time, consciously.

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:15 pm
by wosnes
I've noticed that, too. No-S is certainly part of it, but I think it's also because I'm eating better quality food. Junk tastes like junk.

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:38 pm
by oolala53
This topic comes up over and over. It is cited as one of the major reasons No S-ers like the plan so much. It makes it more likely we will wait until we're hungry enough to reach that point. I've found I have to eat less and less at my meals to get to it.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:32 pm
by ~reneew
Proverbs 27:7 One who is full loathes honey from the comb,
but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet. :wink:

Although, I sometimes think the word "loathes" is a bit strong in this translation. haha

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:55 pm
by leafy_greens
I guess honey was the chocolate of Biblical times.

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 11:48 pm
by ksbrowne
I agree, I now enjoy the feeling of hunger! Never thought I'd see the day.

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 10:19 am
by wosnes
This may be a bit off topic, but I think they make the point that quality food tastes better -- and may lead to us eating less.

These articles are written by Wini Moranville, author of The Bonne Femme Cookbook:

The French (Non!) Diet, Part I: Eat Three Courses for Dinner

The French (Non!) Diet, Part II: Be Choosier About Cheese

The French (Non!) Diet, Part III: Enjoy a Variety of Flavors

The French Tartar Sauce Diet (!?)
Wini Moranville wrote:Eat foods that taste great (like a beautiful homemade tartar sauce) rather than so-so foods, and you’ll naturally need to eat less to feel satisfied.
In another post I mentioned that I subscribed to The Fresh 20 a couple of weeks ago. At this time, all of the menus are planned for four people; I cut them down to serve one. The food is so good I'm finding I don't need to eat more to be satisfied.

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 5:09 pm
by thepowerofcheese
Last night for dinner I had pasta shells and cheese, salad, and veggies. As good as it tasted, I felt like I was having a fancy meal. I could get used to this! :wink: