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Gonna give it another go at it

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:09 am
by lilguysmama
After a long few months of getting better ( had back surgery done then had to get my gallbladder out) Im finally ready to give this another try.. this morning I tried counting calories but thats to much to figure out each meal and I went way over my calorie budget..

I keep thinking about this program, and how I just have to eat 3 meals a day (which is hard for me, im a grazer). This program makes sense in so many ways. Just getting them down packed is the tough part..
I do good untiil the early afternoon and it goes until bedtime.

I know you need to exercise, not sure how much but Im not able to do much at all yet, expect walk , I still have to take it easy..

Can a person lose weight on this if they dont do much exercising?

So Im hoping that this time I can do this, I know I will fail but just have get back up and try again.. (im trying to think postive)

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:37 am
by noni
Most days I just do stretching exercise. Certainly not strenuous. There are times I go days or even weeks not exercising at all. I enjoy stretching to keep my neck from stiffening up and my body more limber. It's definitely not for weight loss. I still lose weight with or without it as long as I keep my N days green. I wish you well.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:15 am
by wosnes
Yes. It is possible to lose weight without exercise. I used to have a neighbor who couldn't exercise as the result of an injury and she lost about 100 pounds through diet alone.

While I've done the (very) occasional exercise program, the only exercise I've ever done consistently is walking.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:47 pm
by catservant
I'm right there with you...trying again! I believe we can do this! I don't know why, but it helps me to remind myself to "BE THE PERSON I WANT TO BECOME". When temptation strikes, or I feel hungry between meals I think to myself, "The person I want to become doesn't BE that person!" Also, the mental anguish of failing yet AGAIN would be harder to bear than some twinges in the tummy every now and then! I wish you great success!! Be kind to yourself!

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:31 pm
by oolala53
I exercise only intermittently and I have lost weight over several years.

Re: Gonna give it another go at it

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:38 pm
by r.jean
lilguysmama wrote:

I know you need to exercise, not sure how much but Im not able to do much at all yet, expect walk , I still have to take it easy..
I agree that you can lose weight without exercising, but exercising sure helps. It not only helps with burning calories but also with providing a sense of well being. That said, I notice that you say that you are able to walk. Walking is the best exercise there is! Start slow and build slowly as you are able. For rainy days consider Leslie Sansone's Walking Away the Pounds DVDs. On days you are not up to anything else, stretching is good.

I also like the idea mentioned by catservant, being the person you want to be come. Another way to phrase it is "Today I will act as if I am ....." Think about the habits of happy successful people and then work on developing those habits.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:48 pm
by wosnes
I don't think exercise helps in weight loss nearly as much as we've been lead to believe it does. When you look at how many calories are burned hourly doing various exercises or how many hours you'd need to exercise to burn off a treat, it's impact seems pretty negligible. It does have many other benefits.

Re: Gonna give it another go at it

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:24 pm
by Nicest of the Damned
lilguysmama wrote:Can a person lose weight on this if they dont do much exercising?
In a word, yes. I have lost at least 40 lbs off my pre-pregnancy weight with No S, with my only exercise being taking Nicest Baby for walks and doing a Mommy and Me yoga class once a week.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:00 pm
by leafy_greens
wosnes wrote:Yes. It is possible to lose weight without exercise. I used to have a neighbor who couldn't exercise as the result of an injury and she lost about 100 pounds through diet alone.

While I've done the (very) occasional exercise program, the only exercise I've ever done consistently is walking.
Yes, it's totally possible. I lost weight before while being unable to exercise after a twisted knee. In fact, I'm willing to believe some of the studies that state that exercise causes you to be more hungry. I think exercise is great for blood flow, flexibility, alleviating body pain and keeping your heart strong. But not weight loss. Exercise gets you away from the kitchen. Weight loss is a result of controlling your mouth muscle rather than body muscles.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:52 pm
by oolala53
Though I lost weight without exercise, I wouldn't negate its ability to nudge weight loss, too. If the exercise is vigorous, you will burn calories for more than the time you exercise. Even moderate exercise done consistently will shave off weight, if your eating stays moderate or less, but I wouldn't count on more than ten pounds a year. I personally haven't experienced being hungrier, when I am honest about the signals, when I exercise. If anything, it tends to dampen my hunger temporarily.

But it's more important as a vitality tool, I think. Which is similar to the main reason to eat moderately. Yet I still don't do it all the time, and No S is still my plan of choice.

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:08 pm
by finallyfull
@leafy greens - "exercise gets you away from the kitchen." That hits the nail on the head! The best exercise is moving in any direction away from the kitchen between meals.

For me, No S is helping me focus on well-being instead of just weight. Even if I could be slim without exercise, I hope I always move my body as best I can (within whatever limits I have, and there are limits for many of us) because it is super fantastically important for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.

Having said that, my preferred posture is laying like a lump on my bed with a pile of books. But I fight the good fight every day and make regular "deposits" into my healthiness account.


Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:19 pm
by Nicest of the Damned
finallyfull wrote:@leafy greens - "exercise gets you away from the kitchen." That hits the nail on the head! The best exercise is moving in any direction away from the kitchen between meals.
Of course, so can many other activities. Any of which is beneficial, even if they're something you think of as a total waste of time (like watching stupid TV shows), as long as you're not eating while you're doing whatever it is. Even if your activity is not burning calories, if you otherwise would have been consuming calories, it's a net gain.