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How to regain motivation?

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:54 am
by Jennifer
Hi, I've a couple of really bad weeks, just a really stressful time at school and everything. And the No-S'ing just went right out the window. Maybe my habits just weren't strong enough to deal with it. So when you've been having a bad time and don't seem to care that much anymore, how do you regain the motivation to do No-S?

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:48 pm
by reinhard
Hi Jennifer,

I'm sorry to hear it...

Well, one thing I've noticed is that when things are going lousy, sticking to no-s and the other systems makes me much less depressed. By thinking "day on habit" (singular, in this case) you give yourself a very attainable goal, which is important when all your other goals seem distant and doubtful. It's attainability is motivating, and when you attain it, the feeling of success (small, but something to grasp onto) buoys your spirits and motivates you in general.

So I think the trick is the old cliche of thinking one day at a time plus clear, attainable criteria for daily success, plus plenty of patting yourself on the back for each victory (we can help with that here). If you stumble, remember a victory is only a day away. If you succeed, think how easy it is to add to your success and keep going.

Here's an inspiring (if somewhat gruesome) analogy: in WWII, there were basically two kinds of fighter pilots: those who never shot down any planes, and those who shot down a bunch. If you shot down one, you were likely to shoot down many more. So get one day under your belt, and you're halfway to becoming a nos-diet ace.

Hope this or something else helps,


Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:16 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Jen,
I agree with Reinhard!
Life is so challenging sometimes and if we screw up on a diet it's so easy to just let that negativity spiral and snowball, and then we are left with a feeling of failure and, basically, everything seems like a heaping pile of steaming S!

So, leave emotion out of the picture, as it's likely to psych you out, and just become a "habit" automoton... Commit to having a week on habit and just try your best! If you screw up, don't sweat it too much and go binge like crazy, just start again the next meal...

No one here is diminishing how difficult it can be to surmount those bummed out feelings when it's happening... We all know what it feels like to be in a down place..
The advice to just get on plan is simple and will help you feel happy that you are back in the drivers seat again! I promise you will feel better within a few days!
You can do it!!!!!!
Keep chanting that to yourself, over and over!!!!
Good luck!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 4:30 pm
by peetie
To quote the immortal words of the great philosophical genius, Nike:

"Just do it"

From someone who has been known to overthink way too much,


Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 5:28 am
by Jennifer
Thank you soooo much, reinhard, deb, peetie! I am going to take all of your advice to heart.