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Sweet stuff

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:05 pm
by Treeclimber
I've heard on other weight loss fora that some time after cutting out sugar and the body starts to get along without it, that it becomes harder to eat sugary stuff when the occasion presents itself. Has anyone here notice a decreased desire for sugar (even on S-days) and if so, how long after starting No S did you notice?

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:19 pm
by oolala53
For me it took quite awhile. I don't even want to say. I wouldn't say it's harder to EAT it, but to recover from it. It becomes more obvious what the whole experience is during and after, and that becomes less worth it. I haven't ever lost my taste for it, though, even though things can taste VERY sweet now. I still enjoy sweets, just not every weekend anymore, and in much smaller amounts.

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:59 pm
by Treeclimber
Thanks for your answer. It makes more sense than what I was thinking. I came to No S just a few weeks ago, and by the time my first weekend came up, I ate some sweet (mostly out of habit, I think) but I couldn't make myself finish it. But I bet you're right. I probably shouldn't expect such a drastic change is so short a time. Thank you for your insight!

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:48 pm
by vmsurbat
My NoS experience with sweets (desserts):

The first year: I had a serving of dessert twice every S day--lunch and dinner. :-) But I was very strict to have no desserts on N days. And by dessert, I mean a recipe made out of the dessert section of a normal cookbook: cake, pie, cobbler, ice cream (storebought), etc. (Not a piece of fruit) and usually one piece. My treating myself to treats, I pre-empted the need to stuff sweets into my mouth, binge-style.

The second year: I had dessert maybe three times over two S days. I also began to make portions smaller because that is what satisfied me best. For example, if I previously cut a 9x13 cake into 12 pieces, I now cut it into 15 or 18.

The third year:
More than one dessert serving per day began to seem like too much sweetness. And two desserty-desserts over two S days was too much. So, on Sundays I served a "real" dessert and the other S day, I usually offered homemade cookies (modestly sized--no Martha Stewart Jumbo cookies....)

The fourth year: Only real change was cutting smaller pieces: those 9x13 pans of cake are now cut into 20-24 pieces.... and I am aghast to realize how many years I thought 12 pieces was a normal portion....

The fifth year: I've really come to enjoy fruit-based desserts, so I am building up my collection of those--refreshingly satisfying and less sweet than most desserts. And I usually have dessert only one S day now, rarely eat the cookies from the other S day.... More than that feels like too much sweetness in a week, leaving me with a yucky feeling.

So, yes, I have experienced a profound change with respect to sweets/sugary foods. But notice the time frame: years (not week or months) and I was always motivated by what brought me the most mealtime satisfaction.


Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:24 pm
by musiclvr02
I've noticed a slight change in my sweet habits. The first week of No S,
I had chocolate cake and a beer, 2nd week homemade brownies, 3rd week some girl scout bars, last week it was 90 calorie bars.

I guess it does take awhile, but I'm encouraged anyway.

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:25 pm
by musiclvr02
I've noticed a slight change in my sweet habits. The first week of No S,
I had chocolate cake and a beer, 2nd week homemade brownies, 3rd week some girl scout bars, last week it was 90 calorie bars.

I guess it does take awhile, but I'm encouraged anyway.

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:29 pm
by Treeclimber
Thanks Vickie. I should've guessed it'd take longer for my sugar urges to subside. I'm really liking No S so far, but I still have all the new-convert enthusiasm.

What's HTH?

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:58 pm
by Treeclimber
Hi Musiclvr02. That sounds good. I never would have thought of chocolate cake and beer, but now that's all I want. Almost Saturday!!

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 8:21 pm
by vmsurbat
Treeclimber wrote:
What's HTH?
HTH: Hope that helps


Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:23 pm
by Tessytwinkle
Hi there. I have noticed in the past that if I could stop all sugar for a week or two then somehow my whole body seemed to relax and I found it much easier not to binge. Very strange. But I have never stuck at this because could not bear a life without any sugar! I love making cakes and tarts etc.
I am now trying noS diet and really interested to see if just having no sugar on week days but the odd sweet treat on S days will work in the same way. So lets hang in there treeclimber and see if our sugar urges are tamed!

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:26 pm
by Broca
Tessy, I know exactly what you mean. I did low carb and lost 15 pounds but ultimately failed because (among other things) I realized I couldn't live my life never making and eating chocolate chip cookies! They're one of life's greatest pleasures!

I'm only a few months in and I do love sweets but I've been surprised how I've managed to forego them until the weekend. Still working on not going overboard though! :)

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 5:02 pm
by oolala53
Your reaction to not having sugar is normal. It is also normal to possibly want to have A LOT of it when you reintroduce it. That is the nature of the neural pattern. You can either go with it or limit it. Eventually, the reaction will be reduced either way, or your desire not to experience the consequences of overeating will increase, as long as you go back to N days.

Think in terms of a year from now.