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Having trouble, advice needed!

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:25 pm
by Minkymoo
I was doing really well but hit a tricky patch and need sone advice/support to help me get back on track!
After more than a year of trying to get pregnant with our second child and no success I've been getting a bit fed up and my husband thinks we should go to the GP and ask for help.
I am reluctant to do this although I know it's nessecarry because I know my GP will refuse to help because of my weight. To access any assistance with fertility in the UK your BMI must be below 29 and mine was 32 a few months ago.
Firstly I'm not keen on the humiliating aspect of going along to my Drs surgery with my lovely husband only to be put on the scales and told it's all my fault that we can't have another child. Just thinking about this scenario is putting me out of sorts and making me feel horrible about myself.
Secondly, it's woken the diet head monster within, so I wake up in the morning wondering how I can modify No S in order to get my BMI down to 29 asap, only to spend the day overeating, snacking and making less than positive food choices!
I did so well for over a year and can't believe ive got in such a pickle over this issue. I just want to find food peace again, and get back into the slow weight loss zone. The way things are at the moment the only way my BMI is going to move is up :-(
Suggestions and advice welcome!

You Can Do This the Right Way!

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:46 pm
by keriamon
Is there a reason why you need to have a kid ASAP? If you had to wait another year while you lost weight at a reasonable rate, would that be too late?

It's possible that when you lose some more weight, you'll get pregnant naturally, because fat can throw off your hormone levels and make you less regular and make it harder to conceive.

That, and stress makes it super hard to conceive! Many couples find that when they quit trying to have a baby, and go back to having sex when they want to and because they want to, boom, baby! (Might have something to do with the fact that a female orgasm noticeably increases a woman's chance of getting pregnant; those can be hard to come by when you're under stress!)

Have you figured out how much weight you need to lose to drop down to the appropriate BMI? (And, if you show your doctor that you've been steadily and dependably been losing weight, he might okay fertility treatments, even if you're still a bit over the preferred BMI.) Your goal may not be as far away as it seems.

For example, at 5'6" and 200lbs, you would have a BMI of 32. But drop just 20 pounds and you'll be at 29.1--probably good enough for your doc. If you're 5 feet even, then you'll be at 32 BMI when you weigh 163 lbs. But lose just 15 lbs and you'll be at 29!

If you can lose a pound a week on No-S--something that seems to be pretty common for people with a good bit to lose--then it's just 5 months to lose 20 pounds. Not an eternity at all! :!: (And if you've been doing No-S faithfully for the past few months, you may be closer to your goal than you realize.)

Also, if you're not doing much exercise, take that up to help speed up the process a bit. Strength training can help a lot, because while muscle weighs more than fat, it takes up a lot less space and it constantly burns calories. Toning up can make you appear thinner (which may sway the doctor in your favor) and it can help you lose more weight over the long run, because it increases your metabolism. (Exercise also helps regulate hormones and decreases stress--another baby booster!)

You know that if you go on some crazy diet, even if you lose enough weight to qualify for assistance, you'll feel bad, you won't have the best health going into your pregnancy, and your eating habits will get so out of whack, you'll go right back to that stress eating and gain more than you lost.
(Which is why it's stupid to set medical treatments based on a somewhat arbitrary number, but that's a soapbox for another day.)

Get back on track with No-S, add in exercise (if you're not doing it already), and come join the daily check-in board to keep your spirits (and willpower) up. Weigh yourself once a week and see about how much you're losing. If you're doing a pound a week, then make yourself a doctor's appointment 5 months out (if you have to, tell your hubby that's as soon as you could get!). That will also help keep you out of the snacks and running down the lane (or whatever you want to do for exercise). And I bet by the time you go to the doctor, he'll be willing to talk to you about your fertility options.

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:32 am
by lpearlmom
Ugh!!! Not treating woman over a certain bmi is wrong on so many levels. I avoid drs (even though my hubby is one) but when I do go, I politely decline to be weighed.

Is there a way to find a doctor who doesn't follow this rule? Can you call around & just be very frank? Or maybe take a quick trip to the states and visit one of our many fertility clinics?


Sounds really tough. So sorry! Remember there's no quick fix. The healthiest sanest thing you can do is stick with what you're doing. A diet will end up back firing & you'll most likely end up heavier than when you started.

GL! Linda

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:13 pm
by Minkymoo
Hmm I don't seem to be able to handle thus one rationally, that is the problem. Yes I know I dont NEED to have another child right away, but that doesn't stop me longing to give my daughter a sibling. I'm finding it hard not to react emotionally.
Similarly I know that if I were to just stick to No S I would start loosing weight again (not one pound a week though!), but that knowledge doesn't stop me sabotaging myself in those attempts.
If I could afford to go private I'm sure there are Drs that would treat me, but financially that's not possible so I'll just have to accept things the way they are and try to relax about it a bit!