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Link for USA to see recent BBC Diet Program

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 3:56 pm
by BrightAngel
:D Hi Guys,
Here's a link showing videos of the BBC special
"The Men Who Made Us Thin"
which was televised in the UK in August 2013.

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:14 pm
by Rea

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:46 pm
by Coffeegal
Thank you, that was interesting. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:21 pm
by noni
Thank you, BA, I enjoyed watching that.

Did you catch what that British Weight Watchers female rep. said, back in the 60's?:
"When it comes to eating, fat people are basically stupid."

She would've lost her job if she said that

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:53 pm
by BrightAngel
noni wrote:Did you catch what that British Weight Watchers female rep. said, back in the 60's?:
"When it comes to eating, fat people are basically stupid."

She would've lost her job if she said that
Yes ... So politically incorrect...Wasn't that Amazing?

What the current Weight Watchers female rep said ... also gave me pause.
Essentially it was that ... okay, perhaps WW might not be very effective .. .
but what is the alternative...?
"would you have us do NOTHING"..?
I feel the answer of those people who follow HAES "Health At Every Size" would be:
.... "Well.... Yes!
Without the pressure of negative messages about our bodies,
given to trick us into spending our money on empty promises,
we might be better able to accept the diversity of our natural body sizes
and allow ourselves the freedom to make healthy eating choices
that will sustain the bodies we've been given.

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:50 am
by Kittykat150
Thank you BrightAngel for the heads up on this documentary. I could not use the link but found the show on YouTube. It came at the exact time for me. My diet head was contemplating WW again for a quicker loss. This show set me straight again. I will no longer give my money or energy to these diet super businesses. My own body is so much smarter than these gurus. I must listen to it.

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:39 pm
by jw
Thank you for finding this and posting it, Bright Angel. I was very curious and watching it confirmed a lot of my thoughts about dieting!

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:46 am
by eschano
There was also a series by the BBC called "The Men Who Made Us Fat", looking at food marketing,...

Unfortunately, all links I can find are from illegal streaming services so I can't post them here but if you can somehow get hold of it - it is just as good as the new series.

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:16 pm
by jw
eschano, I just watched that one in its entirety on youtube -- it's broken into about ten segments, but it's all there and totally legal! It was an eye-opener!

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:48 pm
by BrightAngel
:P There's a USA link to watch the BBC 'made us Fat' series
at the bottom of this link to "The Men Who Made Us THIN"
Summer of 2013

It is my intention ...
once all 4 episodes of "The Men Who Made Us Thin" are posted on YouTube...
to also copy ALL 4 of them to the Link above.
That way we can easily watch them all at one place.

Here's a USA link directly to "The Men Who Made Us FAT"
Summer of 2012

It is legal to COPY on your own website, ANY video that is posted on YouTube.
DietHobby is my own Personal Website.

The BBC ultimately posts all of their programs on YouTube as well,
and it seems to only object to "copyright violations" by independent video makers
AFTER they've posted their program on YouTube themselves.

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:03 pm
by BrightAngel
:P Bumping this up to let you know that the USA link provided here
now contains ALL FOUR EPISODES of the Summer 2013 BBC series:
The Men Who Made Us Thin