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Hunger problems

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:19 pm
by jld141
Hi Everyone!

One problem I'm having with sticking with No S is problem is that I am a college student and have class non-stop throughout the day (basically I'll eat breakfast at 6:00 AM and I won't get another break till 2:30 or sometimes not even until 4:30). Because of this, I don't have the time to sit down to a nice, plated, lunch and then I end up ravenous and eat everything in sight when I finally do get time to eat. Sometimes I try to bring a sandwich and eat it on the run, but even when I do that I'll eat it at 11:00 AM and then be starving after class.

Any suggestions?

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:31 pm
by Blithe Morning
Eat a bigger breakfast. Drink milk or other beverage with protein around 11. Pack your lunch and eat at the first opportunity. I rarely eat a plated lunch. I have two cup containers I pack my lunch in and that usually is about a plate's worth of food, especially if I add a piece of fruit.

Otherwise, have four meals: early breakfast, early lunch, "tea" and dinner. Make two of those meals smaller.

Whatever you decide, don't let the crazy schedule give you permission to start grazing. That's where you get into trouble.

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:02 am
by guille
well, in my case, i work and study, so the only warm meal i have in my house is dinner. the first two meals will be packed, so oviously i chose things that taste great cold. when the time for my meal comes im hungry, so anything, cold or hot will taste wonderfully.

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:26 am
by oolala53
How big are the classes? Could you sit it the back of one of them and quietly eat your meal?

Pack a lunch. Given your circumstances, you might split the lunch in two, spread out so that you still have a decent gap between the second half and dinner. Try to arrange it so that you eat at the same time each day.

Lattes are allowable between meals to tide you over, as are any other beverages, as long as they aren't made using a blender.

Sounds like a wild day. Hope you can plan in a break midday next semester. Might as well start early planning some civility into your day.

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:49 pm
by musiclvr02
I bring menthos mints when I go volunteer since I do it from 8 to 12.

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:07 am
by jld141
Thanks for all of the advice everyone!

oolala -- unfortunately I am in engineering and all of my classrooms are equipped with computers and have a strict no food policy haha

However, I do think the splitting it into two is a good idea. Maybe I can have one early and one after classes.

Good call on the lattes thing too-- I do enjoy the occasional cappuccino and maybe this would help curb my appetite before dinner.

I'm hoping next semester will calm down, but in the meantime, I have to stick it out till December!

Thanks again for the advice everyone!