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a little chagrined.....

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 2:52 pm
by musiclvr02
It is Sunday and I made the mistake of weighing myself. I felt really bloated yesterday and I will re weigh myself after the weekend(including Monday) is over. I've been on No S since July and it looks like I GAINED weight this time even though my pants are feeling looser!

I think I read that this is somewhat common?

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 3:48 pm
by jw
Oh dear -- you chose the wrong day to weigh, music lover! Is it very humid where you are? Did you have a salty dinner? That can make several pounds difference with me. I can always feel when I am retaining fluid and refuse to weigh on those days. The day after an S weekend is also taboo. I weigh in irregularly, and only early in the morning when I am feeling empty and "thin." Like most of us, I only want good news!

Don't let this discourage you. Especially since you have noticed a positive change in your body composition and the fit of your clothes -- something good is happening!

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:10 pm
by musiclvr02
yes weighing on the 1st which is S day doesn't sound encouraging. I guess I should till the middle of the week or so. Hmm for dinner last night it was pork sandwhiches w/beans. Yeah sodium could have had a pull too.

Funny thing; I noticed that eating sweets is upsetting my digestion a little, could I be losing taste for it?? That would be a good thing.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:11 pm
by musiclvr02
it's quite humid now. I live in AZ and we have our monsoon in the summer. Interesting point.

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:57 pm
by oolala53
I f you must weigh, do it on Fridays only OR every day for one week and take only the average as your weight that week. Or skip it altogether and use that as incentive to be really strict about your N days. They and your pants will be the only metrics.

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 3:35 pm
by harpista
This is coming from the viewpoint of having had gestational diabetes in the last year, and needing consistent records for evaluation by doctors.... But IMO, if you weigh, you need to treat it as gathering scientific data, ditto blood sugar, blood pressure or other metrics.

By this I mean, you must be consistent in frequency (daily/every Friday/every month/etc.), time of day (perhaps morning after bathroom duty and before ingesting anything), circumstance (maybe it should always be Friday mornings even if done on a monthly basis, so the first Friday as opposed to the first DAY of the month), and maybe even experiment with your scale for accuracy (does it give you the same number in three tries, or a different number +/- 5 lb on the same day, every time? maybe you need to average it out every time).

Otherwise the number is kinda useless and without context.

And in any case, if you become emotionally involved with your scientific data, maybe weighing isn't the right benchmark for you. Until I got to the point of "it's just feedback" because of managing a difficult pregnancy, the number on the scales made me insane. :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 3:43 pm
by ~reneew
I weigh daily but never compare to any other time than the week prior at the same time. Honestly, I can weigh 8 pounds heavier on Sunday evening than I did Friday morning. :roll:

If you're maintaining, first of all, be glad you aren't gaining! Maybe consider plate size... A tiny bit smaller sometimes will help. :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 5:18 pm
by Ramona
Someone once told me mistakes are great because they give us valuable information. Although weighing consistently/scientifically might provide data, is that the sort of information you're really interested in? Some people are and they attach no emotional value to the number(s). It seemed to me weighing yourself only made you feel bad or like a failure because you GAINED weight. And the thing is if you had weighed on your neighbor's scale or at the doctor's office or the gym, the number would've been different and might have made you feel elated or even worse.

Then you said, " looks like I GAINED weight this time even though my pants are looser." Looks can be deceiving...the number makes it appear as though you've gained and are bigger than you were when you started. How can your body be bigger yet your clothes looser? I know there are many explanations--muscle weighs more than fat, you're retaining water, the moon is in the second house, etc. I think I would choose how my clothes fit and how I feel both physically and emotionally as my measuring stick.