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Feeling the competition...

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 4:56 am
by grothkat
I saw my boyfriends cousin this evening and she has lost a lot of weight. Thing is, she started the protein power diet last November and talked with me about it in March 2013. I fooled around with it but quickly felt deprived and then my binge monster came out and I decided in July that it was not for me that No S was the only sane thing I could do. Now after seeing her after she has lost, I feel like a bit of a failure.

I have lost about 13 lbs but she has lost 50.

Just ranting.

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:28 am
by jw
It was something like that that got me started on Atkins -- a rival co-worker who suddenly looked so thin and good in her summer clothes, I couldn't let her get away with that! There's no denying the low carb diets work -- Protein Power even allows you some fruit, if I recall. But constant math, constant adjustment and recalculation of portion sizes -- who lives like that?

Your boyfriend's cousin does for the moment -- but wait a year or two, when she has reached her goal and relaxed and rebounded, while you have steadily kept on losing because you were relaxed all along. No S is just more sustainable!

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 1:33 pm
by Blithe Morning
I hope for her sake she is able to keep it off, but the data says this is unlikely.
Over the last three years I've seen two people lose a lot of weight and then gain it back.

It's a marathon. An ultra marathon. Keep telling yourself that you will check back in with her in 5 years and see how you are doing then.

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 1:47 pm
by grothkat
Thanks you guys! Now how do I delete one of my posts? I accidentally posted this twice.

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 2:16 pm
by wosnes
grothkat wrote:Thanks you guys! Now how do I delete one of my posts? I accidentally posted this twice.
Usually there's an "X" up where it says "quote" or "edit". If you click on the "x" you can delete the post. It doesn't stay there indefinitely, though.

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 3:23 am
by oolala53
Sounds like you got the message, but I'll reinforce it anyway. The odds are against her maintaining, but even if she does, her tactics aren't right for you now, very likely. Sounds like they would trip you up.

How are you doing staying on habit?

It never sounded attractive at all to me to cut out starches until this summer, though I haven't cut them completely. But I have replaced them with more fruit at some meals this summer. Feels fine.

Let your preferences evolve and they will likely stick.

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:08 am
by germanherman
For me it always boils down to one question:

Do you want to eat this way for the rest of you life?

The ability to plan ahead for a very long time is crucial for any success.

For every diet you see, every diet you consider just ask yourself: For the rest of my life? Most diets out there will help you lose weight for as long as you can stay on them. Some will let you lose fast, some slow. But if you can't sustain the diet you will gain weight again, most of the time very fast and a lot.

And i simply don't want to live a life, where my diet plays a big role. I want to eat, without thinking too much about it. I want to enjoy my food.

So instead of letting some diet and some exercise regime dictate my daily life, i designed a baseline to maintain my body: No S diet, something like Shovleglove and Urban Ranger.

It is like brushing my teeth, a simple habit i can keep without much effort. And i'm pretty sure i can handle it for the rest of my life.

Sometimes i do more regarding exercise (like training for a run or competing in martial arts) or "diet" (like living in the wilderness for 2 weeks), but i always keep my baseline.

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 3:34 pm
by grothkat
Thanks for all the great wisdom!! To answer oolala, the habit is going well and I really seem to only fail at it when I am trying to restrict and them break down and snack (I should only have a salad with lean meat for lunch even though I know a piece of fresh artisan pizza and a side salad would keep me satisfied and is what I really want). No sweets is still very hard but I am working on it and if I have a satisfying dinner, I don't feel the need for dessert. I believe dessert had been filling both a physical void of avoiding good whole grain carbs because "all carbs are bad" and the emotional void of loneliness. I love the simple three meals while I am on vacation right now (in the Hawaiian islands) and do not feel deprived even observing all three S's however I have let myself have a sweetish tropical treat every other day or so (Mai tai or just a little lilikoi juice, seltzer, and rum). My problem right now is my boyfriend of 6 years is feeling insecure about himself and asked me to do the Master Cleanse after we get back. That really triggered me making me feel really fat in my bathing suit at the time and making me feel like he is only saying that to get me to lose. I have kind of tried to explain what binge eating disorder is to him or at least eating disorder not otherwise specified but have not done the best job because I don't want to feel so vulnerable around him. Even still, I feel I get mixed signals from him because when I order a salad at dinner he always say, "why don't you just order what you want?" But then he has also said that part of my problem with my weight is that I never stick to a specific diet but rather flip flop with them all... Which is true. I need to stick to No S...I am sorry to rant, just I feel like I am still so young and still so apt to "believe" the next diet will work for me instead of getting diet thinking out of my head.

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:50 pm
by oolala53
You are not ranting.

I gently suggest you start weaning yourself off discussions of food (except what and how much you enjoy something you're eating), dissatisfaction with your body, and trying to lose weight with anyone who is not on a similar quest to normalize his/her eating rather than lose weight. Try to steer clear of anything that sounds like you're on a diet, but rather that you're trying to cooperate with your appetite. "I don't want to ruin my appetite for lunch/dinner." "I'm perfectly satisfied now. Nothing else sounds good to eat." Between meals: "Something to drink would hit the spot right now." Try to think what a thin person would say. She is rarely influenced by others to eat. She may even order something to be pleasant but will pick at it. Some of them might even talk diet-talk, but it's not really their motivation. They just hate to feel too full and won't eat much for others.

This is going to take some doing, I guess, because it sounds like you've gotten into a habit of berating your body and your eating around your boyfriend. Sorry to say that in this, it doesn't sound like he can be your ally. He is still believing that it should be easy to adopt "healthy" eating because it has some magical effect that cures you of desires if you're just strict enough. And it does work that way FOR SOME PEOPLE. Even for the ones it seems to work for temporarily, it doesn't usually stay easy.

If No S is working well on vacation, you're going to have to start working in that you're actually feeling fine with what you're experiencing now and have realized that you've never really been helped to change your eating after a cleanse. (I assume you've done one?) No matter what the personal testimonies are, remember that you are not hearing from the myriad other people who dropped out by day three, eating everything in sight, and all the variations of that. The testimonials represent the minority, especially if they're on the website of the product. There is some truth of this about No S, too, but I since it is promoting such normalcy, I just can't accept it can have as deleterious an effect as the austere regimes. I could be wrong. But don't knock cleansing to him, either. It's his choice. You just don't choose to put yourself through that now.

Steer clear of sounding like an alarmist. Be as kind as you can while you stand your ground. Ask him what support you can give him without joining in on the cleanse, and do your best to provide it. Try not to be giving him a blow-by-blow of your No S experience. He will likely be sensitive to its problems and wonder why it's okay to do it and not the cleanse. Share the journey with us! We are used to the ups and downs and don't see them as a reason to abandon ship. The boat may rock and take on a little water sometimes, but it is basically a sound vessel. Keep rowing.

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:40 am
by Kittykat150
Who can top what Oolala just said?
Do not compare yourself to others in any area of your life, especially this one. Your body is yours alone to nurture and love and respect. I wish you the best.