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help! with S days

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:03 pm
by weagl860
I've been working on this plan for a month. My weekdays are relatively "easy" and pleasant -I feel so much better! I've maybe lost 4 pounds ( mostly right in beginning) . I do feel yucky about weekends. I usually end up bingeing and stress eating- neither of which are fun or enjoyable. I'm nervous about putting extra rules on weekends but I'm not happy with my behavior. I'm pretty miserable once my old habits kick in by Saturday night. Any tips would be appreciated. :-)

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:26 pm
by jw
The compulsion to splurge will eventually fade, partly because it leaves you feeling so yucky. Don't force it. Just trust the process. For me the development has been: at first, wild S weekends, then wild S Saturdays, tamer Sundays. It was only this past weekend that I felt for the first time I wasn't an S-day idiot! (Just couldn't think of anything I really wanted, and ended up putting some caramel sauce and whipped cream on fresh pears.) I think it's very healthy to let your appetite decide when to let go of the over-the-top S days.

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:29 pm
by weagl860
Good point. Thanks!

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:18 pm
by jw
Also -- check out the sticky, "Stages of No-S." It's very enlightening about how we progress!

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:47 pm
by Imogen Morley
I am a firm supporter of Reinhard's "no solitary snacking, ever" mod. To put it simply, on an S day eating a cookie on your own with your meal is OK, cookie between meals requires company/witnesses. Also, you may consider giving up seconds of dessert if you find yourself reaching for another and yet another piece of cake. Just have one serving of whatever strikes your fancy, and stop at that.

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:28 pm
by ~reneew
Imogen Morley wrote:I am a firm supporter of Reinhard's "no solitary snacking, ever" mod.
Hmmm... I do believe I need to check that out. It sounds smart. :wink:

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:46 pm
by GraceW
I'm a fan of the no solitary snacking ever mod too. It removes the kind of S day eating that isn't pleasurable anyway. Focusing on pleasure (S worthiness?) has really helped control my S days.

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:38 pm
by weagl860
Yeah, I think that "no solitary snacking " is a great one. That would outlaw hiding in the pantry and eating gummy fruit snacks. Just for example. ;-)

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:44 pm
by weagl860
That mod would be especially perfect for me because I stress eat. I'm learning to deal without eating on weekdays but slip into it on weekends since it's allowed. The most.damaging stress eating is when no around...

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:02 pm
by noni
It took me over a year to have three calm-eating weekends in a row, a new record for me. But last weekend, not so. But I feel hopeful that it will happen more and more. And my calm weekends may be some else's wild weekends.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:16 pm
by Kittykat150
It's not so much that I put rules on my S days, but that I am starting to feel and appreciate some food policies for myself. Generally speaking, stuffing myself feels bad, N days or S days, it makes no difference. I am not missing the feeling of stuffing myself during the week. What I miss during the week is sweet dessert after meals. So I have small desserts if I want them on S days after lunch and/or dinner. I miss snacking during the week as well but that is a very important contributor to my weight gains. So even on S days, I stay away from solitary snacking. I have found that my body is getting used to no snacking between meals during the week and I am no longer white-knuckling it to dinner. Milk or coffee helps if needed. My point is, I am close to killing a very bad habit of snacking. I do not wish to undo that positive growth on weekends. The all day food fest behaviors of S days just dwindle, naturally and adding some boundaries to keep from feeling out of control and yucky on S days to me is a self affirming/nurturing thing. Maybe if you think of it that way, and not like you are imposing rules on yourself you will be more at peace with S day boundaries.
Long winded....sorry.
Good luck,

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:09 pm
by vmsurbat
Kittykat150 wrote:The all day food fest behaviors of S days just dwindle, naturally and adding some boundaries to keep from feeling out of control and yucky on S days to me is a self affirming/nurturing thing. Maybe if you think of it that way, and not like you are imposing rules on yourself you will be more at peace with S day boundaries.

I agree with you, Kat, that what you are describing is not so much new S day "rules" but a new normality that you don't want to forget. The fact that we learn to choose low-key S days, of our own free will because that is what we truly want, is one of NoS's best side effects....

Best wishes for continued success!

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:33 pm
by oolala53
Just to say, one month in is not very long. It takes most people MUCH longer to retrain the appetite, more like a year or more. Too many people start wanting to adjust early on, or give up because it doesn't match the honeymoon phase of a diet, where you're totally inspired and you think you'll never want to overeat again. We know how that one works in the long run.