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Here are 17 Things About Me

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:41 pm
by Ramona
1. I spent many hours reading posts on the forum and decided to jump in.
2. I've been on countless wait, I counted once and not including the ones I forgot, it was 103.
3. I will never again eat anything I don't like in the service of weight loss.
4. I am going to trust the process. Yes, I am.
5. No way will I weigh--it messes with my serenity. And the sole reason I'm choosing to do this is to change my habits not my weight.
6. I'm a quitter...I start out with a BANG, begin to fizzle when the newness wears off, and quit altogether (sometimes all three happen in the span of 24 hours). A habit that definitely needs to be changed.
7. If I had it to do all over again, I would never have gone on that stupid Roman Meal Diet when I was 14. That was the threshold of Hell for me.
8. There were times I despised my body so much I didn't know how I could possibly live in it all day.
9. I've treated my poor body so hatefully I wonder if it will ever forgive me.
10. I remember when Ayds was a weight loss candy. They were yummy!
11. I walk to free the endorphins.
12. The gift of middle age for me was giving up caring what others thought of me. That was only huge.
13. Delayed gratification isn't my strong suit, so I'm expecting a steep learning curve.
14. I will be kind and patient with myself. Yes, I will.
15. On my honor, I will cling to the simple version of the plan because I noticed those who did were happier all around.
16. I love lists.
17. I'm wishing upon hope I'll still be posting 1, 2.5, 4 years from now. Heck, I'll be thrilled if I'm around 37 days from now.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:47 pm
by jw
Welcome aboard, Ramona -- I hope 3, 4, and 5 will cancel out 6! You're in good company here. Enjoy the ride!

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:53 pm
by vmsurbat
Welcome, Ramona!

If you haven't yet, I suggest a thorough reading of the sticky entitled NoS CatchPhrase (or some such title) at the top of this forum. A ready arsenal of mottoes, mantras, and vivid mental pictures helps many of us push through the "this is too hard", "I'm tired already", "who cares" and other mental roadblocks we put in our way of inculcating good habits.

I'm one of those who loves Vanilla No-S, so I think you are making a great choice to stick with the basics, and concur with not eating anything you don't like for the sake of weightloss. I indulged (moderately, of course) on burgers, pizzas, tacos, and many other "verboten by diet" foods all the while focusing on building good eating habits. And here I am, down 55+ pounds, still enjoying the journey....

Keep checking in. We are all here for you.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:35 pm
by ZippaDee
Welcome Romona!! :) Number 16 made me laugh! :lol:


Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:21 am
by automatedeating
Hi Ramona! I love your name and your list! And here's to hoping you can learn to love your body!

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:08 pm
by BrightAngel
Glad to meet you.
I'll look forward to watching your progress.

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:17 pm
by Zoid

Something that really helped me at first was reading through the archive of old posts. A lot of nuggets of wisdom can be found there.

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:37 pm
by noni
Welcome Ramona! I hope you find success here. I also love lists.

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 3:54 pm
by ~reneew
1. Love your list!
2. Brave diet counter, you are!
3. Trust the process! Yes, you should.
4. Serenity is important.
5. I too am a cheater.
6. I also fizzle fast. Use a lighter, not matches...
7. Ever tried no-doze? My STUPID diet trick from highschool. Don't.
8. Impatience in general seems to be your issue?? Am I right?
9. I enjoy lists too.
10. You will cling to vanilla, yes you will.
11. You will look back on this in 3, 9, 16 months and get encouraged.
12. You can do this! Yes, you can!

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 5:44 pm
by Ramona
Wow. Thanks for the warm welcome. I've been searching for my tribe for a very long time, and I have a strong feeling I finally found it. I am so grateful--like teary with joy.

I did read a lot of posts and will continue to do that because I already learned a lot from other people's experience. They probably saved me a lot of frustration.

I'm sure it wouldn't surprise you to know I love sayings and quotes. I know there are some phrases I'll be repeating to myself over and over and over. Like: this hunger is not an emergency; don't be an idiot; not now--that is for later (especially helpful for my inner toddler); STOP IT!

Several of my old familiar quotes keep going through my head: success = constancy to purpose; the joy is in the journey not at the end of the road; read and follow the directions--it's just better that way; ...grant me the courage to change the things I can; if you come to a fork in the road take it (might not apply but always makes me smile).

I have a lot of patience with others and practically zero when it comes to myself. Hmmm...

Thanks again everybody.

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:05 am
by Kookie
Hey Ramona!
I've already bored you with my history and identification and I'm so glad you're on this journey too! As you can see, the people here are so lovely and wise and supportive. I totally get the start strong then fizzle out tendency....but I'm almost at day 21 and if anything I am more enthusiastic by the day as the benefits reveal themselves more and more. There are tough moments (usually the afternoons for me) but you'll figure out what delicious foods carry you through best. I've noticed that adding more fat to my meals does the trick. I'm with you on not weighing - what's the point?? I'm starting to see my body in a new light too. It's taken a lot of abuse! I think I can see a tiny bit of weight loss too but that cannot be my focus - just a happy byproduct.
Looking forward to sharing the ride with you.

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:41 pm
by oolala53
Hey, Girl! I use that concept of "my tribe," too.

Gosh, I wish I had that "I don't care what people think of me" at age 60. That's another forum and day. But it's not why I did No S. Weight loss wasn't high on my list, either, though I did put a few reasons on my motivation list about certain outfits and such. But eating sanely was the focus. In fact, my motivation list is called "Reasons to eat sanely," not reasons to lose weight.

Since you like having lists, I do recommend writing one with your motivations for doing what you will do. Read it every day for awhile. Got this from Judith Beck, but I guess it's standard. (There are 44 on mine, I think. Some were rewards I gave myself at certain weights, though I know that sounds inconsistent. And I keep them on the list to remind myself how far I've come.) However, it felt different from what I had done in the past. The pride would be from habit; knowing I was doing something reasonable and fair would be enough. If I didn't get thin, it didn't matter.

But some of my colleagues call me "Skinny" now.

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:44 pm
by oolala53
BTW, honestly, I avoided opening your thread because it seemed a little hifalutin' to ask people to read 17 things about anyone. But I should have known no one like that would end up posting here. You are a delight!

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 6:27 pm
by wosnes
Welcome, Ramona! Just keep it simple.

Oh, I enjoy quotes and sayings, too. One of my favorites is from one of Martha Beck's books. It was about something "having as much chance as figure skating being an Olympic event in hell." I think I liked it because it was so funny -- and because I enjoy (watching) figure skating.

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 1:42 pm
by finallyfull
Welcome! I love your list, too. Lists are fun. Here's my little list for you:

1. If you feel like quitting No S, just vow to make your next legal meal a doozie, within one plate. No diet head can argue with that kind of bribe!

2. Re-read the tortoise and the hare. Believe it.

3. Slowly watch yourself lose your diet-head while focusing more on nutrition and the need to find more beneficial ways of dealing with boredom, stress, restlessness, sadness, excitement, joy.... etc. etc. etc.

4. Enjoy the people on these boards -- a group of free encouragers. It's one of the best kept secrets on the Internet.

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:42 am
by Liz46
Your post made me LOL. I also love lists, and also remember when Ayds was a diet aid. Boy were they yummy! My husband also remembers his mom having those and he was skinny as a rail back in the day and says he ate more of them than his mom did just because they were so good.

And I love your #12. Amen to that!

You're just starting and I'm starting anew! We can do this! Best wishes on your journey!

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:58 am
by Liz46
finallyfull, You've offered the greatest advice! I'm taking it, myself! Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge!

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:11 pm
by cdfraun
Brilliant list, Ramona! I think a lot of people here are in the same boat. I've started and stopped this plan (I don't like calling it a diet) over several years and my happiest times are when I'm doing the simple Vanilla No S. It's brilliant in its simplicity. And I'm so glad that we found it.

There won't be failure because each day is a day that we can succeed.

Have fun with it and enjoy your meals!!!!!