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Sometimes/S-days perspective

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:36 am
by Imogen Morley
From jw's check-in thread:
jw wrote:
finallyfull, there's something to that -- about ten years ago, my mother lost her sense of taste for almost a year. She ate MORE -- she said she had to keep trying different things to see if this next bite wasn't the one that would make a difference. When we're not hungry and eat, maybe we're also hoping this next treat is the one that gives us what we're looking for . . .

This is a real epiphany for me! It rings very true if it comes to S-days, and I feel many of those who struggle with them can relate: eating just because you can won't make you satisfied, ever. You need to really, soulfully crave something specific, and then satisfy that craving. There are no shortcuts. Otherwise you can keep eating and eating and eating some more, and you willl never feel like it's been enough.
Perhaps that's the main problem some of us have with S-days. We plan to have this or that because, well, it's weekend, and we're allowed to eat! We cannot stand the thought of passing up the opportunity. But if you never wanted that particular thing in the first place, you're never going to get any satisfaction from it. Worse: you expect the pleasure, but gain none, so you keep reaching for more or go find something else that perhaps will do the trick. Rinse, repeat. That's my usual S-day cycle.
I'm not sure if I can do it, let go of opportunities, just wait until craving hits. Or simply not have any treats during weekend, because I didn't really want any. It pushes my panic button.
Any advice/thoughts on accepting "sometimes" into one's life?

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:59 am
by clarebear
LOVE this post!!
this is so true and exactly what is my mind but you have worded it just right. I have eaten chocolate on S days even when I haven't felt like it because 'now is my chance'. I need help with this too!

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:28 am
by jw
I do it, too, Clarebear and Imogen -- in spite of my mother's cautionary example! This past weekend, I didn't shop for treats specifically for the first time, telling myself there was a party anyway on Saturday and if I really craved something Sunday, I could go out to get it. The real craving didn't come! For me, the key was not to have it in the house, but permission to go right out and get it the minute I crave it. If it had been in the house, I would have eaten it.

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 6:06 pm
by Dhack
I think unsatisfying s days for me has to do with overeating. I like to eat 3 meals and try to keep it up on s days. But usually I wake up on Saturday thinking, "yay! What do I want to eat first?!" So my day begins and ends with food, food, food! Or more accurately sweets, sweets, sweets because my favorite is s is Sweets. With all the sweets I eat I don't get hungry at all and never feel satisfied no matter what. I hate to say no to the freedom because I'm worried I'll actually end up bingeing if I make mods. My plan to get past this is to keep eating 3 meals a day and glass ceiling the sweets to 5. I won't give myself a red day if I go over 5 but I'm trying to at least keep track.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:14 pm
by finallyfull
I heard a saying somewhere that there is never enough of something we don't really want. I think it was Geneen Roth, maybe. But so true.

I am slowly (hopefully) coming to the realization that I need MORE satisfaction in my S days, and I am (hopefully) willing to give it to myself by eating three meals, and saving any S for AFTER dinner or on truly special occasions, such as when I'm at a party with good appetizers on a S day or eating Christmas candy right out of my stocking while drinking my morning coffee because that feels so celebratorily decadent. Right now that's called EVERY SATURDAY. Except the stocking part.

Here is to truly satisfying S days. S days are not my day to be Stupid anymore, I am declaring them a time to Savor, Slowly and Sanely.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:00 pm
by clarebear
Brilliant post finally full!
The bit about every Saturday really made me laugh!! That's where I'm at!
How youve described your s days is exactly what I want mine to be like too :)
Here's to sane s days :)