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Adding New 21 Day Habits

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 3:13 pm
by flsunshine
Well, it looks like I may actually make 21 days in a row. Hooray!

As I was driving to work this morning, I was thinking that for the next 21 (and the next and the next) it might be a good idea to add in other good habits each 21 days. I really like the 21 day "build a habit" concept and the check-in that goes with it. It seems more do-able, somehow. But, now that I'm at the end of 21 days, I'm wondering about the next?

I was thinking I could add something simple and something I can live with (like alcohol only on s-days or more veggies at each meal or more exercise or eat more 'whole grain' type food or ???) each 21 days and then post on success/failure of that (in addition to the basic no-s stuff).

Anyone done anything similar? Any thoughts?

Re: Adding New 21 Day Habits

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 6:48 pm
by Last Martian
flsunshine wrote:Well, it looks like I may actually make 21 days in a row. Hooray!
Congratulations :!:

I have been experimenting a bit with adding additional habits and the like. Too early to tell how it's working out though.

But from the things you've listed I'd definitely go with exercise. From my (limited) experience, I'd advise against adding anything directly food or drink related, unless maybe there is some specific thing you could drop completely and where that would have a really big effect (like sodas). For me the no-s rules have a perfect balance about them--anything less and it wouldn't seem worth the bother, anything more and I'd rebel against it.

Also, more exercise will probably do the most good.

You might also think about doing something that would help with the no-s rules in a roundabout way. Like, if you're always tempted to snack while watching tv, watch less tv etc.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 5:33 pm
by flsunshine
Martian, Thanks for your reply. I think you're probably right about not messing with the food/drink part of the 'system'. (At least not yet!)

I'll take your advice about the exercise part, instead. Although I do walk a lot, summer is coming which always changes the routine around here. I need some motivation to stay consistent with exercise - the check-in may be just the thing for that.