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* * help through the holidays challenge * *

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:11 pm
by ~reneew
I challenge you to publicly set a goal to meet through the holiday season!
(now through the start of the new year)
I don't know about you but I sure need help getting through the holiday season in good shape (or at least no worse shape)
The more ~ the merrier!

- this is for anybody who needs encouragement and accountability. Start whenever.
- post your goal once at the top and edit your progress on that first post all month. It's easier to skim-read and find each other. Accountability helps!

*If you want to just state your goal, and check back once with your progress at the end, that's fine too.

- after a couple days we can post encouragements and support at the bottom.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:13 pm
by ~reneew
My troubles start every year at this time, about a week before Thanksgiving, so that's when I will start. I am determined to at least keep the same weight as of right now.
Holiday plan 2013:
1. Publicly record weight gain/loss.
2. Shoot for 21 days before Christmas with Christmas as my reward.
3. Don't make ANY treats until the week before Christmas, even when my family begs, they can make it themselves.
4. Keep all treats out of sight. I think that might be the biggie.
Edit change to #3: make X4 batches of carmels at once and make everyone help wrap, then only make cookies once to limit/control the events.

22- :mrgreen: 0 Beginning holiday season weight.
23- :wink: +1
24- :wink: +1
25- +2 even high for a Monday morning. Determined to get it back down.
26- :mrgreen: 0
27- :mrgreen: -1
28- :mrgreen: -1 and yes a green on thanksgiving! I had a very big plate, but I was legally successful.
29- :oops:
30- :wink:
1- :wink: +2 and ate all darn day. I need Monday! This thanksgiving was a big fail so, I've revised my plan above.
2- :oops: +3ugh! They talked me into making cookies!
3- :oops:+2 cookies. duh me.
4- :mrgreen: +1 feeling very good about finally ending my feast streak. Thinking normal, sane, steady, N days ahead!
5- :mrgreen: 0 yea! Back to where I was anyway. I still have a chance at 21 before Christmas eve. My plates are a bit big, but at least I'm not snacking!
6- :mrgreen: 0
7- :wink:
8- :wink: not too bad for a Sunday.
9-:mrgreen: +1 Good weight for a Monday actually (for me, haha) Starting back on my smaller plates.
10- :mrgreen: -1
11- :mrgreen: -1 :wink: with a small S-event. I had to wrap carmels (biggest holiday tradition for me).
12- :oops: -1 carmels of course, then my daughter made cookies because I wouldn't, then I had to help or see my kitchen destroyed... this is not good.
13- :oops: 0 cookies
14- :wink:
15- :wink: out of control
16- :mrgreen: +2 ug on the weight, yea back on the right track!
17- :mrgreen:
18- :oops:
19- :oops:
20- :oops:
21- :wink:
22- :wink:
23- :oops: +3 Basically not doing too well...
24- :wink: Christmas eve.
25- Christmas and family birthday
27- another birthday
28- :wink:
29- :wink:
31- :wink: Happy new year!

It sure would help if holidays and birthdays were on the weekend. Check out all of those Sdays!
I really need to concentrate on keeping them more S-eventy.
(Yes, that's a word, I just made it up) :roll:
I may try to have good normal Ndays on a couple of weekend days just to stay in control.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 10:25 pm
by Cassie
What a good idea :D I'm in.

For me, my holiday goal is to set myself challenges / particular small goals for each day, running up to just after New Year, and to just follow that. I've been doing that--working on creating my small goals for 21 days at a time--and it works well for me. So I'll start being accountable here for the Holiday period, but starting Dec.1

Dec.1 Sunday: was an S day, birthday meal with friend
2 Monday N day: was 'away day' at work, managed one plate of food at buffet lunch but sadly had a couple of flapjacks so not so great
3 Tuesday N day
4 Wednesday N day (meal with friend in evening: one plate food)
5 Thursday N day
6 Friday N day
7 Saturday S day (pre-christmas meal with friends)
8 Sunday S day
24 Christmas Eve
25 Christmas Day
26 Boxing day
31 New Years Eve
1 Jan New years day
2 jan
3 jan
4 jan
5 jan

....and that's it! Goals for each day will follow. I'll also keep track of my weight on a daily basis (but not publicly!! :lol: ) :? :?

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:04 pm
by weagl860
Today, December 1st, I'm getting serious again. I've let.some old habits back in and this season will be so much happier if I regain some control. I also really like people's plan
To eat sweets mindfully and only what's worth it. I will use my habitcal again as well as track here.

Dec 1: S day, start weight "0"
Dec 2:-1 :)
Dec 3:-1 :)
Dec 4:
Dec 5:
Dec 6:
Dec 7:
Dec 8:
Dec 9:
Dec 10:
Dec 11:
Dec 12:
Dec 13:
Dec 14:
Dec 15: S- had a bad couple weeks. Haven't even been tracking. Jumping back in to have a green week! Looking.through next.couple weeks I realize I can totally celebrate without mindless eating and getting (feeling) fat!
Dec 16:
Dec 17:
Dec 18:
Dec 19:
Dec 20:
Dec 21: S
Dec 22: S
Dec 23:
Dec 24: S (evening only)
Dec 25: S
Dec 26:
Dec 27:
Dec 28: S
Dec 29: S
Dec 30:
Dec 31: S ( evening only)
Jan 1:
Jan 2:
Jan 3:
Jan 4: S
Jan 5: S

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:17 pm
by kccc
I am still re-building No-S habits, so will continue with that.

In addition, I will eat any holiday foods mindfully. I will fully enjoy those I choose to eat, and will not eat food I don't want for any reason - not because it's there, not because someone made it special (I'll be nice to them over it), not because "it's the holidays!" The things that are genuinely special to me I will eat in a way that allows me to savor and enjoy them.

That's it. The thing I love most about No-S is finding out how good food can taste when you don't eat it with a side order of guilt. I want to hold on to that feeling throughout this season.

UPDATE: Did very well through Thanksgiving and following weekend, up until Sunday night. At that point, began perma-snacking on sweets. You know what? They do not taste as good eaten that way.

Re-setting intention for remaining holidays.

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:55 pm
by eschano
A great idea! For me December is all about celebration and enjoyment so I won't be following NoS strictly.

Mya goals are:
1. To maintain (72.8kg)
2. To only eat S treats outside of S days if they are a true celebration for me, so no snacks in the office, and no mindless eating.

Thanks Reneew!

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 4:29 pm
by alice2002
KCCC wrote: In addition, I will eat any holiday foods mindfully. I will fully enjoy those I choose to eat, and will not eat food I don't want for any reason - not because it's there, not because someone made it special (I'll be nice to them over it), not because "it's the holidays!" The things that are genuinely special to me I will eat in a way that allows me to savor and enjoy them.
I'm doing that too!! Along with continuing to work on my N days. I'm still very, very new to No S, so I'm keeping it simple! Working on lots of green days!

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:28 am
by GraceW
Ah, the holidays. Always a challenge. December will be my sixth month on No S, so I will continue with vanilla No S and save any mod experimentation for the new year. I had an awful November No S wise, so I hope December will be a perfect month! I would love to lose 1 more pound in December too, but I won't stress over it.

1 - S Day
2 - :mrgreen:
3 - :mrgreen:
4 - :mrgreen:
5 - :oops: - darn cookies
6 - :mrgreen:
7 - S Day
8 - S Day
9 - :mrgreen:
10 - :oops: - On the plus side, both my slip ups and my S days have settled down a lot.
11 - :mrgreen:
12 - :mrgreen:
13 - :mrgreen:
14 - S Day
15 - S Day - a surprisingly calm weekend S-wise.
16 - :mrgreen:
17 - :mrgreen:
18 - :oops: - whoops, lost focus. Not a big slip, but a slip just the same.
19 - :oops: - cookie taste test during baking turned into a whole day of S-ing. Grrr.
20 - :oops: - traction. I need traction. The poster who said the 6 month mark is difficult is absolutely correct.
21 - S Day - Xmas party. I didn't overdo the eating, drinks, or sweets. Yay!
22 - S Day
23 - :oops: - arrrrgh. The holiday season is hard!
24 - S Day (Christmas Eve)
25 - S Day (Christmas Day)
26 - :mrgreen: - finally, a green day!
27 - :oops:
28 - S Day
29 - S Day - weighed myself. Ugh, up almost 3 pounds, but I'm not panicking. I need to calmly handle it, that's all.
30 - :mrgreen:
31 - S Day (New Year's Eve)


Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:21 pm
by tobiasmom
Hubby is on board with me this month so that should be fun...supporting each other!

12/1: S DAY
12/3: FAILURE . Ugh!!
12/6: S DAY . wedding anniversary!
12/7: S DAY
12/13: S DAY
12/14: S DAY
12/20: S DAY
12/21: S DAY
12/25: S DAY
12/28: S DAY
12/31: S DAY

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:16 pm
by StartingOver
Hi! I've been loitering around these messageboards and attempting NoS for a few months now.
I've not posted before, but the holidays are certainly going to be a challenge, so I figured a little extra help wouldn't go amiss!

Aim: Vanilla NoS into the New Year.

26 -
27 -
28 -
29 -
30 - S
1 - S
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 - S
8 - S
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 -
13 -
14 - S
15 - S
16 -
17 -
18 -
19 -
20 -
21 - S
22 - S
23 -
24 -
25 - S Christmas
26 -
27 -
28 - S
29 - S
30 -
31 - S New Years
1 -

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:36 am
by joasia
It is weird, but I don't think I struggle this time of year anymore than any other time. I love to cook and eat, so for me, everyday is a struggle. But I like the idea of a holiday challenge. I have some time off during the holidays, so
goal 1: stay away from snacking between meals
goal 2: walk more, since I have more time to do so
goal 3: don't use the holiday months as 90 days of S! Christmas is S, New Years eve, and the rest are normal n days

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 2:39 pm
by finallyfull
I want to enjoy my holiday treats MINDFULLY. I want to be present and savor them and enjoy all meals and treats. And I want to decorate my calendar in green only.

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 4:14 pm
by Jill d
I'm a newbie, so I hope I'm posting in the right place to join in this challenge. Accountability really helps over the holidays, I think!! My goal is to vanilla no s through December, and post what caused any "red lights" on N days for the month. (What triggered the problem, and what was consumed that was off-plan.) I'm excited about the no s diet!

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:54 pm
by Over43
We should have started the Holiday Challenge on Memorial Day.

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:43 pm
by Happy Daze
I'm brand new here but would like to get the ball rolling on this -- why wait until the new year? (As a lurker, I admired the November Challenge thread.) Thanks for letting me join you!

My goal is to focus on not snacking between and after meals, no sugar except on weekends (and then, only with family or friends while eating out), and no seconds. Saturdays and Sundays will still be no snacking/no seconds days -- I will just allow myself to indulge * a little * on sugar with family & friends during meals out.

Sun, December 1: :) I didn't snack, do sugar or seconds. However, I had dinner out with DH and did share an appetizer with him which was over my 3-meals-day. Still, I was hungry before going to bed, so I didn't overeat, I guess.... So no huge grins today, but I did pretty good for being a newbie, so I'll give myself credit. Live & learn.
Mon, December 2: :? I did well about not snacking or eating sugar until bedtime. Even though I drank lots of water, I was still a bit hungry. I'm not used to eating 3 squares with nothing in between! So I did eat a little, but nothing over the top. No gold star, but a big improvement over my usual eating.
Tue, December 3: :D - totally clean today
Wed, December 4: :? - I had a small square of frozen Nutella (packaged) after dinner. Otherwise, followed NO S all day.
Thr, December 5: :D
Fri, December 6: :D - totally clean today
Sat, December 7: S DAY - not good at all
Sun, December 8: S DAY -- better than yesterday but not good
Mon, December 9:
Tue, December 10:
Wed, December 11:
Thr, December 12:
Fri, December 13:
Sat, December 14: S DAY
Sun, December 15: S DAY
Mon, December 16:
Tue, December 17:
Wed, December 18:
Thr, December 19:
Fri, December 20:
Sat, December 21: S DAY
Sun, December 22: S DAY
Mon, December 23:
Tue, December 24:
Wed, December 25: S DAY
Thr, December 26:
Fri, December 27:
Sat, December 28: S DAY
Sun, December 29 S DAY
Mon, December 30:
Tue, December 31:[/b] :D :D :D :D :oops: :oops: :oops:

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:22 pm
by Healthiermum
My goal will be to stick to vanilla no s through the holiday season
Dec 1 s day
Dec 2
Dec 3
Dec 4
Dec 5
Dec 6
Dec 7 s day
Dec 8 s day

First week I have fallen completely off the bandwagon and I don't know why. Started excercising more a couple months ago and since then have put on 3 kilos cos I'm starving all the time. Trying to get back on no s tomorrow as I need to to get this weight off as I'm now 6 kilos up from where I was 6 months ago when I was just looking to maintain my weight at that stage. Hopefully next week is a lot better
Dec 9 success
Dec 10 success
Dec 11 s event went out for my sisters birthday had small piece of cake and an appetizer
Dec 12 success
Dec 13 success
Dec 14 s day - good s day no binging stuck to 3 meals structure and added dessert twice
Dec 15 s day - good s day 3 meals plus 2 shortbread cookies for dessert after dinner
Dec 16 success
Dec 17 success
Dec 18 failure on food front success on excercise front. Had small gelato between lunch and dinner very hot day here and I caved
Dec 19 success
Dec 20 failure- had a small binge episode because I was ravensously hungry. I never binge for emotional reason it's always when I get this kind of hunger don't know how to prevent this though. May have been cos I are light meals during the day but am hoping one day to overcome this binges as I know that's what's causing me to gain weight . Rest of the day was good
Dec 21 s day - good s day just had 3 meals plus dessert
Dec 22 s day - good s day 3 meals and a dessert
Dec 23 success
Dec 24 success
Dec 25 nws good s day 2 plates of food and 2 desserts
Dec 26 nws (Boxing Day national holiday here in australia) good s day 3 meals plus dessert
Dec 27 success
Dec 28 s day down a kilo today - reasonable s day no binging
Dec 29 s day very sane s day had 2 plates of food plus shared a small frozen yoghurt with my daughter
Dec 30 success
Dec 31 nws successful s day

December -month 6

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:41 am
by Dhack
Well, November was my absolute worst ever for No S compliance. I'm ready to get back on track!

Dec 1 - s day
Dec 2 - :D - first green in 10 days but who's counting? ;)
Dec 3 - :D
Dec 4 - :D
Dec 5 - :D
Dec 6 - :D
Dec 7 - s day
Dec 8 - :D calling this day Unday
Dec 9 - :D
Dec 10- :D
Dec 11- :D
Dec 12- :D One thing i am happy about is that no-s is easy to jump right back into after a week of failures.
Dec 13- :D weigh in 151.5 (+1.5)
Dec 14- s day
Dec 15- s day- happy with my eating today
Dec 16- :D
Dec 17- :D
Dec 18-FAIL - bunco night! :(
Dec 19- :D
Dec 20- :D
Dec 21- s day
Dec 22- s day
Dec 23- FAIL
Dec 24- s day
Dec 25- s day
Dec 26- FAIL
Dec 27- FAIL
Dec 28- s day
Dec 29- s day
Dec 30- FAIL
Dec 31- s day

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 12:51 pm
by cdfraun
I'm excited for the December challenge - no reason I can't be successful, because the S days are built in!!!

1 - S Day
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 - S Day
8 - S Day
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 -
13 -
14 - S Day
15 - S Day
16 -
17 -
18 -
19 -
20 -
21 - S Day
22 - S Day
23 -
24 -
25 - (Not taking it as an S day......should be a normal eating day)
26 -
27 -
28 - S Day
29 - S Day
30 -
31 -

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:14 pm
by Zoid
1- :wink: Hopefully this Thanksgiving overeating will end now.
2- :oops: Debated the redness of this day. Invited out with family (after dinner) and ended up getting an appetizer, but didn't eat breakfast. I'm counting as a red to keep with the spirit of the law even though I technically only ate 3x today.
3- :mrgreen:
4- :mrgreen:
5- :mrgreen:
6- :wink: Work Xmas party (will change to red if I have any s's prior to party)
7- :wink:
8- :wink:
9- :mrgreen:
10- :mrgreen:
11- :oops: Free cookies always get me
12- :mrgreen:
13- :mrgreen:
14- :wink:
15- :wink:
16- :mrgreen:
17- :mrgreen:
18- :mrgreen:
19- :oops: Had to step away after eating ~3 bites of my lunch and never got back to it. Ended up snacking on the delicious snack mix my coworker gave me for Christmas.
20- :oops:
21- :wink:
22- :wink:
23- :oops:
24- :wink: Christmas Eve and family birthday!
25- :wink: Christmas!
26- :? Sick
27- :oops: Was doing ok until I got home to the Xmas candy.
28- :wink:
29- :wink:
30- :oops:
31- :wink: Happy new year!

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 6:12 pm
by ~reneew
Stay strong everyone! Put your blinders on around those treats that pop up everywhere!

December checkin

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:44 am
by NoSnacker
K, just found this and started back on 12/4! Thanks for starting this thread!

My goal is to stick to Vanilla No S and NOT binge on the weekends...strict moderation...I feel off the wagon too many times due to my WTH effect on the weekends carrying over into my my status line says... "Enemy" of motivation is the tendency to see yourself as the hapless victim of forces (or urges) over which you have no control....I do have control over my food no doubt about it..

4- :mrgreen:
5- :mrgreen:
6- :mrgreen:
7- :wink: - Happy with
8- :wink: - Happy with
9- :mrgreen:
10- :mrgreen:
11- :mrgreen:
12- :mrgreen:
13- :mrgreen:
14- :wink: Happy with
15- :wink:
16- :mrgreen:
17- :mrgreen:
18- :mrgreen:
19- :mrgreen:
20- :mrgreen:
21- :wink:
22- :wink:
23- :mrgreen:
24- :mrgreen:
25- :wink: Christmas!
26- :mrgreen:
27- :mrgreen:
28- :wink:
29- :wink:
30- :mrgreen:
31- :mrgreen:

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:34 pm
by ~reneew
Keep recording! It even helps to record fails... accountability! Keep going everyone!

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 3:03 pm
by oolala53
Okay, I'm starting today. I think I might try to record each day separately on here. It will keep the thread bumping up and that might help people keep recording.

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:36 am
by Minkymoo
Ok im back and going for vanilla no s all the way through to January. Since im just coming back to the habit in going to tolerate the odd large portion as long as I don't actually break the rules.
21st s-day
22nd s-day big children's party

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:54 am
by oolala53
A decent S day. Not going to bed stuffed or even really full.

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:15 am
by NoSnacker
It is so great going to bed not on a full stomach and first thing in the morning when you open your eyes and breath a sigh of relief "thinking I made it through another day following Vanilla No S". Such a great feeling!

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:06 pm
by oolala53
Eating success. Exercise failure.

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 9:40 am
by NoSnacker
GraceW, Dhack, Helenaz123, Zoid, Reneew, so glad to see everyone still here using this during the holidays...Yup holidays can be hard for some with a lot of parties, baking, etc. I'm fortunate in the area..not many gatherings and I don't like to bake...:)

Helenaz123, do you think you are extra hungry because from what I read you increased your exercise and the slight weight gain can be muscle. I know that when we increase our exercise one might consider making sure you are eating enough at your meals. Just a thought.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:26 pm
by ~reneew
I'm really not doing well on the mouth-monitoring end of things, but
Merry Christmas!

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:39 pm
by MJ7910
pleasantly we got some snow in Ohio this morning, just not a lot of snow. but i'll take it. really wanted to run outside the morning even though cold... but i think i may do an indoor activity. hope you all do well on the holidays. just remember it is only today and tomorrow (2 days) and surely that can't offset all of our good work. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:19 pm
by oolala53
Eating fine, but not exercise. Did go to dance class on Sunday, but was on the couch most of the day yesterday.

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:41 pm
by GraceW
I'm trying to stay positive despite all the red days! In some ways, i've actually improved because the red days represent significantly fewer sweets and rich foods than in previous years, before No S. I've also kept up with my running and weight training program, so that's an improvement as well.

So even though I'm not proud of the extra sweets that keep throwing me into red days, this is the sanest holiday season eating-wise I've had in a long time.

Merry Christmas, everyone!