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Christmas Eve, Christmas, NY eve, New Years

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:42 pm
by MJ7910
Just wondered how you are handling this week with the holidays in the middle of the week. I am trying to make S days for Christmas and New Years and trying to eat somewhat normal on the eves. Still will enjoy myself though. My goal is to not let the Monday, Tues, Thursday and Friday of each week get out of control... it doesn't have to be an S week! :) What is everyone's plan? I want to enjoy a dessert with Christmas dinner and on New Years but I'm going to try and remember it is not a rule that i have to eat everything in sight those days.

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:55 pm
by NoSnacker
I'm pretty much making the 25th and S day and maybe New Year's day, but we don't do anything so I'm thinking just the 25th.

If I had a bunch of things to do I would still just do the 25th and 1st as a moderate S day.

Enjoy your holidays!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 2:04 pm
by Imogen Morley
In my country Christmas lasts three days - Christmas Eve (today) with a big family feast in the afternoon, then the first and second day of Christmas. I'm going to take 3 S-days, no two ways about it! And in the middle of next week I give myself S for New Year's Eve and the actual New Year's day. I'm still debating over the upcoming weekend, though... to let my diethead win or to declare it a regular S-weekend?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 2:56 pm
by joasia
I like the plan of "try not to eat everything in sight" that is my plan too. Holiday food is very rich so i think one plate plus dessert will be very filling

The magic word is SOMETIMES!

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 5:15 pm
by la_loser
This is definitely the week which poses more temptations than any other week except maybe vacations if you are traveling. My strategy (intent/hope. . .) is to (and I will try to use Reinhard and other No-Sers words here) "not be an idiot" and remember that the rules don't say we can have the S's EVERYTIME on S days but that the word is SOMETIMES! Granted, this week it might be more like "most times" but I do hope my habits are sufficiently in place to make it truly "sometimes" events so that I'm just not miserably full. Enjoying and savoring will be the key!

And remembering to "to be good for goodness sake" does not mean punishing yourself, restricting yourself to a fault, falling into diet head mentality or counting anything except of course nice full places of food like Oolala counts! The best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones is a life well-lived without obsessing over every little bite. . . or calorie. . . or carb. . . etc. We deserve this. We've punished ourselves enough.

Now I'm going to finish that fancy schmancy designer eggnog donut (seems to be like a pumpkin spice donut with a creamy filling-not quite eggnog but delicious!) with some cappuccino. And I'm not going to have one bit of remorse! Happy holidays-may my No S family have a wonderful and festive end of 2013 and beginning of 2014!

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:30 pm
by oolala53
I'm not doing much social stuff this year, and that's fine with me. It means I will have to invent temptations. There's not much I'm dreaming about letting myself eat this year. I've already eaten it all.

I think I'll have some eggnog, but I'm not sure when. I'm going Italian on Christmas Day! At this point, there is no reason for it to be an S day.

I'd be more likely to make New Year's Eve an S day, but even that is iffy this year.

Good luck to all getting through this joyously!

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 9:30 pm
by Healthiermum
I declared Christmas Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day as s days. I am however combining it with 16/8 intermittent fasting so that will help me control my eating on these days

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 3:47 pm
by osoniye
Well, I took Christmas Eve and Christmas as S days, and am working on getting back on the NoS wagon after too much slackness in November and December overall. So far so good today! I don't have anything planned for New Year's, so that should be in the regular N category. I'm going to try vanilla NoS and see how well I can stick to it... it may change to S days of "tueSday" and "wedneSday" when my midweek social life picks back up mid-January, but I need to really try to get back to 5 days per week of 3 sweets-free one plate meals.

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 5:13 am
by oolala53
I wasn't going to take Christmas as an S day because I was going out with just one other person and I doubted we'd want to overdo it. I was right; we were too full to order dessert, which was good because we didn't think anything looked that good. But I had some mini cupcakes and Christmas cookies I had bought at the last minute and I ended up having some of them last night. It wasn't terrible, but it also wasn't exactly civil, sitting down and savoring them. But, today was a good N day.