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Such stipulation on S days?

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 8:40 pm
by maryashley
After easily losing about 15 lbs over about six months of fairly successful No-S and even getting my husband on board, I not-so-dramatically fell off the wagon around Thanksgiving. Climbing back on seems much easier than starting, and my body seems relieved to go back to a normal eating pattern instead of the grazing holiday lifestyle.

I haven't felt the need to read up on the diet or the forums until last night (you know, after the fifteenth peppermint chocolate bite.) This may be entirely anecdotal, but I feel as though there is a lot more commentary on pretty rigid stipulations on S days— ONE dessert, ONE snack, etc. Frankly that makes this even more of a diet for me and, if I had looked at things that way, I don't think I would have experienced as much success as I did initially with No S. My brain needs a break from thinking about every bite. If I want a serving of crackers with my movie and cake for dessert and maybe a midnight cup of hot chocolate on a Saturday, that's fine— the rest of the week makes up for it.

I have had a few dark periods of shame-eating (compulsive eating? maybe binge-eating to some) where I'm home alone and I feel some void that just needs to be filled with junk food I'm not even that crazy about. But that is a separate issue from letting S-days be relatively free from thought and planning, as the rest of my week has to be pretty well structured so I can eat solid meals.

What causes you to put further restriction on S days, other than the original caveat of not eating everything in sight just because you can? Has it helped you?

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:44 pm
by Blithe Morning
I think the S restrictions are people are trying to figure out what sometimes means for them.

That's a bit "diety" for me. For me, sometimes means "not whenever I want". Even after 6 years I don't want to put a numerical restriction on it.

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 4:40 am
by osoniye
Hi, maryashley,
Just stopping in to say that I'm not one of those who is restrictive on S days. It does seem to be talked about lately, but maybe that's a product of so many potential S days in this month of December-?
Another thing is that some people find the weight loss stalls for some months, and then they either want to change the size or composition of their N day meals OR put some clear limits on the S days.
If you are losing weight and content on vanilla NoS, by all means keep that up, and don't be discouraged by reading what some people feel they need to do!

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 4:22 pm
by herbsgirl
YES, restricting on S days has worked pretty good for me. I count my bites, and I have a few different kind of S days.

1/ My normal S day is Sunday, and I eat about 40 bites which is about 4x the amount I eat on weekdays--N days

2. Then there is extra special S days like Thanksgiving/Christmas ect. I allow even more bites for these days like 50-60 bites

3.Then there is EXTRA EXTRA special S days that are only once every 6 months or so, I can allow many bites on these days.

The caveat is that The BIte counting System still helps me to be in control EVEN ON S DAYS! When I did No S before without counting bites, I would go out of control ALOT. I would tend to more argue with myself or whatever whether I should have more of this or more of that on an S day ect, you get the idea, then I would end of binging. I think alot of No-Sers do this! This allows me to be more in control and yet I can have lots and lots of treats too!

I have lost 47 lbs counting my bites this time, so I think my system with the S days has worked for me so far!


Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 8:11 pm
by mackinac19
Hi MaryAshley,

I have never really done S-days. My version of No-S has always been no snacks, no seconds. I still have dessert every day, but I don't have 'special days' for eating snacks, seconds, or extra desserts. I would say that my take on the posts here (and I've been reading them for a couple of years) is that the people who are most successful do NOT restrict their S-days at all - but they do try to have 'iron-clad' N-days.

On another point: Herbsgirl, are you saying that you eat 10 bites total on most N-days?? That sure doesn't sound like much food. Also - and this is just me - I think I would drive myself crazy if I tried to count every bite I ate....

Mackinac19 (pronounced 'mackinaw') :)

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 8:27 pm
by herbsgirl
mackinac19, yes I said 10 bites on N days. However my average bites per day, averaged over a weeks time is around 20 a day. And I eat calorie rich food, whatever I want usually

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 6:01 am
by jellybeans01
well many for some reason get the idea that an s day is a free for all when the book explains that you can have the s stuff sometimes on Sunday or Saturday. i for one work better with rules.

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:58 pm
by herbsgirl
jellybeans01 wrote:well many for some reason get the idea that an s day is a free for all.............. i for one work better with rules.

Agree with you there! S days are not a free-for-all! ANd I also work better with rules and my very own "everyday system" with No S! :D

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:33 pm
by Over43
I'm not sure, originally, there were S Day stipulations. An S Day, is an S Day. If you can make up the calories you saved during the week, on a weekend, that is impressive.

As stated above, people sign up, and post, and bring their beliefs with them. I lost fifteen pounds (or so) in two months No S-ing with Hamburger Helper for dinner, and white bread sandwiches for lunch. I had fun on S Days.

I will still eat salami on white for lunch, a handful of chips, and a Coke to go with it, during the week and lose weight.

I don't see the need to add rules to the 12 word rule. Might as well quit eating carbs.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 12:16 am
by jw
^ Hear, hear! No need to complicate things. (I quote El Fug in my signature -- he only posted a few times, to point out to us that we were losing the beautiful simplicity of this system -- I took his words to heart and have been glad I did!)


Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 3:04 am
by la_loser
Once again, I wish there was a LIKE button for these posts. (Blithe, jw, over43, Mac and others) You are absolutely right. The beauty of No S is that is SIMPLE and SUSTAINABLE - perhaps the most significant S-es of the whole concept! Certainly, a few members have done a few minor mods and tweaks but it always comes back to those original 13 words. (The publisher or editor of the book took out the "sometimes" to make it 12 words! - I seem to remember Reinhard saying it had to do with making it fit on the cover well iron something) I can't tell you how many times I've read posts by people who over complicated the system in search of a quick fix, only to return with the realization that the original 13 words do work.

Beyond minor mods, executed after a significant length of time on Vanilla No S, following extremely restrictive rules seems to me at least, to be outside the realm of the intent and spirit of Reinhard's habit based system for a life long sustainable lifestyle. That's not to say that other "diets" which is what those become, do not result in pounds lost. Of course one will lose weight with a highly restrictive diet no matter what you are counting. But it's still a S.A.D. DIET...Reinhard's name for any diet which includes counting anything. It's short for substance accounting diet. And the play on words to make it sad was intentional.

I am impressed with anyone who can stick with counting anything beyond three plates a day (thx Oolala) whether it's calories or carbs or bites or ounces or whatever...and stick with it. I wish only the best for those who find success in that way. It is clear to me however that those plans relate to No S only in that they limit one to no snacks, seconds and sweets but add such additional restrictions which take away the freedom to eat like a normal person - whatever normal is! - and cease to be No S in its original intent.

Thankfully this board is full of all round good folks who sincerely want each other to find success and to be able to avoid obsessive tendencies like many of us are trying to get away from. Vanilla No S is just that ticket.

Good luck to EVERYONE as we begin 2014. I hope all we all find Strength in Sustaining our No S habits...wouldn't that be Sweet?! (How's that for extra S words?)

Re: Like

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:09 pm
by vmsurbat
la_loser wrote: Good luck to EVERYONE as we begin 2014. I hope all we all find Strength in Sustaining our No S habits...wouldn't that be Sweet?! (How's that for extra S words?)
Simply Sensational! 8)

Like again!

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:07 pm
by la_loser
Vicki, love it! We really need to see if our fearless leader AKA computer wizard can add some sort of like or check or some such little extra. :lol:

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:14 pm
by mackinac19
Hi jw - love the El Fug quotation! I agree with you; what I like about No-S is its simplicity. Too many rules and it becomes something else. That 'something else' may work just fine for many people, but to me 'extra' rules (counting things beyond three plates, etc) result in a system that is difficult to maintain in the long term.

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:37 pm
by jw
I thought El Fug made so much sense, mackinac! Thinking more about this -- it seems to me that how we measure success (and what is success to us?) is the key.

People who quantify success in pounds are probably going to want to do some accounting to track and to speed the process along -- whether that means counting macronutrients, calories, bites, steps, whatever. If the goal is a number, then you have to count. And that's a diet, superimposed over the basic No S concept.

Whereas No-S measures success in stabilized eating habits and increased well-being that will probably result in reaching a good body weight long term. No need to count (beyond three plates of food) -- because the goal is not a number.