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Hey ya'll

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:33 pm
by lilguysmama
Hey there I have tried this program many times and haven't been able to stick to it. But my mind always wants to come back and try it again. I might of tried it like 5 times until I just gave up.

Right now I am during Weight Watchers ( since oct of this year) I am having a really hard time sticking with it. The first month I lost 11 lbs but now my weight is just going up and down. Just gained 5 lbs this week.. yeah I wasn't happy about that..( my fault wasn't counting all week).

I was thinking about trying to do the no s diet while on Weight Watchers until I got it down packed. Then when I feel comfortable with doing it I would quite WW and just do the no s..

Trying to find something else to do when I want to snack during the day and evenings is going to be hard. I snack a lot. Im an emotional eater and well that is what gets me in trouble..

Another thing that is going to be hard to do is give up my diet soda. I love to have soda.

Is crystal light allowed on this?

all right that's all for now.

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:58 am
by Over43
Sure Crystal Light is great. But, for us guys, Dr. Pepper 10 is ten manly calories.

Good luck for your next go. I need a trip to a tropical locale to stay focused.

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 2:47 am
by oolala53
Welcome home!

I humbly suggest that you say to yourself that it might be irritating, frustrating, and or uncomfortable to give up emotional eating on N days, but it is very doable- and desirable. I was an emotional eater (still am sometimes) and I participate on another board devoted exclusively to it. I find that we can convince ourselves that emotional eating is almost insurmountable and that is not a helpful thought. It is a very strong habit, yes, but it can be undone just like many other habits. Remind yourself frequently of the advantages of living with less of it and face down the desire/thoughts to eat when they arise.

We often fear living without emotional eating but you can't really know if life is better with it or without it unless you go through life without it on N days at least. And don't begrudge yourself the safety valve on the weekends for awhile.

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 8:53 pm
by Blithe Morning
Sure, Crystal Light is allowed. So is diet soda. There are lots of good reasons not to use artificial sweeteners but those are outside of what is covered by No S. You can be perfectly compliant with artificial sweeteners.