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Hello from new member

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:35 am
by Bennedicta

I am here as part of the new year resolutions. A new year, a new start and all that.

A little bit about myself.

I am female and 51 years old. I am not obese, and most of the time, not overweight either. On a good day my BMI dips under 25....on a bad day it is a slightly over! However I have been traveling steadily in the wrong direction over the last few years, and I wish this to stop now, before things get out of hand.

Over the years I have used a variety of diets, but mostly just to lose a bit of weight for a holiday or whatever. Then I forget all about it again!

I have read the website, and it all makes sense. I am a vegan, by choice, and this fits in well. My main problem is snacking, and I often snack, and I think my snacking may be getting out of hand! In fact I am your typical 1 meal a day gal!

So I have started a new year with some new goals. I do a bit of jogging and have in the past done some 5 and 10km races...came last a couple of times! So I have signed up for a marathon in 6 months time! Gulp. :shock:

It is Sunday, so obviously an S day. I start in the morning.


:D :D :D

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:17 am
by automatedeating
Welcome! I started on a Sunday, too--great strategy! :)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:19 am
by oolala53
I'm so glad for you that you never got ruined by those short-term diets. I know I did. It's also refreshing to have someone see that they are not the answer for the long term. Now you can ride this wave all the way to shore. I came to No S at age 56, and am so glad I won't be spending my last decades eating the way I did for the four before that.

Looking forward to being here with you through this process.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:29 pm
by Diligence
Welcome, Benni! :D

Do you already have a marathon training plan set up? Are you running it with a friend or family member? I hope it goes great and that you'll update us on the event after the big day.

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:20 pm
by Bennedicta
Thank you for the welcome.

I don't have a 'proper' marathon plan, although I have been looking at the Internet, and also have just taken a book out of the library called "marathon running for mortals" and is aimed at recreational runners who just want to complete the marathon rather than athletes who want to do it in a certain time. But I have not read it yet.

I am running it alone...if you can call it alone when you are running with a few thousand others! My hubby will be there for support and encouragement.

I start no s-ing today. So far I have had a cup of tea, but then it is only 6:15 am......


Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:27 pm
by automatedeating
Have you read Born to Run? by Christopher McDougall? It is so inspiring it has gotten me doing a tiny bit of jogging, and I am so NOT a runner--not interested, not good, hurts me, etc. So if that book could get me off the couch, it must be counted as truly inspirational! :)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 8:21 pm
by Bennedicta
No, I haven't read Born To Run. I shall have to see if the library has got it.

Thank you for the tip. I am a big reader, so any good running books recommendations gratefully received.


Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:14 am
by oolala53
I loved reading Born to Run. On the couch. I mean sitting on the couch. No running on the couch in this house, nor much outside it.

Gotta get my dance fitness tapes out.

Hey, this is giving me an idea. How come there aren't dance-athons for fitness? Oh I guess because it's too hard to determine who comes in first.

And you gotta have a venue.

Back to the drawing, but not running, board.

But you knock yourself out! A good way to celebrate you X-month anniversary on Spark.